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  • RADIO SAUT strives to maintain the highest standard of journalistic ethics. We are confident that our staff members share that goal.
  • This policy will not be interpreted or applied so as to preclude speech and activities protected by statute or by the collective bargaining agreement
  • To cover the news impartially and to treat listeners, news sources, advertisers and all parts of our society fairly and openly, and to be seen as doing so. The reputation of SAUT RADIO rests upon that perception, and so do the professional reputations of our staff members. Thus The SAUT and members of newsroom and editors share an interest in avoiding conflicts of interest or any appearance of conflict.
  • We must avoid any perception that RADIO SAUT impartiality is in doubt. In practical terms, that means that staff members may not use their positions in any way to obtain special privileges, from people or institutions in the news, that are not equally available to the general public. Nor can they use their positions to obtain favorable coverage from–or even special access to–the newspaper for family or friends who do not on their own merits warrant such coverage.
  • Radio SAUT will always "enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news and information”
  • Our news content will always of the highest quality and integrity: This is the basis for our reputation and the means by which we fulfill the public trust and our customers'expectations."
  • Our contracts with freelance contributors require them to avoid conflicts of interest, real or apparent. In keeping with that provision, they must honor these guidelines
  • Conflicts of interest, real or apparent, may arise in many areas. They may involve tensions between journalists' professional obligations to our audience and their relationships with news sources, advocacy groups, advertisers, or competitors; with one another;. And at SAUT time when two-career families are the norm, the civic and professional activities of spouses, household members and other relatives can create conflicts or the appearance of them.

Sr. Ernestina Patrick

News editor