Safety Quiz

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  1. Flammable materials, like alcohol, should never be dispensed or used near which of the following?
    a. an open door b. an open flame
    c. another student d. a sink

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  1. Which of the following is the best immediate treatment for a minor burn?
    a. apply burn ointment
    b. apply aloe or baking soda
    c. run cold water over it
    d. do nothing

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  1. Which of the following could possibly contaminate a chemical reagent or stock bottle (the original chemical container)?
    a. setting the stopper from the stock bottle on the table while you take chemicals out b. pouring unused chemicals back into the stock reagent bottle
    c. removing the chemical directly from the stock reagent bottle with your dropper pipet
    d. all of the above

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  1. When heating a substance in a test tube, where should the open end of the tube be pointed?
    a. toward yourself b. toward your lab partner
    c. toward another classmate d. away from all people

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  1. Why must long hair always be tied back when working in the lab?
    a. it could catch on fire b. it could block your view and cause an accident
    c. it looks neater d. both A and B are correct answers

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  1. Which of the following is correct lab procedure?
    a. call across the room to tell you partner how much chemical to get
    b. report only major accidents to the teacher
    c. rinse any excess solids or chemicals down the drain
    d. do not leave Bunsen burner unattended at lab table

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  1. When massing a chemical on the balance, which is correct?
    a. place the chemical directly on the balance pan b. use the same spatula for all chemicals
    c. use your fingers to place chemical on the pan d. mass a beaker first and place chemicals in it

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  1. Which of the following could cause a fire?
    a. loose clothing around a flame b. working with flammable chemicals and a burner
    c. waving papers in the flame d. all of the above could cause a fire

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  1. Which of the following footwear is best in the lab?
    a. sandals b. open-toed shoes c. closed-toed shoes d. shoes appropriate for the weather

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  1. When gathering glassware and equipment for an experiment which of these is important?
    a. read all directions carefully to know what equipment is necessary
    b. examine all glassware to check for chips or cracks
    c. clean any glassware that appears dirty
    d. all of the above

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  1. Which of the following is the safest way to apply the necessary heat to a solution in the lab?
    a. heat in a test tube over a high yellow flame b. heat in a graduated cylinder on a hot plate
    c. heat in a beaker over a blue flame d. heat the liquid solution in a crucible

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  1. Which of the following is a safe lab procedure?
    a. wearing loose clothing b. wearing safety goggles and a lab apron
    c. practicing mixing chemicals to see what happens d. bringing books and bags to the lab table

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  1. Which of the following is true for acids?
    a. heat is given off when acid and water are mixed b. acids generally do not harm the skin
    c. stirring is not necessary when mixing acids and water d. always add water to acid

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  1. Which of the following is the best, immediate treatment when a chemical is splashed into the eye?
    a. tie back your hair, put on an apron, and rinse the eye with water
    b. close your eyes tightly and go see the nurse
    c. wash the eye with a weak solution of baking soda and water
    d. immediately flush the eye with water for a minimum of 20 minutes

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  1. When can you work safely in the lab without goggles?
    a. when you wear your glasses b. while you are cleaning up
    c. before bringing chemicals to your table d. there is no safe time to not wear goggles in the lab

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  1. What is the proper method for smelling a chemical safely?
    a. placing it directly under your nose b. using the fume hood
    c. wafting d. there is no proper way to smell a chemical

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  1. Which of the following may cause poisoning?
    a. eating or chewing gum in the lab b. getting a chemical on your pen or pencil
    c. tasting a chemical d. all or the above could cause poisoning

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  1. What is the proper, immediate, procedure if an acid is splashed on your skin?
    a. wash at once with soap b. cover immediately with oil
    d. neutralize with a weak base d. rinse with plenty of water

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  1. What is the last thing you should do before leaving the lab?
    a. wash your hands with soap and water b. dispose of excess chemicals properly
    c. put away all chemicals and equipment d. insure you have collected all your belongings

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  1. Which of the following is recommended in preparation for a lab?
    a. do not wear sandals b. read labels on all bottles twice
    c. read the procedure before the lab and reread during the lab d. all of the above

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  1. Which of the following is the correct way to get a chemical from the reagent or stock bottle?
    a. pour a small amount into a beaker; then measure the correct amount with a graduated cylinder
    b. take the reagent or stock bottle to your lab table and measure what you need
    c. pass the bottle from table to table
    d. use the dropper from your lab table to remove the liquid from the reagent or stock bottle

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  1. What is the single most important thing you can do to prevent accidents in the lab?
    a. wear appropriate clothing b. wear goggles and a lab apron when chemicals are present
    c. turn off burner when not in use d. read and understand the directions before beginning lab

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  1. When in doubt about how to handle a safety situation, what is the first thing you should do?
    a. remove yourself and others from the immediate area b. tell the instructor
    c. turn off the gas d. ask your lab partner for advice

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  1. Which of the following chemical wastes can be disposed of in the sink?
    a. solid waste b. unknown waste
    c. organic waste d. water soluble waste as directed by your instructor

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  1. When preparing for a laboratory activity where would you get information on the safety precautions necessary for the experiment to be undertaken?
    a. the lab hand out b. the MSDS
    c. your teacher d. any of these