
Genetics study guide/ Practice problems

_____ 1. different forms of a gene. Ex-Roll tongue & Cannot roll tongue

_____ 2. cell division that produces sex cells

_____ 3. coiled pieces of DNA and protein

_____ 4. the letter combination for a trait

_____ 5. cell division that produces body cells

_____ 6. an organism’s appearance

_____ 7. genotype with two different alleles

_____ 8. genotype with the same alleles

_____ 9. a section of DNA that codes for a trait.

_____10. trait observed when at least one dominant allele is present

11.  SpongeBob’s mother is so proud of her son and his new wife, SpongeSusie, as they are expecting a little sponge. She is hoping that the new arrival will have blue eyes like SpongeBob and many members of her family. If SpongeSusie is heterozygous for her brown eyes, what are the chances that the baby sponge will have blue eyes? Create a Punnett square to help you answer this question.

a.  List the genotypes of each parent: (1 pt)

SpongeBob: _____

wife: _____

b.  List the possible genotypes for their children

c.  List the possible phenotypes for their children.

d.  What are the chances of having a child with blue eyes? _____%

What are the chances of having a child with brown eyes? _____%

12. A male black rabbit and female brown rabbit have 4 black baby rabbits, each with the genoype Bb.

a.  What is the dominant trait? ______

b.  What are the most likely genotypes of the parents?

Female rabbit: ______

Male rabbit: ______

13. One of Spongebob’s cousins, SpongeBillyBob, recently met a cute squarepants gal, SpongeGerdy, at a local dance and fell in love. Use your knowledge of genetics to answer the questions below.

14.  Look at Jenna’s chromosomes and answer the questions below.

Trait / Dominant Gene / Recessive Gene
Ear Movement (E,e) / Cannot wiggle / Can wiggle
Winking (W,w) / Can wink / Cannot wink
Hand clasp (H, h) / Left thumb on top / Right thumb on top
Cleft Chin (C, c) / Have cleft chin / No cleft chin

From father From mother

a.  Can Jenna wink? ______

b.  Does Jenna’s dad clasp with his right or left thumb on top? ______

c.  Does Jenna’s father have a cleft chin? ______

d.  Can Jenna’s sister wiggle her ears? ______


15. Label each of the following with mitosis, meiosis, or both:

a.  Creates sperm or egg cells ______

b.  Creates cells with 46 chromosomes ______

c.  DNA is doubled in this process ______

d.  Creates 2 identical cells ______

e.  Creates 4 different cells ______

f.  Creates cells with 23 chromosomes ______

16. Answer the following questions based on the pedigree below for hitchhiker’s thumb.

a.  Is hitchhiker’s thumb a dominant or recessive trait? How do you know? ______

b.  What is person III-1’s genotype? How do you know? ______

c.  How are person II-1 and II-4 related? ______

d.  How many children do persons II-1 and II-2 have? ______