RHMS PTSA Minutes – Nov. 5, 2015
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Rose Hill PTSA
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
and Meeting Notes
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Rose Hill Middle School Library
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by President Tania Bennett. A quorum was present. (Attendance sheet attached)
Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as presented.
Principal’s Report
- Until further notice, per FCC rules, robo-calls can only be used in emergencies
- Stephanie Thomas is still doing internet safety talks and may be a good resource for parent education at a PTSA meeting. Cost is $400.
President’s Report
- Janice Vache has begun working on the student directory.
- Proposing a mid-year membership drive to raise funds for a second round of mini-grants. Discussion: it wouldn’t raise enough. A fundraiser is an option, and we could also use spring fundraiser to seed next fall’s mini-grants. We do have $1,000 left in the mini-grant fund, and we do still have a surplus of funds, so instead we could reallocate funds to offer a second round of grants. We will still continue ongoing membership drive, but we should not count on it as a fundraiser.
- Next general meeting is currently scheduled for January 12, during the daytime. We are moving it to the evening, 7 PM, following the digital media student art show. Emergency Prep is the proposed parent education for that meeting.
- The March general meeting is currently scheduled for March 22, before the band concert. We need to change that to accommodate parent education, hopefully Stephanie Thomas. March 30, 7 PM is the new time.
Treasurer’s Report is attached.
- Membership through today is $4,422. About $3,000 of that is going to council, state, and national PTAs. We are close to $5,000 in donations. Over $700 in matching funds have come in.
- PTA and the Law recommends a second bank account, a “sweep account” for PayPal receipts to be deposited. This protects the main account from PayPal related fraud or hacking. We will begin using our savings account as the sweep account, and transfer funds to the checking account from there.
Vice President - No Report
- Family Game Night basket has been delivered to Council for Scholarship Auction.
- Financial Review report is attached, with recommendations.
- Working on compiling records to comply with WSPTA requirements.
Committee Reports
- A report was submitted via email by the Extended Classes Committee. (Report attached)
VP, Fundraising Report
LWSD Council Update
- Kirkland Middle School held a backpack awareness day, weighing backpacks and making recommendations. A group of parents has begun lobbying for changes to address overweight backpacks.
- Award nominations are due December 14.
- Rose Hill Middle School has exceeded last year’s membership by 5%, silver level award.
- Could we put the directory online like Lake Washington High School has? It is password protected. Something to think about for future years.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 PM.
Submitted by
Aimee Woolwine, Secretary