Invitation to pastors, preachers and others involved in Christian ministry

The next KwaSizabantuMinisters' Conference is to take place on4 – 6 March 2013, the Lord willing.All pastors, preachers and others involved in Christian ministry, together with their spouses, are invited to attend this conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu-Natal.


The theme for the Conference is,

Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life

This themeis of vital importance in the time in which we live where there is so much error and deception. May God grant that this conference will lead every servant of the Lord into a deeper relationship with Him and a better knowledge of Him as the way, the truth and the life.


This will be the 18thKwaSizabantu Ministers' Conference in South Africa(we hold them in alternate years in Europe). These conferences began in 1988 and have been a source of much blessing and encouragement to pastors and Christian leaders. The conference is usually attended by over a thousand preachers and other Christian leaders from all over the world and from a great variety of church backgrounds.

Different speakers, locally and from abroad, are invitedto address the conference. Some speakers from past conferences include the British MP Rev Ian Paisley;Rev NdabaMazabane, Chairman of the World Evangelical Alliance;and Brigadier General Charlie Duke, the 10th man to walk on the moon.


Here are some of the speakers who will be addressing the meetings, the Lord willing:

DrMichaelAVERY / / President, God’s Bible School & College, USA
Prof JohanJANSE VAN RENSBURG / / Emeritus Professor, Practical Theology, University of the Free State
DrGeorgeMNISI / / Principal of UBI (Union BibleInstitute)
Dr RobértMOLNáR / / International Christian Speaker;
Former Member of the Hungarian Parliament
Rev YoussefOURAHMANE / / Operation Mobilisation Algeria Field Leader
Rev ErloSTEGEN / / Director, KwaSizabantu Mission

There is more information about previous conferences available on the website and more details of this coming conference will be forthcoming and available on the website as well.

Meetings are from Monday evening to Wednesday evening, allowing ministers to be with their congregations over the weekends.


For attendance, please send an e-mail phone 032481 5727, providing the names of those who would like to attend, specifying couples, male or female.

Although food and accommodation is freely provided for,there is a request that delegates bring their own bedding, if possible – except those who come by plane.Those who arrive by plane or bus from far away,may receive assistance with transport to and from the Durban International Airport and Durban station / bus-stop. Please contact the Mission to make arrangements using the abovementioned contact details.

Looking forward to hearing from pastors and other Christian leaders who would like to attend.

PS. Any preacher who would like to receive future invitations and updates by e-mail, is welcome to request to be put onto the mailing list by sending an e-mail to .