Client Informationpage 1 of 2

Owners Name: ______

First Last

Address: ______

Number Street Apartment #


Town Province Postal Code

Phone Numbers: Home: ______


Business: ______Fax______

E-mail ______

Tell us how you heard about Diamond in the Ruff:

Diamond agrees that your personal information will stay confidential and will not be passed on or sold to other companies for solicitation.

Emergency Contact Information

This information is for when you, the owner, cannot be reached for the duration of your pet’s stay. Your emergency contact should always be aware that they are listed and could be required to make critical decisions regarding your pet when contacted.

Name: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Veterinary Information

Veterinary Clinic Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Page 2

Pet Information

Pet Name: ______

Breed: ______Color:______

Date of Birth______Male Female Fixed Intact

Dog Friendly: Yes No

Allergies, Conditions, Major Surgeries, On-going Medications

Eg. allergic to aloe shampoo, has epilepsy, had hip surgery on right back leg, takes medication in the morning with food for epilepsy, dogs need to be separated for feeding

Feeding Instructions

Use Diamond food Brought our own Food

How many measured cups (NOT scoops) per meal:______

Feeding times (ie. AM, noon, & PM):______

Additional Instructions:______

I, the undersigned owner or authorized agent of the above-described pet/animal acknowledge that I have been advised by Diamond in the Ruff Pet Retreat that all pets receive careful and caring attention while left with them and I also acknowledge and agree that in consideration of them accepting my pet/animal. Diamond in the Ruff Pet Retreat will not be held liable for any damage to the above described pet/animal howsoever arising including loss, injury, sickness or disease, fire, vandalism or any other matter or peril, I fully authorize Diamond in the Ruff pet Retreat to supply and arrange any veterinarian services deemed advisable with respect to the above pet/animal on my behalf and I accept full responsibility for payment of the same. I acknowledge that the Repairers’ and Storers’ Lien Act R.S.O. 1990 shall apply.

Signature: ______Date: ______