The Mathematics Department at the Focus School Stockport are a hardworking team who want the best for all of our pupils. We encourage our students to achieve the highest grades possible, work hard and be kind, and aspire to be world class institution whilst also conveying our passion and knowledge in the subject.

Our expectation from our students

We expect that our students arrive on time for lessons with the correct equipment and are ready to learn and share new experiences.

We expect out pupils to complete all work to the best of their ability set by the teacher

We expect our student to read and act upon all targets for improvement

What we offer

We nurture an interest in mathematics as a subject and a desire to study mathematics at a high level.

We engender a sense of resilience in their learning and a knowledge that mistakes often leads to success.

We encourage the culture of learning to learn

We enable pupils to make links with mathematics in their daily life.

We work develop a sense of logic, accuracy and correctness to reflect the rules of mathematics.

Our Departmental Team consists of:

Dr. Davies –

Mr. Harrison

Mr. Ade Adegoke

Useful website:

Dr. D. Davies

Key Stage 4 Phase Leader

Aim: This is a key pastoral leadership post within the school with critical importance for securing excellent progress and well-being of the students in years 10 and


Key Responsibility: I am responsible for pastoral support, progress and behaviour management throughout Key Stage 4.

Parent and pupils can speak to me concerning any area from the following;

  • Liaison with parents and staff;
  • Organisation of tutorial programme and leadership and coordination of the form tutor team;
  • Monitoring and self-evaluation of the delivery of the tutorial programmein years 10 and 11;
  • Responsibility for the PSHCE programme in years 10 and 11;
  • Promoting and celebrating pupil achievement through assemblies /newsletters / school magazine etc.;
  • Setting and monitoring of pupil targets based on prior attainment andCAT/FFT data;
  • Identification of, and support for underachieving pupils;
  • Monitoring the progress of individual students and groups in key stage4, and managing appropriate interventions, in liaison with Senior management and form tutors;
  • Application of the Behaviour Management Systems in KS4 includingrewards and consequences, investigating examples of inappropriatebehaviour and issuing sanctions accordingly;
  • Monitoring and enforcement of attendance;
  • Checking and countersigning interim and final reports;
  • Maintenance of pupil pastoral records using the school’s SIMs
  • Regular monitoring of pupil planners across the Key Stage;
  • Provide updates and information to the head teacher and SLT, about the progress of year 10 and 11 and any emerging issues;