SASA Board Meeting Agenda

May 15, 2016

6:00 pm

Present: Dan E, Dustin, Shane, Dan M, Jason C, Joe M, Tania, Scooter, Travis, Casey, Andrea

Absent: Corey, Andy, Pete, Coralee

Guests: Dakota Woodworth

Meeting commenced @ 18:10hrs.

  1. Review and approve minutes from April, 2016- Motion to approve meeting minutes, 1st Dustin, 2nd DanM. All in favor, passed unanimously
  1. Guests- Dakota Woodworth (former UVM goalie, runs Tim Thomas hockey clinic in the summer) goalie program, willing to help with goalie coaching/practices. Need to fit it into the schedule and practices.
  1. Registrar
  2. Set registration fees- Corey is absent, will defer to June. Ideally open registration the night of the membership meeting July 7th @6pm at CPSC.
  1. Snack Bar- hours to be billed to families who haven’t completed their hours. For 2016-17 season suggestions to possibly increase the number of snack bar and tournament hours to cover the needs; until we have the financials this needs to be determined.
  1. Treasurer- Corey absent.
  1. Equipment / Pro Shop- Casey- not all the jerseys are in yet from the coaches. Another storage unit is needed due to the volume of equipment. Due to financial constraints, we will be using all available equipment for this upcoming season.
  1. Head Coach- working on numbers in the younger groups, who is returning. Bantam numbers are low, we will be talking with other associations regarding possible merger. Dan, Scooter, Casey to meet with Milton & MAHA May 19, 2016. Midget meeting June 15, 2016.
  1. Head Ref- Andy absent.
  1. Master Scheduler- Andrea needs to know when to meet with Tim regarding ice scheduling.
  1. Fundraising
  2. Update on golf tournament- Shane needs sponsorships, teams are committed. Next planning meeting end of May/beginning of June.
  3. Street hockey tournament- June 25th at CPSC, 3 vs. 3 format, will be posted on the website.
  4. Calcutta- Oct 29 at Bliss, costume themed optional, more discussion to follow.
  5. Others- none at this time
  1. State Rep- no meetings until September
  1. New Business
  2. Survey-discussion of the results regarding board comments.
  3. Membership meeting- July 7th at CPSC, Dan to set agenda
  4. Website- we need a new website, takes 4-6 weeks to be built, manual process to move over all the information. Move to give Jason authorization to spend the $845 to begin the process of moving from old website format to new website format and then he will also figure out with the executive board with the transferring of SASA information, 1st by Dustin, 2nd by Casey, all in favor, passed unanimously.
  1. Old business
  2. Parade- Many thanks to Stephanie Metruk for organizing the SASA float at the Maple Festival parade.

Motion to adjourn @ 20:30hrs 1st by Dustin, 2nd by Dan M, all in favor, passed unanimously.