B3 Keywords
Match each term with its correct definition
Term / Definition- Active Transport
- Smallest blood vessel. Walls are one cell thick
- Aerobic
- Measure of how far food travels from where it has been produced
- Alveoli
- The external surface of an organism
- Anaerobic
- Artery that supplies oxygen and glucose to cardiac muscle
- Aorta
- The drooping of a plant caused when water loss by transpiration exceeds water uptake
- Artery
- Hormone produced by the pancreas that converts glycogen into glucose
- Biconcave disc
- Without oxygen
- Biodiversity
- Drug which suppresses the immune system to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ
- Biofuel
- Pigment found in red blood cells which transports oxygen
- Biogas
- Lacking in oxygen
- Capillary
- Finger-like projection found in the small intestine that increase its surface area, to allow the faster absorption of digested food
- Carbon neutral
- Inability to produce insulin
- Concentration gradient
- Compound formed when haemoglobin transports oxygen
- Coronary artery
- Main artery leaving the left ventricle
- Deforestation
- The movement of water through a partially permeable membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
- Deoxygenated
- Pairs of cells mainly in the lower epidermis that control the opening & closing of stomata
- Diabetes – Type 1
- Organ that secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon into the blood stream
- Diabetes - Type 2
- The movement of substance against a concentration gradient, requires energy
- Dialysis
- Fuel produced by the anaerobic breakdown of organic waste by bacteria
- Diffusion
- Hole in epidermis that allows gases to enter a leaf, but also allows water vapour to leave (transpiration)
- Food miles
- Maintaining constant internal condition s in the body e.g temperature
- Global Warming
- Loss of water vapour though the stomata
- Glucagon
- Important gas in biofuel, also a cause of global warming
- Glycogen
- Specialised cell with a large surface area to allow absorption of water and minerals ions
- Guard cells
- Thin walled structures with a large surface area where gaseous exchange occurs
- Haemoglobin
- Presence of specific antigens on the surface of cells that can produce an immune response
- Homeostasis
- The number and variety of organisms found in an area
- Hypothermia
- Large molecule produced to store glucose in the liver & muscles
- Immunosuppressant
- Produced by the kidneys contains urea, excess water and ions
- Insulin
- Change in concentration from one area to another
- Methane
- The movement of specific, useful substances into the blood from the kidney tubule.
- Mycoprotein
- The artificial removal of urea & excess ions/water from the blood
- Osmosis
- Toxic waste product produced in the liver from the breakdown of excess amino acids
- Oxyhaemoglobin
- With oxygen
- Pancreas
- Raising of the Earth’s temperature due to CO2 & methane
- Partially permeable
- Blood supply to surface capillaries is increased to increase heat loss by the dilation of arterioles
- Root hair cells
- Often caused by obesity, insulin produced but cells do not respond to it. Controlled by diet & exercise
- Selective reabsorption
- Transplantation of organs from one species to another
- Stomata
- Liquid fuel produced from biological material e.g maize & sugar cane. It is renewable & sustainable
- Surface area
- A waterproof layer present in some leaves to reduce water loss by evaporation
- Thorax
- Constriction of arterioles that reduces blood flow to surface capillaries to reduce heat loss by radiation
- Tissue type
- Removal of forests by felling, burning etc.
- Transpiration
- Upper part of the human torso, contains the lungs and heart
- Urea
- Protein rich food produced by the growth of fungi
- Urine
- Thick walled blood vessel that transports blood away from the heart
- Villi
- Condition in which the body temperature falls below the normal
- Wilting
- Hormone produced by the pancreas that lowers blood glucose levels – converts glucose into glycogen
- Vasoconstriction
- Process that produces as much CO2 as it uses
- Vasodilation
- Describes a structure that allows the movement of some molecules through it, but prevents other substances
- Waxy cuticle
- Movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration down a concentration gradient
- Xenotransplantation
- Shape of a red blood cell, provides a large surface area compared to volume
A = / B = / C = / D = / E =
F = / G = / H = / I = / J =
K = / L = / M = / N = / O =
P = / Q = / R = / S = / T =
U = / V = / W = / X = / Y =
Z = / AA = / BB = / CC = / DD =
EE = / FF = / GG = / HH = / II =
JJ = / KK = / LL = / MM = / NN =
OO = / PP = / QQ / RR = / SS =
TT = / UU = / VV = / WW = / XX =
YY =