Part I: Agency Resume

Agency Name: Phone:

Street Address: Fax:


Agency is a: Corporation Individual Partnership

IRS Corporate Name:

Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip:

Agency Established (year):

Any Other Locations? Yes No How Many:

E&O Carrier: Policy #: Exp Date:

List all Agency Owners and Officers:

(√ If Owner) Name: (First, MI, Last) Officer Title: (PR, VP, etc) E-mail:

Primary Owner:

Home address: Phone:

Agency Bank: Contact: Phone:

Insurance Reference: of Phone:

Part II: Current Company Analysis

PERSONAL LINES: How many Homeowner policies sold per month:______

Homeowners Carriers (if applicable, which MGA) Annual Volume Est Loss Ratio

1.  $ %

2.  $ %

3.  $ %

4.  $ %

5.  $ %

6.  $ %

PART III: Additional questions to get to know your agency better

Personal Lines Manager (if applicable):______

Email address for main contact: ______

Number of agents writing Personal Lines in the office and to be trained on the Florida

Peninsula quoting website: ______

What day of the week is best for Agency training? ______

What other lines of business does your agency write? ______

What is your Homeowners retention rate?

What is your commitment/goal on a monthly basis for Florida Peninsula? ______

Will Florida Peninsula be one of the top 3 companies for Homeowner quotes in your

Agency? ______

Does the agency quote both with wind and ex-wind business? ______

Has any carrier terminated the agency in the past 3 years for production and/or adverse

Loss ratio? ______

Any judgments or suits pending against the agency? ______

Any account current or unearned commission balances past due to any company? ____


Is the agency affiliated with a national or regional brokerage firm? ______

Is the agency a member of PIA? ______
Is the agency a member of IIAA? ______
Is the agency a member of LAAIA? ______
Is the agency a member of FAIA? ______

Who do you currently write Flood Insurance with? ______

Additional Agency Comments:

FPI Managers 12-09 ver3