Cornell Notes / Topic/Objective: / Name:
Chapter 9 Notes / Class/Period:
Essential Question:How did Jefferson and Madison deal with unresolved problems?
Questions: / Notes:
Jefferson takes office
Struggled to win – 73 electoral votes – tied with ______
-______had to decide
The ______should not interfere in the ______
-Jefferson wants to limit the power of the ______government
  • Reduces number of people in government
  • Fires all ______
  • Reduces number of ______
  • Shrank military by half
  • Eliminated federal ______inside the country
Made it a crime to ______or ______anything false/insulting about 1.)______, 2.) ______, 3.) ______
-Passed during presidency of ______
  • Refunded ______and released those imprisoned
Judge William ______lost his job and sued James ______(Secretary of State)
-Cited Judiciary Review Act of 1789
  • ______has power to review cases brought against the federal government
-Decision said Supreme Court gets power from ______not ______
-Established ______- the authority of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws
Laissez Faire
Sedition Act
Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Between _____ and ______- guaranteed right to ship goods down Mississippi river to New Orleans
1801 – Spain gives Louisiana and New Orleans to ______
-Would block westward ______
French Revolution led by Toussaint L’Ouverture left ______
Unguarded by Haiti
______Bonaparte needed money to support war and offered to sell ______Territory to US
-$______million (___ cents/acre)
-______size of the country
Constitution does not give power to the President to buy land from a foreign country
Decision: President DOES have power to make ______
-______approves and votes to pay for land
Spring 1804 – Meriwether ______and William ______chosen to explore Louisiana Territory
-Goal was to report on:
1.)______3.) ______
2.)______4.) natural features
-Make contact with Native Americans
-Find out is any waterway exists between ______River and ______Ocean
Began expedition in ______
-3 boats with 40 men – including slave named ______
October 1804 – reached ______
-Made camp for winter
-Met Shoshone Indian Sacagawea – guide and translator
Reacher ______in November 1805
-Near where Columbia River meats the ocean
Pinckney Treaty
Surprise Offer
Lewis and Clark
Explored southern part of Louisiana Territory 1806-1807
-Traveled west to Rocky Mountains
-Tried to climb a mountain, but was turned back (known today as ______)
-Arrested by Spanish on return trip – thought they were ______
  • Feared exploration was to take over the region
Pirates began to attack American ships in ______Sea
-Came from Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia, and Tripoli
-Europeans stopped raids by paying ______
-US also paid – to begin with
  • Jefferson stops – sends ______
Goes badly at first losing Philadelphia in Tripoli
Marines march across Sahara and capture Tripoli
1803 – Britain/France at war
US remains ______and continues trade with both
-Both sides attach US ______ships
-Britain again ______US soldiers
Jefferson tried for peaceful solution
-NO US ships could trade with any ______nation
  • Effect ______the most
Exports fell by $_____ million
Prices dropped on ______
Tens of thousands out of work
  • Americans turned to smuggling
Repealed in 1809
Movement of settlers westward effect Native Americans
-______kills thousands
-Settlers hunt animals they depend on
-______decreases, power of leaders declines
Shawnee people led by two ______urge resistance
-Preserve ______ways
Zebulon Pike
Barbary States
Embargo Act
Tecumseh &
The Prophet
William Henry Harrison takes action against Native Americans
-Success at Battle of Tippecanoe – defeats Natives
-Marks high point of Native American ______
War of 1812
James Madison takes office in 1809
-Angry at British ______and provision of arm to the ______
1810 – Henry ______and John C. ______become leaders in the House of Representatives
-Supporters known as ______
Opposition to war strongest in the ______
Relations with Britain steadily worsened – Native American began new attacks on the frontier
June 1812 – Congress declares war
-Americans at first confident – truly not prepared
  • 16 ______(Navy)
  • ______men (Army)
British blockade American ports
-Major sea battle between USS Constitution (“______”) and British Guerriere
War Hawks demand invasion of Canada – July ______, but soon retreat
-British attack and force surrender  serious defeat
Lake ______- very important
-Oliver Hazard Perry continued fight until US won
  • Forced British to retreat to Canada
  • William Henry Harrison pursues and defeats British in Battle of Thames - ______killed
1814 – British defeat ______
-Frees up troops to send to America
-Attack Washington, DC and Baltimore
  • British burn government buildings, including ______

Final Battles
-September 13, 1814 – Attack on Fort ______
  • Americans defeat British
  • ______sees flag over fort and writes “______”
Britain tires of war by 1814
-Peace talks begin in Ghent, Belgium
-Treaty signed Christmas Eve 1814 and ends war
After Treaty of Ghent signed, but before word reaches US
Andrew ______wins and American victory
New Englanders and ______opposed war from start
-Hartford Convention convenes in discuss New England ______from the Union
  • Word of Treat arrives and Convention ends
Called “______” by some and secured independence from ______once and for all
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New