Objective / Question /
HR Infrastructure / How comprehensive is the recruitment policy? /
How is the recruitment integrated with corporate and business unit planning? /
Preparation / Are alternatives considered before the decision to fill a role is made (job redesign, reassignment of duties, secondments, contractors, better use of technology)? /
1 / Know your business / Does the staff understand the team implications of the higher level HR strategy and workforce plan? Is there any guidance? /
2 / Determine what’s involved in the role / •  Are there specific requirements (guidance) in your business unit regarding job descriptions?
•  Are selection criteria reflective of the generic organizational competencies, include job-relevant criteria (as stated in the job description) and future requirements? Are they regularly reviewed?
•  What methods do you use in your business unit to determine what functional and behavioral skills you need in the role (e.g., capability framework, critical incident technique, repertory grid interviews)?
•  How are the team’s needs determined in your business unit?
•  Are other selection requirements, other than the interview and reference check, relevant to your business unit (e.g., work sample, skill test, assessment centers)?
•  Is advice available from HR? Does it help? / From your experience, how long does this process take to complete? Are there any difficult parts? Are there any challenges in this stage? /
3 / Determine the team’s needs /
4 / Determine who you need in the role /
5 / Identify and work through the options: budget, time, level and flexibility /
6 / Know your candidates /
Objective / Question /
7 / Know the labor market / •  How do business units maintain knowledge about the state of the labor market?
•  How does HR maintain knowledge about the labor market? / From your experience, how long does this process take to complete? Are there any difficult parts? Are there any challenges in this stage? /
8 / Determine what’s attractive about your organization / •  How do you determine attractive or selling points in your business unit? What are the usual attractive points used in your business unit? /
9 / Determine the selling points of the role /
10 / Write and place the advertisement / •  Does the recruitment strategy target the largest possible candidate pool? How do business units determine where to advertise the position? Are there guidelines regarding the content of the job advertisement?
•  Is HR involved in designing the advertisement to ensure that the department’s work is promoted in addition to attracting the best candidates?
•  Does HR or the business unit maintain a database of external candidates from previous recruitment actions? /
11 / Prepare an application kit / •  Who in your business unit is responsible for overseeing the hiring process for the job advertised?
•  Are there information kits relevant to your business unit? /
12 / Convert interest into quality applicants /
Objective / Question /
13 / Prepare for selection process / •  Is guidance available from the HR? / From your experience, how long does this process take to complete? Are there any difficult parts? Are there any challenges in this stage? /
14 / Selection process / •  Is HR involved in the candidate selection process?
•  Is there a procedure in place to communicate any skills development needs for HR to identify in the selection process?
•  Do you consider a failure of the recruitment exercise the loss or rejection of offer by the preferred candidate?
•  Describe your candidate ranking process.
•  Describe the pre-employment screening process. /
15 / Induction to organization and role / •  Describe the process used to bring new employees on board within the organization (e.g., first day of employment). /
16 / Retain your new staff member / •  Describe the process used to evaluate the performance of all new employees. /

Source: 1