For office use only: Data Entry Date:______
Site: ______ABLE Staff:______ / STUDENT REGISTRATION
SFY 2001 (2000 - 2001) / Date Form is completed:______
Social Security #: ______- ______-______

Name: ______

Last First M.I. Maiden (or Other Former Name)

Address: ______Apt.#:______Telephone: Home: (______) ______-______

City: ______State: ______Zip:______County: ______Work: (______) ______-______

Age:______Date of Birth:______Place of Birth:______

Month Day Year City State Country

Emergency information: Contact Person: ______Phone: ______Allergies or conditions we should know about: ______

Fill in the correct circle for each question.

1. m Male m Female

2. Ethnic Background: MARK ONLY ONE.

m American Indian or Alaska Native

m Asian

m Black or African American

m Hispanic or Latino

m Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

m White

3. Are you a US Citizen? m Yes m No

4. Are you a US Veteran? m Yes m No

5. Are you registered to vote? m Yes m No

6. Education:

Last full grade completed:______


m High school/GED graduate or equivalent in country of origin

m Attended college/university/trade school

m Graduated from college/university/trade school

m Other (Specify: ______)

m Name and location of last school attended:


7. Number of children under 18 living in your home:______

8. Are you a single parent? m Yes m No

9. Do you receive public assistance?

m Yes m No

If yes, mark all types that apply:


m Food Stamps only

m Subsidized Housing

m Medicaid #: ______

m Other (Specify: ______)

10. Employment Status: MARK ONLY ONE.

m Employed, Full time

m Employed, Part time

m Not employed, but looking for a job

m Not employed, not looking for a job

m Retired

11. How did you find out about this program? MARK ALL THAT APPLY.

m Employer

m Family member

m Friend

m I attended before

m Newspaper ad

m GED on TV Estimated ______hours viewed

m Television/Radio ad

m Brochure/Flyer

m Department of Job and Family Services

m Other (Specify: ______)

12. What is your primary goal for coming to this program? MARK ONLY ONE.

m To improve basic skills

m To improve English language skills (ESOL)

m To obtain a job

m To retain current job

m To earn GED or secondary school diploma

m To enter postsecondary education or training

m To improve basic skills to increase involvement in children's education (relates to school activities)

m To improve basic skills to increase involvement in children's literacy-related activities

13. (Optional) What is your secondary goal for coming

to this program? MARK ONLY ONE.

m To improve basic skills

m To improve English language skills (ESOL)

m To obtain a job

m To retain current job

m To earn GED or secondary school diploma

m To enter postsecondary education or training

m To increase involvement in children's education (relates to school activities)

m To increase involvement in children's literacy- related activities

m To decrease public assistance received

m To obtain citizenship skills

m To register to vote or to vote for the first time

m Other (Specify:______)


SS#: _____-_____-______

Optional Questions

A. General

14. Did you pass the Ohio 9th grade proficiency test?

m Yes, all of the sections

m Some of the sections. Specify ______

m No ______

m N/A ______

15. Do you have:

a driver’s license? m Yes m No

a library card? m Yes m No

reliable transportation? m Yes m No

reliable child care? m Yes m No m N/A

B. Workplace

16. Employer:


17. Dept/area: ______Shift:______

18. In what field is your current job?

m Business

m Education

m Farming

m Manufacturing/trade

m Retail/sales

m Service

m Other (Specify: ______)

19. Present skills/experience:

m Clerical (data entry, cash register, secretarial, etc.)

m Computer

m Manual (bricklayer, carpenter, heavy equipment operator, etc.)

m Retail (cashier, stocker, sales clerk, etc.)

m Service (health care, child care, etc.)

m Technical (TV, refrigerator, auto, etc.)

m Other (Specify: ______)


20. Date when you entered the country:


21. Do you plan to stay in the US permanently?

m Yes m No How long?______

22. What is your native language?

23. What languages do you speak?

24. Have you studied English before?

m Yes How long?______m No

25. I am here to improve my

m speaking

m writing

m reading

m listening

m knowledge of American culture

26. I am here to prepare for The U.S.

Citizenship Test. m Yes m No



Student Status

m Disabled m Rural* Resident

m Displaced Homemaker m Dislocated Worker

m Migrant Farm Worker m Homeless

Program Type

m Workplace Literacy m Family Literacy

m Institutionalized Settings m Corrections Facility

m Jail m Community Corrections

m Homeless Program

*defined by NRS as places of less than 2,500 inhabitants and outside urbanized areas


Mark the ABE level:

m Beginning ABE Literacy m Beginning Basic Education m Low-Intermediate

(0 - 1.9) (2.0 - 3.9) (4.0 - 5.9)

m High-Intermediate m Low Adult Secondary m High Adult Secondary

(6.0 - 8.9) (9.0 - 10.9) (11.0 - 12.9)

Mark the ESOL level:

m Beginning ESOL Literacy m Beginning ESOL m Low-Intermediate

m High-Intermediate m Low Advanced m High Advanced

**Note: Refer to definitions in the O-PAS manual for clarification of categories.