Support a person to participate as a member of the community in a health or disability setting
Unit standard 23382 / Version 2Level 3 / Credits 3
Learner information
Your name:
Your workplace:
Your date of birth:
Your national student number (if known):
- I was told about and understand the assessment requirements.
- I have prepared my answers myself.
- Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.
- I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes.
- I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the
NewZealand Qualifications Authority.
I confirm the above declaration: / Yes No / Date:
Assessment result(assessor use only)
Assessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Reassessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Feedback to the learner:
The requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in this unit standard.
Assessor name:
Assessor number: / Date:
US XXXX version X – Moderation and approved Mmmmm YYYY
Trainee assessment issue X.X – Published Mmm YYYY
© Careerforce YYYY
To demonstrate competency, you must be able to: / Outcomes / Taskssupport a person to identify aspirations, choices and abilities for community participation. / 1 / 1
identify opportunities for participation in the community with a person in a health or disability setting. / 2 / 1
contribute to the establishment and maintenance of supports for participation in the community with a person in a health or disability setting. / 3 / 2
- Your answers may be written (either electronically or by hand) or spoken.
- If you need help with this assessment, please contact your assessor.
- Follow your workplace’s policies and procedures for all the tasks in this assessment.
- Once you have completed your assessment, you must read and confirm the declaration on the cover.
Filled in or written answers
- If there are open white spaces on a page because you have written shorter answers, this is acceptable. You don’t have to fill the space.
- Use a pen to write your answers. If you need to change an answer, write your initials beside any corrections you make. If you need more space, attach extra pages with your answer. Add your name and task number to all extra pages you use.
Verbal answers
- If you answer verbally, your assessor will write your answer(s), or may use a voice recorder.
- The learner is you, the person being assessed. You may also be referred to as the trainee, student, candidate or employee in some instances.
- The assessor is the person who will assess you.
- The verifier is a workplace supervisor, team leader, manager or assessor who understands the assessment, works closely with you and can confirm that you have completed a task competently.
- Person refers to a person accessing services in a health or disability setting in either a residential care facility or in a private home. Other terms used for the person being supported include client, consumer, individual, resident, service user or tūroro.
- Workplace policies and procedures are the policies and procedures of your organisation and include ethical codes, standards and other organisational requirements.
- Support should aim to maintain, improve, or restore a consumer’s independence and/or interdependence using the consumer’s existing strengthsand where possible, using resources in the local community.
This is an open book assessment. The following learning resources may be useful when completing this assessment:
- the Careerforce learning resource for this unit standard.
- learning materials, books, the internet and your workplace’s policies and procedures.
- the references listed at the back of this assessment.
Task 1:Consult with a person
You will be observed while completing this task. Your verifier and/or assessor will complete the verification form at the end of this assessment. They may ask questions to clarify your understanding of the tasks you are carrying out.
Consult with a person, other relevant people (see the definition below) and/or their service plan to identify how they would like to participate in the community.
Help them to identify:
- the choices, aspirations and abilities they have for participation.
- what opportunities they have for participation that will fit with their choices, aspirations and abilities.
- which of these opportunities are existingand the resources that are available for this in the community.
- which of these opportunities are newand the resources that are available for this in the community.
Other relevant people may include family or whānau, support workers, staff and/or friends.
Service plan is an individual or group plan for service delivery, developed by service providers with the person or people receiving support and their family or whānau. A service plan may include a care plan or a rehabilitation plan.
You are supporting Mrs Jones (who is wheelchair bound) to participate in the community. You consulted with her, her family or whānau and one of your fellow support workers. Together you have helped Mrs Jones to identify how she would like to participate in the community by looking at her choices, aspirations and abilities. You supported Mrs Jones to identify opportunities that will fit with her choices, aspirations and abilities. You assisted her to look at which opportunities are new and which are existing and what resources are available in the community for her.
Her choices, aspirations and abilitieswere:
She can go to the library,visit family or renew an old friendship (choices). She decided she wants to go to the library (aspiration). She has limited mobility as she is in a wheelchair (abilities).
Possible opportunities were:
Taking the bus or train to the library. Asking a family member to take her to the library. Renting a shuttle or van to take her to the library.
Her existing opportunities and the resources in the community were:
She can take the bus or train. The resources available in the community are staff working on the bus or train that can assist her to get on and off.
Her new opportunities and the resources in the community were:
She can ask someone to help her get to the library. This involves getting help from family or whānau provided their car has space to fit her wheelchair in. She can also take a shuttle or van to the library but this involves a higher cost. You might need to consult with other relevant people (see definition) or a community network organisation to see what other options Mrs Jones has.
The choices, aspirations and abilities of the person you are supporting were:
Possible opportunities that will fit with the person’s choices, aspirations and abilities were:
Existing opportunities and the available resources for this in the community were:
New opportunities and the available resources for this in the community were:
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 1 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
Task 2: Set up and maintain supports
You will be observed while completing this task. Your verifier and/or assessor will complete the verification form at the end of this assessment. They may ask questions to clarify your understanding of the tasks you are carrying out.
AContribute to set up and maintain supports for a person to participate in the community.
You must contribute according to:
- the person’s personal goals.
- the person’s choices, aspirations and abilities.
- the opportunities that were identified.
- your workplace’s policies and procedures.
Give a brief description of how you have contributed to set up supports.
Give a brief description of how you have contributed to maintain supports.
BReview the supports according to your workplace’s policies and procedures.
Give a brief description of how you have done this.
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 2 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
Verification form
To be completed by your verifier and/or assessor
Learner name:
Learner workplace:
Where it applies, comment on the stated criteria.
Where it applies, give examples of the learner’s performance.
Sign and date this verification once you are satisfied the learner has achieved it.
Task 1 / Date achieved:
I observed the learner consult with a person, other relevant people and/or their service plan to identify how they would like to participate in the community. The learner helped them to identify:
the choices, aspirations and abilities they have for participation.
what opportunities they have for participation that will fit with their choices, aspirations and abilities.
which of these opportunities are existing and the resources that are available for this in the community.
which of these opportunities are new and the resources that are available for this in the community.
Verifier comment:
Task 2 (A) / Date achieved:
I observed the learner contribute to set up and maintain supports for a person to participate in the community. Their contribution was done according to:
the person’s personal goals.
the person’s choices, aspirations and abilities.
the opportunities that were identified.
your workplace’s policies and procedures.
Task 2 (B) / Date achieved:
I observed the learner review the supports according to their workplace’s policies and procedures.
Verifier comment:
I confirm that this document is valid and authentic. / Date:
Verifier name: / Position:
Legislation and codes relevant to this unit standard include:
- Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights) Regulations 1996.
- Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001.
- Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
- Human Rights Act 1993.
- Privacy Act 1993.
New Zealand Standards relevant to this unit standard include:
- NZS 8134.0:2008 Health and disability services Standards– Health and disability services (general) Standard.
- NZS 8134.1:2008 Health and disability services Standards– Health and disability services (core) Standards.
- NZS 8158:2003 Home and Community Support Sector Standard available at
If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor. If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result appeal form that can be found online at
Careerforce regularly reviews our assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would appreciate feedback on how you found it. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via our online feedback form at or if you would prefer, send us an email to
US 23382 version 2 – Assessment – Community participation
© Careerforce 2013 – Issue 2.0 – PublishedDecember 20131