Coldside Community Planning Partnership met in May which was Diane McCulloch’s first meeting as Chair. Tim Mineard and Sarah Clark from Dundee Carers Centre gave the Partnership a presentation on Caring Places highlighting the role of Carers in Dundee and providing an overview of current statistics including the impact caring has on a Carer’s health. Sarah also highlighted that Dundee Carers Centre is testing the option of going local and have focussed Caring Places in Strathmartine and Coldside Wards. Staff from the Carers Centre will work with local Community Workers to find ways to engage with people who have a caring role.


§  Coldside Schools and Community Facilities

The planning application will be submitted in two weeks and will be before committee in August/September. Diane also indicated that the Health/Social Care facility is also progressing and that there would be a number of services in this facility including two GP Practices. It is anticipated that the development will begin construction in February 2017 to be completed by August 2018. Some of the issues which have arisen include the colour of the buildings, the increase in traffic and parking which the development will generate and the capacity of the schools to cope with an increase in the pupil numbers. It was noted that there will be traffic calming measures put in place and that the colours suggested by the architects will be presented for views from the local community.


§  Coldside Community Library Summer Activities

During school summer break Coldside Library will be hosting activities for children on the following days; Mondays at 2.30pm, Summer Storytime (under 5’s); Tuesdays at 2pm Summer Rhyme time (0-4’s); Wednesdays at 2.30pm - Summer Craft Activity (under 11’s); Mon-Sat during opening hours – colouring in, word searches and puzzles etc.

Summer Reading Scheme where children are challenged to read 6 books during the holiday with incentives along the way. We offer tea/coffee/biscuits at a cost of 30p during opening hours. For more information please contact Susan Ferguson 432849.

§  The Law Heritage Project

Dundee City Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund have teamed up to improve Dundee Law. In a new project scheduled to last for two years, the iconic hill at the heart of the city will be the subject of a whole series of site improvements. These have already started with a new set of steps to the summit being put in place. Further to this, the signs directing people to the site and on The Law itself will be improved, including the ones at the viewing platform. There will also be a new website devoted to The Law, including state of the art digital interpretation.

The surrounding hill area will also see some changes with some of the trees to be removed to help the view, wildflowers being planted and the trail around the base of the hill renovated. The World War Two pillbox is also due for long-overdue refurbishment. A new Community Participation Officer is now in place with a remit to help bring people back to one of Dundee's best loved landmarks. A Friends of Dundee Law group will be established for local people to help run the site with a Facebook page already set up to visit for this group (https://www.facebook.com/#!/friendsofdundeelaw/). If you need to contact Colin Donald, the Community Participation Officer, you can phone 01382 431848 or email .

§  CLD Central Youth Work Team

The CLD girls youth group for age 10-18 which is held at the Maxwell Information Centre on Monday evenings from 6.15-8.30 will be running as usual through out the summer break but the month of July the girls group will be focusing on promoting health and wellbeing and the girls will be learning about the importance of health, diet and exercise. The girls will learn how to cook health meals/snacks and take part in some exercise/activities. For more information contact Sarah Flynn, 01382 432969.


§  Coldside Community Forum

The Coldside Community Forum had their AGM on Wednesday 18th of May. The meeting was well attended with a presentation on the new housing development which is scheduled for Derby Street. The plans for the area were well received. The Forum will be hosting an Open meeting on June 16th to highlight the “20’s Plenty” Consultation which is taking place across the city at the moment.

§  Hindmarsh Garden Group

The Garden Group is made up of 8 local residents who use the Hindmarsh Complex and would like to be able to use the Community Garden more regularly. The group are interested in gardening and would like to be able to go out, grow their own flowers and plants, maintain the existing garden and have gatherings and events in the better weather. The Environment and Housing Services have been working with the group to make the garden more accessible and manageable for the abilities of the group. For more information contact Jennifer Livingstone, Coldside Community Regeneration Worker on 01382 433580

§  Health Checks

Beverley Knight is a qualified Community Health Nurse and offers health advice and health checks at the following locations:

2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at Coldside Community Office, Hilltown, 2-4pm

Last Thursday of the month at Coldside Parish Church Advice Café, 12-2pm

First Friday of every month at Coldside Parish Church R & R Café, 11.30-1.30pm

§  Coldside Events Group

The Coldside Forum, Coldside Regeneration Forum, Highwayman Management Group, Maxwelltown Information Centre, Hearing Voices Network and Nae Limits 60 Plus Association have collaborated in planning and developing this year’s Coldside Fun Day in Hilltown Park. The event takes place on July 2nd and will include live entertainment, bungee trampolines, and fairground rides for children, a Mad Hatters Tea Party, Tombola, raffles, cake and candy stalls and much more. The Coldside Forum applied for the funding for the fun day on behalf of the Coldside Events Group. The Coldside Events Group hopes to collaborate on more activities with and for local people in Coldside in future. For more information contact Elaine Pratt on 433444.

§  Dundee Healthy Living Initiative

DHLI have started a Gentle Walking Group at Dudhope Park. This runs on a Thursday afternoon at 1.15-2pm meeting at the Dudhope Centre and heading back there after for a drink and a biscuit. It has slowly been building in numbers and has almost 20 people attending. For more information please contact: Alison Christie, Community Health Worker on 831452.

§  Family Fun Activities

The plan for Family Fun Activities over the Summer Holidays is to go out and about in the Coldside Area. The project will run every Tuesday in July 11am-1pm and will meet at a different location each week. Tuesday 5th July - Hilltown Park: some activities with the play bus and look at the community garden nearby. Tuesday 12th July – Dudhope Park: enjoy the new play park and play some games. Tuesday 19th July – Dundee Law Car Park: meet the Countryside Ranger and enjoy some wildlife activities. Tuesday 26th July – Tannadice Stadium: tour of the grounds and a kick about in the play park. Every week a free lunch is provided to participants. For more information please contact Colin Christie, Adult Learning Worker on 01382 435851

§  Community Café

The Community Café currently runs on a Thursday between 12 and 2pm. Numbers have steadily increased and payment is by way of a donation. An application for funding has been submitted to the Church of Scotland’s “Go For It” Fund. This funding if successful will provide the wages for a Café Co-ordinator who will be responsible for increasing the opening hours of the café and encouraging greater use of the café by the local community.

§  Hilltown Out of School Care Club

If anyone is looking for holiday care for children in Primaries 1-7 over the summer, Hilltown OSC based at Rosebank Primary is open weekdays from 11th July until 15th August from 8am to 6pm. We are also operating a waiting list for term time care from August 2016 and collect children daily from Rosebank, St Peter and St Paul's, Our Lady's and Dens Road. Contact us on 07769771460 or for more information

§  Dundee Ahmadiyya Group

Dundee Ahmadiyya Muslim Community this year is supporting ARCHIE Foundation Tayside (Official Charity of Tayside Children Hospital) in its annual 5K fun run along with other Scottish leading charities. This year’s run will take place on Sunday 24th July at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow.

§  Trinity Church Toddler Group

We are a toddler group based in the Grey Lodge, 21 South George Street. We are open Monday to Friday 9.15am to 11.15am, cost per session is £1.50 which covers tea, coffee and healthy snacks for children. The age range is babies to school age and we have the small room upstairs in the building, with a wide range of play equipment and art and crafts resources. Contact phone number is 07595531464. There is no waiting list as we are a small friendly group.


22nd June 2016
2nd July 2016
7th July 2016
23rd Aug 2016 / -
- / Coldside Community Forum at Maxwell Centre, 6.00 pm
Coldside Fun Day, 12 noon at Hilltown Park
Coldside Regeneration Forum at MAXwell Centre, 6.00 pm
Coldside Community Planning Partnership in Committee Room 2, 6.00 pm

Elaine Pratt

Communities Officer

June 2016