Study Guide for 7th Grade - America Becomes a World Power

  1. All 19 vocabulary and their definitions
  1. Who wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History? Why was it important to the United States?
  1. The Philippines were originally a colony of what country?
  1. Which two forces clashed in the Philippine-American War AND why were these countries fighting?
  1. What groups of people made up the Rough Riders and why was this important? How long were they together?
  1. Who was president at the time of the Spanish-American War?
  1. Describe Manifest Destiny – where did it start and what was the catch phrase all about?
  1. What was the name that the government and Alfred Mahan gave to the Navy?
  1. Describe the Boxer Rebellion and where did it take place?
  1. What is significant about Teddy Roosevelt’s visit to Panama AND why did he make the statement “Walk softly and carry a big stick”?
  1. What countries were occupied by the United States when the Anti-Imperialist League was founded?
  1. What diseases were the construction workers on the Panama Canal struck with?
  1. When did the Battleship Maine explode? When did the U.S. declare war on Spain? When was the Treaty of Paris signed?
  1. What was the quote that was printed in US papers after the Maine was sunk? What did it mean?
  1. Explain the annexation of Hawaii. Be sure to include the queen, treaties, other countries involved, and more!
  1. Why was the USA involved in helping Cuba? Was it right of them to do so?
  1. How was Alaska acquired (by whom and for how much) and what hardships did the U.S. overcome to see that it was beneficial to us?
  1. What part did the USA play in imperialism?
  1. What was the Great White Fleet?
  1. What sacrifices and means did we have to take to become the world power that we are today?
  1. What were the steps that led to the building of the Panama Canal? Why was it important to us? Who was involved in making this happen for the US?
  1. Why did the Philippine American War cause such a raucous in the United States? Explain you answer!
  1. Put the following events in chronological order.
  1. US declares war on Spain
  2. Manifest Destiny begins
  3. US purchases Alaska
  4. The Maine explodes in Havana Harbor
  5. Queen Lili takes the throne
  6. Panama Canal is finished and open to ships
  7. Teddy Roosevelt travels to Panama
  8. US annexes Hawaii