Community Services Advisory Board – 2001 Annual ReportAttachment 1

That the 2001 annual report from the Community Services Advisory Board be received for information

Report Summary

  • The Community Services Advisory Board has submitted its 2001 Annual Report to the Community Services Committee.


  • In accordance with City Policy C476, the Community Services Advisory Board is required to provide an annual report to City Council. The Community Services Advisory Board’s 2001 annual report is included as Attachment I.

Background Information Attached

  1. 2001 Annual Report – Community Services Advisory Board

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Community Services Advisory Board – 2001 Annual ReportAttachment 1






April, 2002

City of Edmonton

Community Services Advisory Board


We have an uncompromising commitment to a better quality of life for individuals, families and communities – today and tomorrow.


The Community Services Advisory Board is a diverse group of citizens that provide a community perspective on People, Parks and Places, to City Council and the Community Services Department.


The Community Services Advisory Board’s mandate is to facilitate informed decision making by:

Raising issues and awareness;

Providing advice and recommending policy;

Making recommendations on funding; and

Offering alternative strategies.


November, 2001






In 1997, the City of Edmonton created the Community Services Department by amalgamating the Parks and Recreation Department and the Community and Family Services Department. At the time of the amalgamation, two separate bodies served in advisory capacities to City Council in relation to services provided by each of the previous departments. These advisory groups were the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board (PRCAB) and the Community and Family Services Advisory Committee (CAFSAC).

The mandate of the Community Services Department was to provide a continuum of integrated “people” services. This overarching theme influenced the structuring of the new Department. The Community Services Department (“the Department”) was also committed to continuing a community advisory board role in municipal government. As a result, the Department held discussions with CAFSAC and PRCAB about merging their mandates to complement the Department’s integrated approach.

In April, 1998 the Community Services Department established a Future of Community Service Advisory Boards steering committee. This steering committee included members from CAFSAC and PRCAB. The purpose of the steering committee was to review the structures, the roles, and the reporting relationships of CAFSAC and PRCAB. The steering committee revised, redefined, and improved the two advisory bodies to better reflect the mission and needs of the unified Department.

On January 5, 1999 the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton (“Council”) approved Bylaw 11926 repealing the Community and Family Services Advisory Committee Bylaw, and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Advisory Board Bylaw, and enacting the Community Services Advisory Board.

Actions of the Advisory Board are directed by the Board’s Terms of Reference, developed in 1999. Duties and responsibilities assigned by Council include:

1.provide advice to Council and the Community Services Department about

Community Services’ three-year business plan, its strategic plan, and its

funding priorities;

2.raise issues and offer advice related to the scope of the Department’s

mandate (arts, cultural, multicultural, parks, recreation, sports and social


3.make recommendations to the General Manager of the Department about

the allocation of funds as required under the Family and Community

Support Services legislation;

4.make recommendations to Council for applicable Community Investment

Grants, and other awards as required; and

5.undertake activities and programs as mutually agreed to between the

Board and Council, or the Board and the Department.


In 2001, the Community Services Advisory Board had twelve (12) volunteer positions filled by members representing the community. All members were appointed by resolution of Council. The General Manager of the Community Services Department, or his or her designate, also sits on the Board. The General Manager possesses all the rights of the Board members, except the right to vote.

The first meeting of the Board was held January 25, 2001. Subsequent meetings of the Board were held on the fourth Thursday of each month with other meeting dates arranged as required. The Board held it’s meetings at City Hall in the South Meeting Room for the 2001 term. The Board held ten regular meetings.

During the year 2001, the Board completed significant work in advising the Administration and City Council on a variety of issues. The following are select examples of the work of the Community Services Advisory Board:

1.Provide advice to Council and the Community Services Department about

Community Services’ three-year business plan, its strategic plan, and its

funding priorities.

Anita Moore volunteered to be the Board representative on the Out-of-School Care Advisory Committee. (February, 2001)

2.Raise issues and offer advice related to the scope of the Department’s

mandate (arts, cultural, multicultural, parks, recreation, sports and social


George Witt gave a presentation on surplus school sites. CSAB advised the department that there would be great value in having the Province, the school Boards and the City to come to the table to discuss the issues and to develop a long term strategy for addressing the school site issue in a strategic fashion. (January, 2001)

Gus Ahmad and Ron Gaunce attended FCSS Association of Alberta board meeting on April 20th. A suggestion was made enquiring to the value of a meeting with the Capital Region Caucus. Ron Gaunce, other Board members and a Department representative met and discussed how to approach the Province. In the interim, a letter will be written from CSAB to propose a joint meeting occur. (April, 2001)

Evelyn Ehrman, Director responsible for the Muttart Conservatory, presented the final ‘draft’ plan for Muttart Conservatory redevelopment and encouraged Board members to provide comments and feedback. Evelyn and Linda Cochrane, Branch Manager, answered the Board’s questions related to the development. Lindaencouraged any additional comments from the Board and welcomed any support or endorsement from the Board based on this presentation. (May, 2001)

The Board and the Community Services Department are in the process of completing a final review of Policy C211C, Community Investment Grants (CIG) to Organizations and Individuals. Community Investment Grants include multicultural, recreation / amateur sport, social services, multi-purpose, travel and hosting grants, arts and festivals funding.

Prior to the recommended changes to the Policy being forwarded to Community Services Committee and City Council for approval, it is important to give the community and stakeholders an opportunity to provide input and feedback regarding the Policy revisions. Therefore, a meeting was held on June 12, 2001 for feedback and community input. (May, 2001)

Dennis Freemen, Director of Housing Services, presented information on the Housing Strategy and the review of the Greater Edmonton Foundation. The presentation outlined the role of the City of Edmonton in housing and the various organizations involved in the area and their respective roles. (July, 2001)

Bob Priebe from Parkland Services Branch provided a presentation on areas that are being considered for acquisition and the process used to develop the “Framework for Conservation Planning in an Urban Landscape”. Bob and Joyce Tustian answered questions of the Board with regards to his presentation. (July, 2001)

Seniors Task Force – Special Project Funding: Roger Laing and Susan Morrisey (Society for the Retired and Semi-Retired) provided an overview of the proposal and the work that has been done over the past few years including a study of the strengths and needs of older people in Edmonton. Susan also spoke about the creation of the Edmonton Seniors Community Network. Over 160 people attended a symposium last November. (September, 2001)

Colleen Burton-Ochocki, Supervisor of the Out-of-School Care program, came to the meeting at the request of the FCSS Committee. Colleen provided a brief listing of childcare in Edmonton and explored the role of the Children’s Services Consultants and the Subsidy Assessors. (September, 2001)

3.Make recommendations to the General Manager of the Department about

the allocation of funds as required under the Family and Community

Support Services legislation.

Shirley Domatas and Maureen Phare volunteered to sit on the FCSS Appeals Committee. (January, 2001)

Board recommends that the FCSS Committee funding review model established for the 2001 funding review process continue for 2002. (March, 2001)

Gus Ahmad provided an overview of the work of the FCSS Committee in their review of applications regarding additional FCSS funding. Recommendations were made to fund seventeen (17) existing and five (5) new programs. (July, 2001)

The Board made a motion that the Community Services Advisory Board recommend that the Task Force on Community Services for Seniors be supported with funding to come from the FCSS Special Project Fund. (September, 2001)

Board approves 2002 FCSS funding recommendations. (November, 2001)

Board approves inclusion of community members on FCSS Committee. FCSS Team and FCSS Committee will work together on developing a policy on how the FCSS Team is operated, including Terms of Reference and procedures. (November, 2001)

4.Make recommendations to Council for applicable Community Investment

Grants, and other awards as required.

The Board approves recommendations regarding 2001 Community Investment Operating Grant (CIG). (February, 2001)

Tonia Marini, Anita Moore and Shirley Domatas volunteered to sit on the CIG Appeals Committee. (February, 2001)

FCSS appeal recommendations brought forward to the Board for approval. The Board approves the FCSS Appeals Committee’s recommendation that the six appealing agency’s appeals be denied and that the original 2001 FCSS Funding recommendations be upheld. (February, 2001)

Anita Moore volunteered to Chair the 2002 CIG Operating Grant Review Sub-committee. Two additional members will be required. (May, 2001)

5.Undertake activities and programs as mutually agreed to between the

Board and Council, or the Board and the Department.

Representatives from Edmonton Public School Board and Geri Stead, Edmonton Catholic School Board attended Board meeting to discuss surplus school sites, school closures and construction of new schools. Outcome of the debriefing discussion following the guest speakers departure from the meeting: CSAB will write a letter to City Council to encourage Council to focus on the community space issue and the benefits and losses in relation to schools. (March, 2001)

A number of Board members attend Vitalize Conference(March, 2001)

Bob Caldwell, Manager of Planning and Policy Services Branch, from the Planning and Development Department presented information on the Griesbach site. In January, 2001 Council granted approval for a plan to be developed for the Griesbach site by Canada Lands Corporation. The plan being developed is a statutory plan and will require Council approval. (April, 2001)

The Board approves Gus Ahmad as the Board representative on the FCSSAA Board of Directors. (November, 2001)

Board adopts the “Vision, Mission and Mandate” document. (November, 2001)


The Community Services Advisory Board may establish, or disband, committees, sub-committees, and ad hoc committees to deal with matters within the scope of the Board.

Sub-committees of the Board continue to meet when necessary and at the convenience of their members. At times, sub-committee members met two to three times per week, depending on the various grant seasons and issues being discussed.

C.1)FCSS Committee:

The Board had five (5) members on the FCSS Committee in 2001. The

purpose of the FCSS Committee (the “Committee”) is to:

provide advice to the Community Services Advisory Board and the General Manager of the Community Services Department (the “Department”) about the allocation of funds as required under the Family and Community Support Services legislation;

provide advice to the Board and the Department regarding FCSS funding-related issues e.g. funding priorities, funding to new programs.

C.2)Volunteerism Committee:

In 1999, the Community Services Advisory Board established a Volunteerism Committee to respond to the recommendations from the Volunteer Research Project Advisory Committee. The Volunteer Research Project Advisory Committee made some broad-based recommendations to the Community Services Advisory Board for transmittal to and consideration by the City of Edmonton as they fit within the Board’s mandate, under City Bylaw 11926, “to have a key role in developing a long-term plan for community services in Edmonton.”

In 2001, the Board had four (4) members on the Volunteerism Committee.

C.3)CIG Committee:

On November 22, 2001 the Board passed a motion to establish a Community Investment Grant Committee and Grant Review Sub-Committees. The purpose of the Community Investment Grant Committee (the “Committee”) is to:

provide recommendations to the Board on the three-year funding Program Priorities and Guidelines for not-for-profit organizations (social services, multicultural, recreation / amateur sport) for Community Investment Operating Grants;

provide recommendations to the Board on the allocation of Community Investment Grants – Operating and Hosting, in accordance with City Policy C211D (Community Investment Grants to Organizations and Individuals).

C.4)Grant Review Sub-Committee:

The purpose of the three Grant Review Sub-Committees are to assist the Community Investment Grant Committee in the review of applications for Community Investment Operating Grants. Each Grant Review Sub-Committee will review grant applications from one of the three sectors (social services, multicultural, recreation / amateur sport) and provide anevaluation based on the following:

general principles of City Policy C211D

program priorities approved by City Council

guidelines approved by City Council

The Grant Review Sub-Committees will advise the Community Investment Grant Committee through their respective Chairs. Members will complete an evaluation of the grant review process and their role to the Community Investment Grant Review Committee.

C.5)Out-of-School Care Standards Advisory Committee:

The Out-of-School Care Standards Advisory Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the Community Services Department and will address issues related to the implementation of the Approved Out-of-School Care Standards. This committee will also serve as an appeal body for out-of-school care operators and out-of-school care staff qualification applicants.

The one representative from the Community Services Advisory Board will act

as a liaison, ensuring communication and information flows both ways.


The Community Services Advisory Board is a dynamic entity. From its inception a little over three years ago, it has worked as a link between Council and the Administration. It has balanced the necessity of recommending grant awards and its desire to comment more effectively on the policy issues of both Council and the Community Services Department. Board members of the Community Services Advisory Board see themselves as an important aspect to the decision-making process of the City and possess a great deal of expertise in the areas of human and community development.

Over this past year, the Board has worked closely with the Department to introduce a new, integrated Community Investment Operating Grant review process. The Community Services Advisory Board has worked hard to better define its mandate as an advisory board and improve its ability to focus on an issue.

It is the hope of the Board that Members of City Council continue to see the importance of the Community Services Advisory Board and begin to use its make-up as a sounding board for policy decisions as they relate to not only the Community Services Department but various other aspects of the City of Edmonton that impact the community.

The Board also faces some significant challenges over the next 2-3 years, as many of its more experienced members will be potentially leaving the Board. This will increase the need for Council to seek out competent and appropriate individuals with very specific skill sets. These skill sets would include a focus on parks, recreation and culture.

I hope these comments are satisfactory in informing Council of the Board’s activities over the past year. As for myself, I would like to take this opportunity to thank City Council for having given me the opportunity to serve on the Board, where I feel I have been able to make a contribution to the City of Edmonton on a number of issues of interest to all of us. I would also like to thank my Board colleagues and citizens who volunteered to serve on sub-committees for the thousands of volunteer hours they have contributed.

On behalf of the Community Services Advisory Board I would also like to thank the employees of the Community Services Department and of the City Clerk’s Office who have cheerfully and efficiently provided support to me as a member and subsequently as Chair of the Board.

D. A (Don) Barrett

Chair, Community Services Advisory Board

April, 2002




Don Barrett – Chair

Ron Gaunce – Vice-Chair

Members at Large:

Anita Moore

Alice Bouchard

Augustine Ebinu

Elna Nash

Gus Ahmad

Holly Palmer

Peter Thomas

Shelley Tupper

Shirley Domatas

Tonia Marini

Vi Presley

Joyce Tustian – General Manager, Community Services Department

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