2017 Delegate Information

!(Delegate Registration is part of the online State Convention Registration system)!

Each chapter is to have full delegate representation at each convention session as well as delegate committee meetings.Delegates involved with Career Development Events or Convention Sessions that conflict with Delegate Meetings must have qualified alternates.Delegates are expected to be in Official Dress at all sessions.We also ask that Delegates be prepared to come to the stage for Chapter Awards or to receive awards for chapter members not present at the convention sessions.

We will make every effort to make committee assignments on a first come first served basis.Assignments are made so each committee has at least two delegates from each FFA district.Advisors are asked to recommend delegates they feel should be considered for Committee Co-Chair positions.

Chapter Advisors are asked to recommend delegates to the State Officer Screening Committee.Screening Committee members may not have a member of their chapter running for state office, and we discourage those with close relationships with candidates from serving on the committee, so as to prevent bias from influencing the screening process.

Committee choices include:

1. Screening Committee2. State Program of Activities

3. Auditing Committee 4.LDE Committee

5.CDE Committee6.SAE Promotion/Recognition

7.FFA Participation & Service8. Resolutions & Evaluations

Chapterswithout seated delegateswill not be eligible to participate in any of the competitive activities.All committees will identify/develop critical issues for the national organization delegates.Committee choices include:

1. Officer Screening Committee- Screen & nominate a new slate of state FFA officers. We count on Advisors to identify delegates for this Committee.

2.State Program of Activities- Review and revise (if necessary) the Program of Activities. This committee will take a close look at the operation of our key state and national activities.

3.Auditing Committee- Review & discuss the State Association Financial Report. This committee will also review any proposed changes to our State and National FFA By-Laws and Constitution.

4.LDE Committee—Review & discuss current LDE offerings, policies, and awards. LDEs include: Parliamentary Procedure, Creed Speaking, Job Interview, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Advanced/Greenhand Quiz, and Demonstration.

5. CDE Committee– Review & discuss current CDE offerings, policies, awards. Specifically focus on State Convention Group A (Milk Quality, Meats, Small Animal, Dairy Cattle, Food Science, Dairy Cattle Handlers, Horse) and Tractor Driving.

6.SAE Promotion & Recognition –Discuss and provide ideas on how to promote SAE among members and new ideas of how to recognize members for their SAE programs.

7.FFA Participation & Service –Review, discuss and provide ideas on current or future guidelines for events for members to participate in. This could entail leadership events, service projects, or summer activities.

8.Convention Evaluation and Attractions- Review the format of the State FFA Convention and develop necessary resolutions to provide direction for the State FFA Association. In addition discuss what attractions/activities could be added to convention to enhance the experience.

Every FFA Chapter is to be represented by their quota of Official Delegates.

1-75 members 2 delegates
76-125 members 3 delegates
126-175 members 4 delegates
176-225 members 5 delegates
226-275 members 6 delegates
276-325 members 7 delegates

Delegates will have the following time commitments:

Monday3:00 p.m. Committee Chairs Only (BBFH Room 203)

Tuesday10:00 - 12:00 p.m.Delegate Orientation + Committee Work

1:15 - 3:00 p.m.Additional Committee Work (if necessary)

4:30 p.m.Committee Chair Report Development (BBFH Room 203)

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.Second Convention Session

Committee Reports & New Business

Thursday9:00 a.m.Fifth Convention Session –

Screening Committee Report & New Business

Friday8:00 a.m.Final Convention Session – Elections Resolutions/Evaluation Committee Report

Delegates must be familiar with the methods of conducting business at the State FFA Convention. Committee reports are given on Wednesday morning. Any action recommended by a committee must be introduced as new business and acted upon by the state association – delegate body.


Business of the State FFA Association is conducted each year at the State FFA Convention. According to the State Constitution, each chapter is entitled to 2 official delegates per chapter, plus one additional delegate for each fifty active members or major fraction thereof above the first fifty members.


Committee Chairs meet again at 4:30 on Tuesday to summarize their committee action and compare notes. In a case where two committees have discussed the same item, this group decides how the business will be presented. Committee Chairs then write up a committee report and prepare to give the report to the delegate body. Committee reports are given by the co-chairs on Tuesday evening to the entire delegate body. Reports are accepted by the president and filed with the secretary.


Following committee reports the business session goes immediately to new business. At this time, any action recommended by the committee must be introduced in the form of a motion for consideration and vote by the delegate body. New business is continued at the Thursday afternoon session.

The introduction of New Business is extremely important and is required for any changes to be made in the operation and policies of the FFA Association. Committee Chairs serve an important role to insure that the wishes of their committee are acted upon by the delegate body. Committee reports are just that, and really don't change anything without the action taken in "New Business"

The Screening Committee reports at the Thursday morning session. The Convention Evaluation\Resolutions Committee reports on Friday morning. These two committees require motions to accept their reports or resolutions.


Any proposed amendments to the State Constitution must be prepared in writing and submitted to the executive committee and the State FFA Advisor at least sixty days prior to the annual State Convention. These proposals shall be compiled by the State Advisor and disseminated to local chapters at least thirty days prior to the Convention. Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at the convention.