2018 Texas HIV/STD Conference

Research Abstract - Submission Guidelines


  • Abstracts should be completed and submitted by the primary author or co-author.
  • Submission of an abstract implies that the primary author or co-author are committed to making a presentation or poster presentation at the conference if the abstract is accepted.
  • Abstracts mustinclude all requestedauthor contact information.
  • It is the responsibility of the person completing this abstract to communicate future correspondence with any co-authors.
  • Please limit the use of all caps to acronyms, spelling out organization names, etc. on the first reference.
  • Concluding statements such as “to be completed” may not be accepted.


  • Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract.
  • The title is not included in the abstract word count.
  • The title should not exceed 185 characters.
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the title, any proper nouns or acronyms, and the first word following a colon (:).
  • Please do not: a.) begin titles with “The”, b.) end the title with a period, and c.) use abbreviations.

Presentation Format

  • Oral Presentation - Findings are presented to an audience on a specific topic within a breakout session. Oral presentations are 30 minutes.Please allow at least five minutes for questions within your 30-minute presentation time.This format is required for applicants of the Texas HIV/STD Student Research Award.
  • Poster Presentation - A visual illustration of findings displayed through graphics, photographs, diagrams and limited text on poster board. Authors must be present at their poster for discussionswith conference attendees for the full the poster presentation session.


Organize the abstract into six sections with the following headings. The entire abstract should not exceed 500 words. Use single spacing and 12pt font.

  1. Title - enter title for topic/research abstract
  2. Background and Introduction - context of reported work; description of the problem; clear statement of purpose; study objectives/hypothesis; previous work in area
  3. Methods - clearly described study design and appropriate statistical analyses
  4. Results - specific results in summary form; actual study data presented
  5. Discussion - results explained/considered; description of the main outcome of the study; stated study objective(s) addressed
  6. Implications - description of the public health implications for HIV/STD programs, policy and/or research

2018 Texas HIV/STD Conference

Research Abstract

Presenter Information

Provide the following information for each presenting author.

Full Name with Credentials:

Job Title:

Organization, City and State:


Education: (Example: B.S., Nursing, 1989 - University of Texas - Austin, TX)

Professional Experience: (i.e. 1995-2000 - Epidemiologist, DSHS, Immunization Program, Austin, TX)

Other Author Information

Provide the following information for all authors not presenting.List authors in preferred order for the conference program. Indicate primary author.

Full Name with Credentials:

Organization, City and State:


Waived Speaker Registration

One author per presentation will receive a waived registration for the conference. If the planning committee selects this abstract for presentation at the conference, please indicate the name of the author who should receive waived registration.

Assign Waived Registration to:


Complete this section if you are a student.

School or University:

Area of Study:

Anticipated graduation date:

Candidate for (list type of degree):

Preferred Presentation Format (select one)

___ Oral Presentation

___ Poster Presentation

Texas HIV/STD Student Research Award

Read the 2018 Texas HIV/STD Student Research Award Guidelines ( select one of the following options.

___ Yes, please consider this abstract for the 2018Texas HIV/STD Student Research Award. Award applicants must also submit the primary author’s curriculum vitae (no more than four pages).

___ No, please do not submit this abstract in consideration for the 2018Texas HIV/STD Student Research Award.


Send completed abstracts to yMay 31, 2018.

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2018 Texas HIV/STD Conference – Research Abstract