Ms. Claytor

English 2

The Odyssey – Writing Assignment

Persuasive Monologues

Persuasive discourse attempts to change what the audience thinks, believes, or values, or to move the audience to take action. In most persuasive discourse, the writer or speaker sates a position and then provides evidence or reasons that attempt to convince the audiences to embrace that position. Look back at Hermes’ speech to Calypso. This is an example of persuasion.

Writers use a variety of techniques to maker their writing persuasive. Some of these techniques are logical and reasonable and accepted in our culture as examples of convincing argument. Other techniques that appeal to the audience’s prejudices or to instincts that most people would consider base (like greed) may be used by writers, but are often seen as inappropriate. Appeals to the audience’s emotions are considered acceptable in some cases but not in others, and must me used carefully. Here are some examples of valid techniques for persuasion:

·  Follow the standards for discourse in your community – make sure that your approach is courteous and presented in an appropriate forum.

·  Tell the truth. If you cannot find convincing evidence, consider changing your point of view. Hermes can honestly say to Calypso that he is going to tell her nothing but the truth. His comments about how unappealing the trip is from Olympus show that he has no personal agenda.

·  Appealing to authority is a way to substantiate your claims. Make sure that the authority you cite is well respected. When Hermes tells Calypso that Zeus is the source of the message he brings, he is appealing to authority.

·  Use statistics and other numerical data. Hermes mentions the length of the Trojan War.

·  Use other kinds of facts (not numerical) that are persuasive. Hermes tells Calypso that it is not possible to elude the will of Zeus. This is a fact in the world of the story.

·  Make sure numerical and other facts are verified. You have a responsibility to present accurate information.


·  Make your point in several different ways. This will help ensure that you have communicated clearly. For example, in the Lattimore translation, restates his goal in three different ways (Book V, lines 112-115):

1.  “Now Zeus tells you to send him on his way with all speed.”

2.  “It is not appointed for him to die here, away from his people.”

3.  “It is still his fate that he shall see his people and come back to his house with the high roof and to the land of his fathers.”

Organization can be important in persuasion. Think carefully about the order in which you will present your evidence or arguments. Writers are often urged to put the most important reason first (or last), and then organize other arguments in descending (or ascending) order of importance.

Knowing your audience in particularly important in persuasion. You need to know how their view differ from yours in order to know what points about your position to address. You need to anticipate their counterarguments in order to forestall them by showing why they either don’t apply or are not valid. Hermes does this when he explains that he never would have come to Calypso’s island of how own free will.


Due: Tuesday, December 9th

Choose a character and situation from those listed below. Think about the audience the character you chose needs to address to get what s/he desires. Write a persuasive monologue for your character. Use techniques from among those listed.

Antinuous / Penelope / Icarius
Odysseus / Home / Zeus
Telemachus / Father / Poseidon
Penelope / Odysseus / Hera
Poseidon / Revenge / Zeus
Independent Choice – Get Approval from Teacher First!