My name:
FREN 1010, UNIT 1. Communicative Goals / “Can-Do” Checklist O’Neill (Sections 004-005).
• Please use this as a sort of checklist so you can keep track of your own progress for this unit.
• You should be able to understand (listening & reading) and use (speaking & writing) the items on the list.
Idea for using the list: For each item, mark it as
√ I can do this well always/almost always
? I can do it sometimes/partially
X I can’t really do this well yet
• If you’re not able to do these things after you’ve done “preview, do, and review” activities online and in class, then
• try doing additional practice (the textbook, Supersite, etc.) on your own
• consider seeking out help from a tutor or classmate
• come see your teacher to ask questions or get additional help.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24. p. 1-7. I can…
say hello and goodbye in culturally-appropriate ways, in French
introduce myself and others, in French
use appropriate politeness forms, in French
spell with letters and accents, in French
FRIDAY, AUG. 26. p. 8-13. I can…
discuss cultural info related to greetings and politeness in places where French is spoken, in French OR English
use basic classroom vocabulary, in French
ask about or identify an item/person (for example, Qu’est-ce que c’est or Qui est-ce; c’est or ce sont), in French
MONDAY, AUG. 29. p. 14-19. I can…
recognize and use numbers from 0 to 60, in French
say how many there are of an item (il y a), in French
refer to there being one or more people/things (definite and indefinite articles), in French
understand and discuss cultural information from an authentic video resource, in French OR English
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31. p. 20-25. I can…
use additional vocabulary related to the classroom, in French
correctly pronounce or not pronounce the final letters of some basic words, in French
describe some basic personality traits for myself and others (être, adjectives), in French
FRIDAY, SEPT. 2. p. 26-31. I can…
discuss multiculturalism, stereotypes, and other languages used in Francophone regions, in French OR English
identify myself and others (subject pronouns — je, tu…), in French
give basic descriptions of people and objects (être, adjectives), in French
identify people and objects (for example, with C’est/Ce sont, Il/Elle est, Ils/Elles sont), in French
WEDNESDAY, SEPT 7. p. 32-37. I can…
talk about people’s personality and nationality, in French
listen for and understand some basic information in a conversation, in French
conduct a simple conversation using basic vocabulary and structures you’ve learned so far, in French
FRIDAY, SEPT 9. p. 38-44. I can…
discuss where French is spoken and other facts about Francophone countries and regions, in French OR English
use strategies (guessing from context, inferring meaning) to read and understand basic information, in French
talk with others to obtain basic contact information, in French
write basic contact information about myself, in French