Soccer Study Guide



The beginning of modern soccer started in Great Britain in 1863. The sport was first known in Britain as association football; this was shortened to A-soc, and finally, soccer. The sport’s popularity in the United States lagged until the 1970s, when youth leagues began to flourish. Soccer is a popular sport worldwide, especially in Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany, and Italy. In the United States, it is second to basketball in youth participation (about 7.7 million youths play soccer). About 18 million people play soccer at least once a year in the United States, nearly half of that play regularly in soccer leagues. The game is popular in the United States both recreationally and at youth and high school levels.

Terms & Facts

There are 11 players on the field for each team.

Each goal is worth one point.

The offense is the team with the ball. The defenseis the team without possession of the ball.

Kick Off- The kickoff initiates play at the beginning of the game, start of the second half, after each goal and to start overtime if needed.

- Players must be on their own half of the field when the kick is taken. Opposing players must be 10 yards from the ball.

-The ball must move forward on the kick or the kick is retaken.

-After the kick off is taken, any player other than the kicker must touch the ball next.

Out of Bound Procedures-

-Throw-in- If the ball is kicked out of bounds over the sideline, the ball is put back into play with a throw-in by the other team.

-Goal Kick- A goal kick is awarded to the defending team when the ball goes out over the end line by an offensive player.

-Corner Kick- A corner kick is taken by an offensive player when the ball goes out of bounds over the end line by a defensive player.

Violations- Violations are illegal procedures that occur during a game.

High Kicking- High kicking is kicking the ball above the waist when another player is close by.

Playing the ball on the ground- A player cannot play the ball when down on the ground.

Low Heading- It is a violation if the player bends down low to head the ball.

Hand Ball- Players may not use their hands in soccer. Only the goalie can use his/her hands.

Other Violations- You may not push, hold, trip, or use any other type of roughness.

Free Kicks are awarded when there is a violation.

-Free Kick- If the violation occurs outside the penalty area, the result is a free kick for the opposing team. The team not taking the free kick must back off 10 yards.

-Penalty Kick- A violation that occurs inside the Penalty box by the defense may result in a penalty kick being awarded to the offensive team. One offensive player is given a direct kick on goal from the penalty kick mark with only the goalie being allowed to defend the shot.

Game Time- A regulation game consists of two 45 minute halves. Overtime, if needed, consists of two 10 minute halves. Penalty kicks will be used to break a tie after the above in playoff play.

Dribbling Cues Passing Cues Throw-in Cues

1. Tap ball lightly below center 1. Contact ball at center 1. Two feet on the ground

2. Keep ball 1 to 2 feet away for a push pass 2. Two hands over head

3. Watch ball, but be alert to 2. Point kicking toe outward 3. Step to target

other player positions with ankle locked for a 4. Follow through

4. Use all parts of the foot push pass

5. Use both feet for dribbling 3. Plant foot toe is pointing

to target

4. Follow through toward the

target with kicking foot

Other Skills to work on- Trapping, shooting, low drive pass, chip pass and goal tending skills.

Field Markings and Player Positions

Field Markings- End Line (Goal Line), Mid Field Line (Halfway line), Penalty Box (Penalty area), Side Line (Touch Line) and the Goal Box (Goal Area)

Player Positions

1) Forwards- They are offensive players who provide the main scoring effort (wings & strikers)

2) Mid-Fielders- They are both offensive and defensive players. They try to get the ball from the opponents, and get the ball up to their forward line players.

3) Fullbacks- They are defensive players. They try to prevent the opponents from getting a shot on goal.

4) Goalie- The goalie attempts to stop shots on goal, and prevent scoring. The goalie is the only player position allowed to use his/her hands. The goalie may punt the ball, drop kick it, kick the ball off the ground, throw it or even roll it once he/or she gains position of the ball.

Strategies of Soccer- Offensive, Defensive and Goaltending strategies used during the game.