Minutes- March 16, 2017

Present:Eileen French, Marilyn Offenberg, Pauline Chaffins, Kathy Burrer, Adam Matthews, Lyn Crouse, Cyndi Costello, Aaron McElwain, Ray Dill, Cindy Klinect, Sylvia Hack, Paula Pietch, Mary Gress, Linda Chapin, Iris Tewksbury

Minutes: Motion to approve the February 16, 2017 was made by Cyndi Costello. Seconded by Kathy Burrer. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Paula Pietch

  • Paula Pietchsubmitted the following information:

Receipts/Deposits / Expenses
Membership dues/receipts / $110.00 / Postage / $24.50
Brunch Food Permit / $15.00
Library Supplies, Mary Gress / $38.46
Total / $77.96
  • Motion to approve the Treasurers Report was made by Cindy Klinect. Seconded by Pauline Chaffins. Report was approved

EPL Director’s Report – Lyn Crouse

Lyn will be having surgery to her shoulder and will not be able to work at the Books and

Brunch event. However, she plans to attend the event and donate food items.

Lyn presented the following items:

  • The Keystone-LaGrange Community Library was shut down for two days to address needed repairs.
  • Members of Friends are strongly encouraged to complete an online survey(2 pages/20 questions) which deals with the proposed bond issue.
  • A solar light brochure was passed around. The light will cost approximately $60-80 and will be placed in the storage unit.
  • A motion was made by Mary Gress to approve the purchase of a solar light to be placed in the storage unit. Seconded by Kathy Burrer. Motion passed.
  • Estimates are still being sought for the purchase of a drinking fountain with a water bottle filler feature. Approximate cost is $2500 (does not include the cost of labor).

Membership Report – Kathy Burrer

  • Kathy Burrer reported:
  • Membership to date- Yearly Membership- #19, Family- #7, Corporate- #2, Life- #13. Additional $30 donation made to the Friends.
  • Membership Tree- No leaves were made for members who joined in 2016-17.
  • Need to create a total of 15 leaves (14 regular membership/1 life member).
  • Cyndi Costello has agreed to make the leaves to update the tree.

Sunshine Committee- Linda Chapin

  • Kathy Burrer was thanked for her generous donation of a variety of greeting cards.
  • A card was sent to the Family of Barbara Krenciglova.
  • To honor Barbara Krenciglova’s memory the Friendswould like to donate a book in her name to the library. Linda Chapin made the motion to approve adonation of$35 to purchase a book in Barb’s name, Marilyn Offenberg seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.
  • The EPL will make an inscription in the book and will send a note to the family regarding the book donation.
  • Adam Matthews reported that a memorial form can be acquired by going to the EPL website.

Old Business-

•Valentine’s Day Treat for Library Staff- A bouquet of candy and plate of cookies was

delivered to the staff in appreciation for all they do for the Friends and our Keystone-

LaGrange community.

New Business-

•Monetary Appreciation and Thankyou Cards to be sent to:

  • LaGrange Township for building use.
  • First Baptist Church ofLaGrange for building use.
  • LaGrange Firemen’s Association for building use.

Motion to Approve was made by Kathy Burrer Seconded by Cyndi Costello

Approved- Yes

• Bikes and Books Event

  • May 6th from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Friends will man a table that will promote our group.
  • Volunteers are needed. Please contact Eileen if you are willing to participate in this event.

• Library Staff Appreciation Day

  • Tentative Date or Dates- June 10 (will try to arrange to coincide with Summer Reading Program kick off).
  • Event Chairpersons- Paula Pietch and Eileen French
  • Advertisement of Event

• Book Donation Collection Day

  • June 17th from 10-2
  • Location: outside of KLCL
  • Volunteers are needed
  • Adam Matthews mentioned several ways to promote events using “Facebook Push” and “Connect Elyria.”

Books-N-Brunch Update- April 21

Eileen passed around the duties and donation list. She asked members to sign up for items they are willing to donate.

  • Health Department status- Eileen French
  • Facility Access- Eileen French
  • Publicity Update – Mary Gress
  • Author Update – Linda Chapin
  • Brunch Menu Update – Eileen French
  • Decoration Committee Update – Mary Gress
  • Ticket Sales- Marilyn Offenberg
  • Book Coupons, Recipe Booklet and Program will be prepared by Adam Matthews.

Adjournment -Motion made by Kathy Burrer andseconded by Aaron McElwain. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.