MINUTES – June 6, 2017

Present: Sharon Ziemba (President), Art Porelle (Vice President), Lyle Saur (Treasurer, via telephone), Bobbi Keane (Secretary), Harry Treber (Director)

Residents Present: Barbara Benson, Pat Corkery, Dianne Balkind, Kathy Wagner, Marvia Korol,

Euclid Dupuis, Donna Nichols, Chris Alte, Phil Bassa, Dick Russell, Dori Palcovich (late arrival)

Call to Order: Sharon Ziemba called the Meeting to order at 9:00am.

Meeting Minutes Approval: Minutes of May 17, 2017 electronically submitted to BOD Directors, Harry Treber voted to Approve, Art Porelle, seconded, all in favor, unanimous.

Treasurer Replacement: Lyle Saur was asked by Sharon Ziemba to reconsider the role of Treasurer, he will accept the position back if acceptable to the BOD. Sharon Ziemba made a motion for Lyle Saur to again act as our Treasurer and Harry Treber seconded, all members of the BOD were in favor. Unanimous.

Finance Report:

  • No financial report, too early in the month.
  • Harry Treber discussed the concept of laddering the CDs which is putting an equal amount of money in a CD account and staggering the expiration dates. Using a bank or an investment house does not involve risk to the funds as long as the funds are not sold early. Sharon Ziemba suggested that the Long Range Planning Committee get together with the Finance Committee so that major projects may be planned based on the expiration dates of CDs.
  • Lyle Saur is in favor and made a proposal to take $40,000 and laddering it in $8,000.00 increments and purchase five $8,000 CDs from Edward Jones, expiring on a yearly basis from 1thru 5 years. Art Porelle made a motion to accept, Bobbi Keane seconded, and all BOD members were in favor. Unanimous.

Bill Paying:

  • We need checks and balances but if we are paying for services for contracted vendors, the Treasurer knows approximately what the monthly bill will be and should not need the approval of the entire BOD in order to pay the bill. All checks are signed by two members of the BOD.
  • Question asked by Marvia Korol in regard to what budgets exists for the different committees. The policy allows only the Maintenance Chairperson to spend up to $300 without prior Board approval and also when an emergency occurs. All other committees should ask for preapproval prior to spending. Reimbursement is made by just submitting a receipt and a written explanation of the expenditure to the Treasurer for BOD to approve.

DAB Report:

  • Chris Alte provided a list of approved DAB requests. Bobbi Keane asked that the addresses be included with the DAB requests. Art Porelle said it may leave open an opportunity for harassment of homeowners. Chris Alte will include addresses in the future.
  • Sharon Ziemba asked that the word “violation” be changed to “noncompliance” in the form letter going out to residents for infractions and save the word “violation” for the second letter.
  • The issue of a covenant that required tree replacement when any tree is removed was discussed. Sharon Ziemba stated that we would have to go before the FHVPOA members and would need a 2/3 majority vote in order to change a covenant such as replacement of trees. Also she asked that we get together any other proposed changes to the covenants so that we can make all necessary changes at once. Florida Statutes 7.20 to HOAs as needing 66% to change our By-Laws or Covenants.
  • She further stated if the DAB and/or BOD does not enforce a covenant by choice, after 5 years it probably would not be able to be enforced because of Florida law.
  • Roofs were discussed. All roof companies can closely match the color of our roofs since some actual roof tile colors no longer exist.
  • Much discussion in regard to door colors, storm doors, decorative rocks, tree replacements etc. All items will be put on hold pending further investigation.
  • The DAB provided its recommended options for the color of front doors and sent these options to each BOD member.
  • Sharon sent out a analysis of the various options the Board could take to resolve the color of front doors

Option 1No Color Choice Standards (what we are doing now)

Option 2Define color choice Standards (what the DAB proposed)

Option 3Fox Hollow Red only

Option 4Survey FHPOA members on Option 2 and 3 and see what do the members prefer. This option was selected by BOD due to the fact the BOD could not reach an agreement

  • There are no Architectural Design Standards in our CountyRecords for Fox Hollow. Barbara Benson is looking through the files at the MCA Office to see if she can fine a copy. This document would be very useful to the DAB and BOD.

Maintenance: Dave Asher has resigned from the Maintenance Committee. A job description for the committeeis being developed. We will discuss this role & vacancy at our continuation of this meeting.


  • Harry Treber explained the options we have to maintain our roads. There was much discussion.
  • In 2010 we had some work done on Litchfield & Havershall, and some crack sealing on the other roads.
  • Sharon Ziemba pointed out we are not road experts.
  • Sharon Ziemba made a motion to have a study performed of our roads by Central Testing Lab before we make a decision. Bobbi Keane seconded. All Directors voted to approve except Lyle Saur who voted no. Motion carried. The cost will be $4000 to $5000 for the study.

Trash Collection:

  • Sharon Ziemba talked to Randy Messer, Advanced Disposal manager, and effective this week the trash will be picked up in the afternoon.
  • It was noted by Barbara Benson that the dump trucks backed all the way around the cul de sac, rather than just backing in on one side, pulling out and backing up the other side.

Sharon Ziemba will talk to Randy Messer regarding this issue.

Social Committee: Diane Balkind reported Casino trip was a great success. The next Social will be the beach party in September.

Welcome Committee: Bobbi Keane stated there are no new homeowners but Marvia Korol reported that two houses are in the process of selling.

MCA Report:Bobbi Keane reported the BOD of MCA has not met yet this month. No report.

MCA Landscaping:

  • Pat Corkery reported that MCA is not replacing dead plants and sod due to the water restrictions of CitrusCounty.
  • Sharon Ziemba reminded BOD that there is no power washing allowed due to the water restrictions
  • Only power washing allowed is by T&P Painting before they paint a home in Fox Hollow.
  • MCA fountain will only run from 1pm to 9pm due to the water restrictions.

President’s Report:

  • Sharon Ziemba stated there is no written resignation as Vice President and Director of FH BOD from Peg Evans.
  • The By-Laws state that if a Director misses three consecutive BOD meetings they can be removed from the BOD by a majority vote of the other directors.
  • Barbara Benson said she had a copy of an email Peg Evans sent to the then Directors of the Board resigning from the BOD. She will provide a copy to the current BOD.
  • We need to get rid of old documents so to be sure we have the most current documents. Barbara Benson stated that all residents have the updated documents and amendments.
  • When creating new document to review we need to version control them so that we know we all are looking at the same version.
  • Barbara Benson had also developed an up to date Table of Contents that was distributed to all members. What is this ???
  • Marvia Korol asked who was responsible for letting the homeowners know what was covered by their Association Fees. Sharon Ziemba will post this information based on the category of home on the MCA website.

New Business:

  • Roles and Responsibilities reviewed and discussed for Secretary of the BOD. It was pointed out that our role of Secretary and our Treasurer do not have to be assigned to Directors on the BOD. It is the Director role that gets to vote not the roles called Secretary or Treasurer. Our By-Laws state that only the President and Vice President must be assigned to Directors of the BOD.
  • Sharon Ziemba made the motion we accept the secretary job description with the changes made. Harry Treber seconded. Unanimous.
  • DAB Chairperson Job description reviewed and edited, again there was some confusion due to version control. Note: on the DAB form, the date the form was received must be included. DAB forms will be changed to be able to reference the covenants if necessary and include the appeal process for the homeowner. DAB requests must be kept on record in the MCA office files for Fox Hollow.

Continuance of Meeting: This meeting will be continued on June 9, 2017 in the MCA Office conference room at 11 am. This portion was ended at 12:12pm, stated by Harry Treber and seconded by Bobbi Keane, all in favor. Unanimous.


Approved by FoxHollowVillage Board of Directions on ______

Board Member Signature ______

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