Women of Color Network (WOCN)

Economic Policy and Leadership

West Regional Forum

for Anti-Violence, Economic Justice, and Social Justice Advocates

July 17-18, 2013 ●Phoenix, AZ


This training is free to recipients of OVW Grants, including Grants to Encourage Arrests, STOP, Campus, Rural, Sexual Assault, and Tribal Grantees. Registration is limited to 25 OVW grantees and registrants will be responsible for covering all related expenses, such as travel, meals, and overnight accommodations. You may use your OVW training and travel funds to cover all related travel expenses.

WOCN is pleased to announce that we will enable 25 OVW grantees to join 6 non-OVW grantees in attendance at the Women of Color Economic Policy and Leadership Western Regional Forum. Completing this application form does not guarantee a space at the Regional Forum. Selection of the 25 OVW-funded grantees will be based on order of application forms received as well as the following criteria:

1)The 25 advocates must work at an organization based in AK, AZ, CA, CO, ID, HI, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY, American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands that is currently receiving funds from OVW;

2)Selections may be made to ensure regional and population diversity;

3)Priority will be given to diverse advocates seeking to organize an ongoing services and policy response for the economic needs of women of color and underserved survivors of violence, including through engagement with WOCN’s policy development in economic security; and,

4)Priority will be given to advocates of color seeking to develop and enhance their leadership skills and impact in the arena of economic security for survivors of violence.

We know many advocates work in economic and social justice on a daily basis given this work is necessary for the survival of victims of violence and communities of color who may be facing economic barriers and duress. Therefore, it is neither necessary that advocates’ job titles state economic security nor that applicants’ organizations focus solely on economic and/or social justice. We are, however, prioritizing applicants who see their work as strongly rooted in and aligned with the objectives and content of the Regional Forum. This includes interest and expertise in building and strengthening a safety net for women of color survivors in the following five arenas: Institutional bias and affect on services; Advocacy inclusion as part of our work; Re-entry populations; Tribal sexual assault; and, U & T-Visas.

Please read these parameters carefully and completely before you apply. If you have any questions, contact Purvi Shah, WOCN Economic Policy and Leadership Consultant, at , or the WOCN office at (800) 537-2238 x 280.

This project is supported by Grant No. 2010-ET-S6-K015 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication, conference agenda, or product, are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice.


Please print or type clearly. Attendee lists and name badges will also be made from these forms.

Please answer each question carefully and completely.

General Information

Grant Jurisdiction (City, County, or State) Grant #

Name: ______

Title: ______


Street Address:

City: State: Zip: Region:

Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mail:

Organizational Information

1. Does your organization receive OVW funds and is it based in a Western state or territory (AK, AZ, CA, CO, ID, HI, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY, American Samoa, Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands)? Yes ______or No ______

2. Are you able to travel to Phoenix, AZ to arrive on July 16, 2013 as well as attend both days of the Regional Forum from July 17 (full-day session) – July 18 (half-day session)?

Yes ______or No ______

3. Are you a direct services advocate? Yes ______or No ______

4. Are you a policy advocate? Yes ______or No ______

5. If you responded “No” to questions 3 and 4, please note your sector of work:


6. Please give a detailed description of your role and how it intersects with economic justice and/or advocacy for women of color and underserved survivors of violence. Please describe your specific experience in this arena as well as how long you have been engaged in this work.

7. What ethnic, racial, and/or other communities are of concern to you in this economy at a personal and/or professional level? Do you identify as being part of these communities?

8. What do you specifically hope to gain from the Regional Forum? How do you expect the Regional Forum to advance your daily work and advocacy? What connections do you hope to build in order to increase the impact of your work?

9. What skills, knowledge, resources, and expertise can you offer that would be beneficial to advancing the objectives outlined for the WOCN Economic Policy and Leadership West Regional Forum?

10. Can you commit to taking information back to your agency after the Regional Forum and participating (or enabling an agency colleague to participate) in the WOCN Women of Color Policy Task Force following the Regional Forum (participation includes providing input on policy issues, joining monthly working group meetings on the five arenas outlined as Regional Forum focus areas, and possible webinars, etc.)?

Yes ______or No ______

If yes, please describe what participation you or your agency currently anticipate you could sustain:

11. Do you have any accessibility needs or other considerations in order to participate fully in the Regional Forum?

Yes ______or No ______

If yes, please describe here:

12. During the Regional Forum, would you be interested in sharing a hotel room or being matched in a hotel room by the WOCN office with someone you possibly have not met in order to save on costs?

Yes ______or No ______

13. Haveyou ever attended a WOCN event?

Yes ______or No ______

If yes, please list the event(s).

14. How did you hear about the WOCN West Regional Forum? We thank you for your interest and excitement!

The application deadline is Friday, June 7, 2013.

Please e-mail your completed application form by this date to Shasme Jackson at .

Applications will be reviewed in order received.

Please do not make any arrangements to attend until you have received confirmation of your attendance from WOCN.