Check the . . .
1.thoroughness of your classroom management system to see if it includes all classroom behaviors. of skillful and consistent application of the classroom management system.
3.extent of student success experiences. of student familiarity with and focus on the expectations that are part of the classroom management system.
5.rewards and corrective consequences that are part of the classroom management system.
6.clarity of communication regarding academic learning goals (outcomes).
7.type and extent of feedback regarding appropriate behavior and academic progress.
8.extent of parental involvement and other support. to which the curriculum and tasks/assignments engage student thinking
For more information, contact:
Bobb Darnell, Ed.D. /
Classroom Management Research
Percentile Drop in Disruptions1. Rules and Procedures 28
2. Disciplinary Interventions 32
3. Teacher-Student Relationships 31
- Mental Set 40
- Student Responsibility Skills 25
Causes of Chronic Misconduct
Needs of Causes of StudentsMisbehavior
BelongingLow self-concept
SignificanceFew emotional outlets
Competence/Low self-concept
Power/autonomy Unclear limits
Fun EnjoymentBoredom
Few emotional outlets
Behavior Problems Have
Four Causes (Dreiker)
•need for attention
•seeking power
•seeking revenge
•feelings of inadequacy
Common Misconceptions about Punishment
Misconception 1:Punishment is a powerful strategy for changing behavior.
Misconception 2:If teachers would be tougher with students, students would learn to be more self-disciplined.
Misconception 3:Students respect teachers who are tough.
Misconception 4:Classroom control is established through the use of punishment.
Guidelines for Using Punishment Effectively
Guideline 1:Define the specific behavior you are concerned about.
Guideline 2:Clearly specify the borderline between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Guideline 3:Discuss beforehand the unacceptable behaviors, the borderlines between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and the consequences with the student or students.
Guideline 4:Be as consistent as possible in implementing consequences.
Guideline 5:Establish punishments for as few behaviors as possible.
Guideline 6:Always treat students with respect.
Problem Solving for Academic and
Behavior Problems
I dentify the dimensions of the problem.
D etermine alternative solutions.
E stablish standards and evaluate each
alternative solution.
A dopt and implement a plan.
L ook back, evaluate, and adjust.
1.(I) Identify the problem that needs to be solved.
2.(I) What are the causes of this problem?
3.(I) What positive results do you expect will occur when you solve this problem?
4.(D) What are some possible ways to solve this problem?
5.(E) Which alternative solution(s) do you choose to solve the problem?
6.(A) What obstacles, if any, do you have to overcome in order to solve this problem?
7. (A) What is your plan for applying the solution you chose?
8.(L) Do you predict that this plan will work? Why?
9.(L) When will you evaluate your solution strategy to make sure it is working?
Written Self-Analyses
I think that I contributed to the incident when I ______
I think that ______contributed when she/he ______
I think the incident would not have happened if I had/had not ______.
I think that the incident would not have happened if ______had/had not ____
When I think back on what happened I ______
Next time, if I am in a similar situation, I will _____
I think the best solution to the problem caused by this incident is ______/ Guideline 7:Implement punishment procedures unemotionally.
Guideline 8:Establish a plan to reinforce students for improved behavior.
Guideline 9:At the end of two weeks, evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts to reduce misbehavior. Modify your plan if necessary.
Turning Rules Into Goals in School
1.I am in the classroom ready to learn when the bell rings.
2.I have all my learning materials with me in the classroom each day.
3.I work in a focused way to accomplish all classroom learning goals, tasks, and assignments.
4.I am respectful and supportive of my fellow classmates.
5.I respect and support my teacher.
6.I respect the school's materials, equipment, and other resources.
Warning !
You may not be aware of the fact that you are not supportive and respectful of me as I am trying to teach, and you are not supportive and respectful of fellow classmates as they are learning. Please be aware that this is a warning. Failure to stop your inappropriate behavior at this time, or the accumulation of three warnings on separate days, will require the completion of a problem-solving form and a meeting during non-class time.
I do not wish to discuss this warning with you at this time so that we can avoid embar-rassment to either of us. I would be glad to talk with you at another time. As for now, please stop the inappropriate behavior and focus your energy on the task assigned. At the conclusion of class, sign this form and return it to me.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Your name Date
Actions I can take immediately to solve/reduce the problem.