Dear Colleague,

Re: IMPORTANT CHANGES to the arrangement for making referrals to Children’s Services via the Careline Hub

We are writing to inform you of important changes to the arrangement for making referrals to Children’s Services.

Currently the majority of referrals are made by telephone. As of Monday 1st August 2016 Careline will only accept written referrals from professionals submitted via the on-line Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) or a completed Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT).

The only exception to this arrangement is Section 47 Child Protection referrals, where there is reasonable cause to suspect a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm. In such instances, professionals should continue to make an immediate telephone referral to Careline 0151 233 3700, followed by an online MARF.

Professionals making Section 47 Child Protection Referrals are required to complete an online MARF within one working day of making a telephone referral to Careline.

The online MARF can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

Link: Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF)

The link to the MARF can also be found on web pages of Careline and the Liverpool Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB).

In all other cases, before submitting a request for single assessment by Children’s Social Care, it is important that professionals consider whether a child’s and their family’s needs can be more appropriately supported through Early Help.

Before submitting a MARF It is important all professionals carefully consider the LSCB Responding to Need Guidance & Levels of Need Framework (link: LSCB Levels of Need Framework). Professionals who submit a MARF and have not appropriately applied the Levels of Need Framework will be expected to initiate an Early Help Assessment. If an Early Help Assessment is not initiated within 10 working days, a member of the Early Help Hub will contact the professional to support them in progressing this.

The reasons for applying these important changes are three-fold:

·  The majority of referrals to Careline are by telephone. The majority of these referrals are of a poor quality.

·  As a result vital information is not captured at the first point of contact and time is wasted seeking additional information required to inform decision making.

·  In most cases it is not clear if consent has been obtained from families prior to referrals. (Consent must always be obtained prior to a professional making a referral to Careline with the exception of Section 47 Child Protection Referrals or where seeking consent may compromise the safety of a child).

The current practice as outlined above causes additional unnecessary work in the system, which is already under stress due to the high volume of referrals. All of which is causing delay for children. The changes outlined in this letter will:

·  Improve the quality of information contained in referrals.

·  Ensure professionals have sought consent prior to submitting a referral, as appropriate.

·  Ensure decision making is timely.

If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact your profession’s/ agency’s representative on the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board who will be happy to provide additional information or signpost you to where you can obtain additional information about Early Help, the MARF and Working Together 2015.

Yours Faithfully

Howard Cooper, Independent Chair LSCB

Colette O’Brien, Director, Director Children’s Services, Liverpool City Council

LSCB Partnership and Representatives: Acknowledgement of Setting Implementation


Jane Lunt Chief Nurse/ Head of Quality Liverpool CCG

LSCB Vice Chair:

Bernie Brown: AD Children’s Services, Liverpool City Council

Barry Kushner Councillor & Cabinet Member for Children and Young People's Services

Suzanne Metcalfe: Assistant Director, Early Help, Liverpool City Council

Des Bill: Safeguarding Coordinator, Archdiocese of Liverpool

Gail Churchill: Interim Assistant Chief Officer, Merseyside Community Rehabilitation Company. PP A McCarthy, LSCB Business Manager

Janet Marlow: Head of Liverpool and Sefton, National Probation Service

Lisa Cooper: Deputy Director Quality and Safeguarding, NHS England

Colleen Martin: Assistant Director, Supporting Communities

Sandie Hayes: CAFCASS, Assistant Director

Donna Coleman: Divisional Manager Joint Commissioning and Safeguarding & LSAB

Hayley McCulloch: Designated Nurse, Liverpool CCG

Alex Modder: Service Manager, NSPCC

Frank McFarlane: Vice Chair, Liverpool Governor's Forum

PP A McCarthy, LSCB Business Manager

Tim Alderman: Head Teacher, St Julie's High School (on behalf of LASH)

Mark Christian: Head Teacher, Woolton High School, (on behalf of ALSSH)

Joanne Starkey: Head Teacher, St Paul's and St Timothy's Primary School (on behalf of LPHA)

Martin Smith: Consultant in Public Health, Liverpool City Council

Aamir Butt: Head of Pastoral Support, City of Liverpool College

Gill Moglione: LSCB Independent Lay Member;

PP A McCarthy, LSCB Business Manager