Precupeţii Vechi 49, Bucharest, Sector 2, Romania

Tel. +40–723–343 312


2016 FiecareVot Election Observation Campaign, Romania Parliamentary Elections –

Election Expert

2016 Expert Forum Election Observation Project, Romania Local Elections –

Election Expert

2016 OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Serbia –

Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2015 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Ukraine –

Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2015 The Carter Center International Election Observation Mission to Guyana –

Short-Term Observer

2015 European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation, Training for International Electoral Observers – Trainer

2014 The Civic Resource Center Election Observation Project for the Presidential Elections in Romania – Election Expert

2014 The Carter Center International Election Observation Mission to Mozambique –

Short-Term Observer

2014 Expert Forum Election Observation Project for the European Parliament Elections in Romania – Election Expert

2013 The Carter Center International Election Observation Mission to Nepal –

Short-Term Observer

2013 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Bulgaria –

Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2012 OSCE/ODIHR Election Expert Team to Romania – Assistant/Interpreter

2012 OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Serbia – Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2010 OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Latvia – Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2010 OSCE/ODIHR Follow-up Visit to Romania – Assistant/Interpreter

2009 OSCE/ODIHR Limited Election Observation Mission to Romania – Assistant to the Co-ordinator of Long-Term Observers

2009 OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission to Romania – Assistant/Interpreter

2008 ENEMO Election Observation Mission to the Extraordinary Election of the President of Georgia – Short-Term Observer

2007 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Moldova – Short-Term Observer

2007 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Serbia – Long-Term Observer

2006 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Long-Term Observer

2005 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Kazakhstan – Long-Term Observer

2005 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Kyrgyzstan – Short-Term Observer

2004 OSCE/ODIHR Election Assessment Mission to Romania – Assistant/Interpreter

2004 OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission to Romania – Assistant/Interpreter

2003 SC Neico SA, PR Executive

·  developed and implemented a project aimed at establishing business relations with international partners

designed and implemented a team building session within the company


2002 – present Freelance translator/interpreter

·  translated various texts such as websites, scholarly articles and museum catalogues (mainly in the field of archaeology)

·  customers include: OSCE/ODIHR, The National History Museum of Romania, UNDP, Strada Film, EPTISA, GRIGORE ALEXANDRESCU Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children, BPP Professional Education, The Civic Academy Foundation

2001 – 2002 Inter Business Group, General Manager Assistant

·  translated, drafted and reviewed business correspondence, technical materials and other relevant documents (English to Romanian, Romanian to English, German to Romanian, Romanian to German, German to English, English to German)

·  coordinated and maintained business relations between the company and various foreign partners

2000 OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Romania – Interpreter and Assistant to the Head of Mission

1997 – December 2000 Presidency of Romania, Public Relations Department – Public Affairs Officer (part-time)

·  participated in drafting reports covering various social topics such as poverty, unemployment, health, education, crime, social integration, homeless and orphan children, local communities

·  monitored, answered and redirected requests addressed to the President of Romania

·  personal audiences with citizens who addressed various requests to the President of Romania (1999-2000)

1999, 2000 Symposium of Communism Victims and of the Resistance, Sighetu Marmatiei, organised by the Civic Academy Foundation – Translator and Interpreter

·  interpreted at meetings – German to Romanian, Romanian to German

·  translated and reviewed texts before publication

1999, 2000 Member of the Jury for the Summer School, Sighetu Marmatiei

·  examined up to 400 essays on various topics and selected the best ones


in Romania

2008 Short Term Observer for Asociatia Pro Democratia during the Bucharest Municipal Elections

2007 Short Term Observer for Asociatia Pro Democratia during the National Referendum in Romania

2005 Short Term Observer for Asociatia Pro Democratia during the Bucharest Municipal Elections

1996 Polling Board member for the Bucharest Municipal Elections


2001 B.A. in English and German Language and Literature, University of Craiova

Title of dissertation: "Jungian Archetypes in Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales"

1996 – 2000 Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest,

English and German profile

1991 – 1995 “Gheorghe Lazar” High School, Bucharest, mathematics-physics profile


September 2000 Seminar “The Decentralisation of the Local Public Administration”, organised by the University of Bucharest, Tempus JEP 95 programme


Very good language skills, both written and spoken

Very good communication and interpersonal skills

Very good organizational skills

Experience in election observation as Core Team member (OSCE/ODIHR EOM to Ukraine 2105, Bulgaria 2013, Serbia 2012 and 2016 and Latvia 2010), Long-Term Observer (OSCE/ODIHR EOMs to Kazakhstan 2005, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2006 and Serbia 2007) Short-Term Observer (The Carter Center EOMs to Nepal 2013, Mozambique 2014, Guyana 2015) OSCE/ODIHR EOMs to Kyrgyzstan 2005 and Moldova 2007, ENEMO EOM to Georgia 2008) and domestic observer (FiecareVot 2016, CRC 2014, Expert Forum 2014 and 2016, Asociatia Pro Democraţia 2005, 2007, 2008)

Experience in maintaining the connection between an international organization and Romanian public authorities (OSCE/ODIHR EOMs to Romania, 2000, 2004, 2009)

PR experience (SC Neico SA, 2003; Presidency of Romania, Public Relations Department, 1997-2000)

Experience in working with local communities (monitored the specific problems of the local community in Vâlcea county in 1999 on behalf of the Presidency of Romania)

Experience in drafting reports pertaining to social research (Presidency of Romania, Public Relations Department, 1997-2000)


Computer literate – Macintosh, Windows, Word, Excel, Internet

Driving licence since May 1998


English very good command, both written and spoken

German very good command, both written and spoken

Italian basic knowledge

French basic knowledge

REFERENCES available upon request