David Winkleman


I. WWI Begins: U.S. Neutrality

·  1908 Bosnia annexed by Austria

·  1914 WWI started

·  Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

·  Serbia-Austria Hungary

·  Threatened by Russia and France

·  Wilson-Neutrality Proclamation

§  5 million Irish ties

§  British

§  German Sympathies

§  Close ties Cultural

§  11 million with blood ties

§  Trans Atlantic Cable

·  Most Anti-German

§  Kaiser Wilhelm-Arrogant Autocracy

§  German Attack on Neutral Belgium

§  Spy plans Industrial Sabotage

II. U.S. Neutrality Challenged

·  British Violate

§  Control sea lanes

§  Blockaded North Sea Ships and mines

§  Force American ships into British Ports

§  Black List of Neutral Firms that traded with central powers, everything confiscated

·  German Retaliate

§  Submarine Warfare

§  Try not to sink neutral shipping

·  Lusitania 1915

§  British Passenger Liner

§  Some small arms and ammo (4,200 cases)

§  1198 lives lost, 128 American

§  American Response

·  Protest letter

·  Bryan resigns (felt letter violated neutrality)

·  Arabic 1915

§  Germany Promise to warn ships

·  Sussex 1916

§  French Liner

§  Without warning

·  Sussex Ultimatum

§  Wilson infuriated

§  Unless the Germans end URSW

§  Break diplomatic relations

§  Precursor to war

§  Germans agree not to strike without warning

§  String-Persuade British to modify blockade

III. Election of 1916

·  Republican T.R. refuses to split Republicans again, and kills Progressive Party

·  Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes

·  Platform

§  High Tariff

§  Wishy Washyness of Wilson: Mexico and Germany

·  T.R. speeches hurt

·  Evans-Fence Sitting

·  Democratic Wilson

§  He kept us out of war

§  Very close election Hinged on California 3,800

§  Pro-labor and Ex Bull Moosers

IV. U.S. Enters War

·  1917

§  German Resume Unrestricted Unlimited Sub War (in war zone)

§  Wilson Broke Diplomatic Relations

·  Zimmerman Note

§  German Foreign Secretary

§  Mexican Cession

§  Germany-Mexico Alliance

·  Overt Acts

§  Sank 4 unarmed American merchant vessels

·  Russian Revolution

§  Removed Tsar

§  War for Democracy

·  April 2nd 1917

§  War Message

·  April 6th

§  War Declared

V. Wilson Combats Isolationism

·  War to end War (Idealism)

·  War for Democracy

·  Peace without Victory

·  Fourteen Points

§  1. Abolish Secret Treaties

§  2. Freedom of the Seas

§  3. Free Trade-Removal of Economic Barrier

§  4. Reduce Armaments

§  5. Colonial Boundaries

§  6.-13. Self Determination

§  14. League of Nations

·  Committee on Public Information: George Creel

§  4 minute men-speeches

§  Propaganda

·  Billboards

·  Posters

·  Radio

·  Pamphlets

·  Movies

·  Bloody Huns the Baby Killers

·  George M. Cohan

·  Anti-German Intimidation/Hysteria

§  Liberty Cabbage-Saurkraut

§  Liberty steak-Hamburger

§  Hot Dogs-Frankfurter

§  Teaching German

§  Alcohol German Brewers

·  Drive to 18th Amendment

·  Persecution of Opposition

§  Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson

§  Schenck v. U.S.

·  Clear and Present Danger written by S.C.

·  Oliver Wendell Holmes

§  Eugene V. Debs

·  10 years

·  non-inflammatory speech about economic causes of war

§  Rose Pastor Stokes

·  10 years

·  I am for the people, the government is for the profiteers

§  Kate Richards O’Hare

·  1 year

·  The women of U.S. are nothing but brood sows to raise children to send into army and turned into fertilizer.

·  Espionage Act of 1917

§  $10,000

§  20 years

§  Insubordination, disloyalty, or refusal of service, false ports

§  Loosely Defined anti-war practices

§  Wagner

§  Anti-War Socialists

·  Eugene V. Debs

·  Big Bill Haywood

·  Sedition Act 1918

§  1,500 pacifists

§  1,000 convicted

§  Using abusive language about government, flag, or mil.

§  Anti-War Socialists

·  Eugene V. Debs

·  Big Bill Haywood

VI. Mobilization

·  1915 Civilian Council of National Defense

§  Study economic mobilization

·  War Industry Board

·  Barnard Baruch 1918

·  Women in Factories

§  Helped Spur President’s Support for Women’s Suffrage

·  Southern Blackà Northern Industries

§  15th Amendments

§  War of Fight Rule

·  National War Labor Board

§  William H. Taft

§  settle labor disputes

·  Food Administration

·  Herbert Hoover

§  Great Engineer

§  Voluntary but supported by proposal

§  Wheat-less Wednesday

§  Meat-less Tuesday

§  Victory gardens

·  Farm Production Increased by 1/4

§  Food Exports to Europe 3x

·  Treasury Department

§  Liberty Loan Drive

§  Victory Loan Corporation 1919

§  $21 billion-2/3 cost of war

·  Raising Army

§  Universal Draft 1917

·  200,000-4 million

VII. Progress of War

·  Stalemate Type of War 1914-1917

·  Bolsheviks Revolution

§  Remove from war

§  Lenin Etc…

§  American and Allied forces sent to help whites. Americans to safeguard Arms that had been sent to Russia.

·  Enabled Germans to concentrate forces against Western Front

·  German Drive 1918

§  40 miles From Paris

§  Chateau –Thiery 300,000 Americans

§  Belleau Wood

·  July 1918

§  Counter offensive

§  2nd Battle of Marne

·  Meuse-Argonne Offensive

VIII. Peace Settlement

·  Armistice

§  11th hour, 11th Day, 11th Month

§  November 11, 1918

·  Wilson’s Mistakes

§  Called for Denver victory in elections 1918

·  Republican won narrow control over both Houses

§  Grandstanding in going to favor

·  Snubbed Senate

·  Not a Single Republican Senator in Peace Settlement Party (Henry Cabot Lodge-Enemy)

·  Paris Conference

§  Big 4

·  Wilson

·  Vittorio Orlando of Italy

·  David Lloyd George of Britain

·  Georges Clemenceau of France

§  Tried to Prevent partially out of colonies

·  Compromise-Trustee but they agreed to League of Nations

·  Took the League Home

·  Republican Opposition led by Henry Cabot Lodge and Isolationists

§  39 refused

·  Clemenceau pressed demands for Rhine Land (Demilitarized) and Saar Valley (control)

§  Security Treaty U.S. and British Pledge

·  Japanese starting province

·  Italy-Fiume

·  Treaty of Versailles 1919

§  Germany gives up on 14 Points

§  Forced to sign

§  League of Nations

§  Indemnities War Reparations

§  Poland

§  Czechoslovakia

·  Republican Delay /Stalled Treaty

§  Wilson’s takes it to the people.

§  Lodge Reservations

§  Article 10

·  Bound members to aid victims of External Aggression

·  Wilson would not Compromise and weaken League.

·  Dead lock

·  Why Treaty Failed

§  Lodge-Wilson had a Personal Feud

§  Traditionalism

§  Isolationism

§  Disillusionment

§  Partisanship

·  Wilson, All or Nothing

§  Twiceà Nothing

§  Referendum Election 1920

IX. Election of 1920

·  Republican Ambiguous Platform

·  Democrat James M. Cox

·  Death Sentence for League

·  Warren G. Harding

§  Return to Normalcy

§  3/5 votes

·  Assessment

§  Short sighted

§  Could a strong organization have prevented WWII?

·  Why did Wilson fail?

·  Why did Peace fail?

·  Assess Wilson’s Presidency

§  Leadership during WWI

§  Progressivism

§  Failure to get the League of Nations ratified

§  Racism