/ International
OFFICERS’ AGENDA: 14 Oct. 2015, 11.00 EDT, 16.00 BST


Agenda item: / 1.  Minutes of last meeting - Reviewed
Agenda item: / 2.  IBC Victoria Update
a.  Call for Contributed is out.
b.  Student oral competition and poster competition will be handled after abstracts are selected.
c.  WNAR invited sessions – WNAR seeking speaker from Microsoft
d.  Registration being set up
e.  Sponsorship – letters are out
f.  Officers will meet on Saturday evening prior to start of the IBC and possibly include IPC and LOC chairs.
g.  Young Statisticians – Showcase (competition); Social (organized) Facebook activity; Informal get-together on Monday. Elizabeth will seek out someone to coordinate activities.
Agenda item: / 3.  IBC Barcelona update:
a.  Need to notify IPC/LOC co-chairs – Elizabeth notified everyone via email and she will work with Charmaine to organize the IPC by next summer’s IBC.
Agenda item: / 4.  Executive Board & Governance
a.  Minutes – circulated to the Executive Board.
b.  Follow-up from EB meeting
1.  Vote on Bylaws – advance email and then vote by membership.
2.  Update P&Ps - Dee Ann to put in final form and uploaded.
3.  Notify Wiley/Biometrics EE re: page charges – Dee Ann notified Wiley and EE.
4.  Notify IPC/LOC chairs (2018) – Elizabeth notified them.
5.  Notify JABES editor of budget – Dee Ann to notify and prefer to contract with institution than individual. How procedures should be implemented.
6.  Advertise Network Funding program – Dee Ann to post on website and send notice to Regional officers
Need to draft a final document. John and James will review it.
7.  Appoint Publication Review Taskforce – John promised!
c.  Memorandum of Understanding with ISI will be reviewed first and then sent to the Executive Board for their review.
d.  Prepare Budget draft – James & Dee Ann to move forward with this. Dee Ann met with Michael Rhinehart and discussed investments.
e.  Rep. Council almost complete
f.  Rep. Council needs to put together Nominating Committee. Andrea to be reminded.
g.  Committee appointments: Elizabeth may reach out to an ENAR member in Minnesota to oversee the YSS activities at IBC. Need an ecological oriented person for the EAC; John suggested Ruth King of the BIR.
Agenda item: / 5.  Regional Activities
a.  African Initiatives – John talked briefly with Andrew Mead about what they are doing but has not been able to speak with Forshee about SUSAN.
b.  Network/Inter-Regional program needs to be advertised.
Agenda item: / 6.  Update on IBS standing committee activity
a.  Finance-
b.  Education –Journal club needs to be discussed.
c.  Editorial –
d.  Awards Fund – Received two more applications one each from Kenya and India. Call for IBC travel awards goes out 1 Nov.
e.  Conference Advisory Committee- South Korea and China are in discussions.
f.  Communications – Website RFP is out for review and will be sent to 3 potential providers next week.
g.  Rep. Council – Call for Honours & Awards, Network funding, YSS are all moving forward. Nominating Committee needs to be formed.
Agenda item: / 7.  International Prize in Statistics in 2017 – Generally, the officers felt that IBS should be spending its funds in ways to support the developing world rather than an international prize. However, Niels will provide more information after October 14 and the officers and Executive Board can discuss IBS’ participation.
Agenda item: / 8.  IBO Activities
a.  Review completed and staff met with Clarice and responded to questions. Final report is coming soon.

Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 11:40 (EDT)


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