Overview of WIA Title I Formula Allocations

National-to-State Title I Formula Distribution

In accordance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) posted a Federal Register Notice on March 25, 2005 announcing the WIA Title I allotments to the states for FY2006. Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 23-04 issued on the same date contained the allotments and a description of the federal allotment process. The funds for the Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker programs are distributed nationally according to the following formula factors:

  1. Adult:
  • The number of economically disadvantaged residents, age 22 to 72 years. A disadvantaged adult is an individual who received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, that, in relation to family size, does not exceed the higher of the poverty line or 70 % of the lower living standard income level. DOL calculates this factor using the 2000 U.S. Census.
  • The number of unemployed within "Areas of Substantial Unemployment" in each state. ASUs are areas that have had an average unemployment rate of at least 6.5% for the most recent 12-month period. ASU areas can vary considerably in size. An ASU area can be as large as an entire state, if the statewide unemployment rate meets the qualifying threshold; it can be an entire workforce investment area, if the area as a whole qualifies; or, if the area-wide unemployment rate is below 6.5% but pockets of high unemployment exist within it, the ASU can be as small as a city/town, or even a neighborhood within a town, but in no case can it be an area with a population of less than 10,000 people. USDOL uses a July-to-June reference period to determine Areas of Substantial Unemployment based on local unemployment data supplied by the states. For the FY2006 allotments, DOL used the reference period of July 2003 to June 2004.
  • The number of "Excess Unemployed" in each state, i.e., the number of unemployed in excess of 4.5% of the labor force in areas with greater than a 4.5% unemployment rate. USDOL calculates excess unemployment against the same July-to-June period that it uses for the "ASU" factor. DOL calculates the "Excess" factor against the entire state if the statewide unemployment rate exceeds 4.5% or against ASUs within the state if either the statewide rate is less than 4.5% or the ASU-based count will yield a higher number of "Excess Unemployed" than the statewide calculation.
  1. Youth
  • The number of economically disadvantaged residents, age 16 to 21 years.
  • The number of unemployed within "Areas of Substantial Unemployment" in each state. The same calculation of total unemployed is used for both Adult and Youth formulas.
  • The number of "Excess Unemployed" in each state. The same calculation of total excess unemployed is used for both Adult and Youth formulas.

Overview of WIA Title I Formula Allocations (cont.)

  1. Dislocated Workers
  • The number of unemployed residents in each state. USDOL calculates this factor using the averages for the 12-month period of October 2003 to September 2004.
  • The number of excess unemployed residents in each state. The term “excess number” means the number that represents unemployed individuals in excess of 4.5 % of the civilian labor force in the state. USDOL calculates this factor using the averages for the 12-month period of October 2003 to September 2004.
  • The number of long-term unemployed residents in each state. Long-term unemployed means individuals who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more who reside in the state. USDOL calculates this factor using the averages for calendar year 2003.

The three formula factors for each program area are weighted equally, and each state's share (or proportional entitlement) of the national funding in each program area is the sum of its share of the national totals for each factor, divided by three. For the Adult and Youth programs, WIA requires minimum state allotments equal to 90 % hold-harmless of their prior year allotment percentage as well as stop-gain maximum allotments of 130 % of the prior year allotment percentage. It is important to note that the Dislocated Worker allotment formula has neither “hold-harmless” nor “stop-gain” provisions. Thus, state allotments for this program area may show large gains or losses from the previous year due to changes in the relative share of unemployment.

State-to-Local Formula Distribution

States must distribute 85% of their state allotments for Adult and Youth programs to workforce investment areas based on the same three factors used in the national formula distribution.

  • Economically Disadvantaged Adults and Youth: The data for economically disadvantaged adults and youth residing in local workforce investment areas is based on the 2000 U.S. Census.
  • Unemployed Residents in ASUs: During the FY04 reference period of July 2003 to June 2004 Hampden, Lower Merrimack and North Central local areas’ unemployment rate exceeded the 6.5% threshold required to qualify as an Area of Substantial Unemployment. All of the remaining local areas had part of their region in one of the USDOL designated ASUs within Massachusetts.
  • Unemployed Residents in Areas of Excess Unemployment: During the FY04 reference period fourteen of the workforce areas met the 4.5% qualifying level of unemployment for designation in its entirety as an area of “Excess Unemployment”. Franklin/Hampshire and Metro South/West local areas were below the 4.5% average overall but had unemployed in areas of “Excess Unemployment” within cities, towns, or census tracts.

Overview of WIA Title I Formula Allocations (cont.)

States must distribute 60% of their Dislocated Worker allotment to local workforce investment areas according to the formula developed by each state to meet the requirements of WIA Section 133(b). It is not the same as the formula used in the national-to-state distribution. The Act provides general guidance on the categories of information that should be used in the formula, but does not prescribe the specific factors. The following factors and weights, determined by the WIA Steering Committee, are used in the Commonwealth’s Dislocated Worker formula distribution. See Table 2 for calculations.

In FY2006, the sixth year of WIA, states are required to use hold harmless procedures for both Adult and Youth sub-state allocations. The hold-harmless guarantees local areas 90% of their prior two-year average share of the state allotment if their formula-based share would fall below this level. The Youth formula shares of twelve local areas above the hold-harmless level were pro-rated downward in order to increase the shares of four areas to the 90% hold-harmless level. The Adult shares for seven local areas were adjusted up to the hold harmless level, with pro-ration downward for the other nine areas. See Tables 3 and 4 for the Adult and Youth calculations.

  1. UI Claimants. To meet category of insured unemployment data. Source: Statewide Survey of UI Claimants, CY04 monthly average. Weight: 20%.
  2. Average Unemployment Rate. To meet category of unemployment concentrations. Source: Local Area Unemployment Statistics CY04 average. Weight: 25%.
  3. Claimants in Mass Layoff Events. To meet the WIA category of plant closing and mass layoff data. Source: Mass Layoff Statistics, CY03Q4-CY04Q3. Weight: 25%.
  4. Industries with 3 Year Job Loss. To meet category of declining industries. Source: ES-202 annual data, 2001-2003. Weight: 10%.
  5. Long-Term Claimants. To meet category of long-term unemployment data. Source: Statewide Survey of UI Claimants, CY04 average. Weight: 10%.
  6. UI Exhaustees. To meet category of long-term unemployment data. Source: Statewide Survey of UI Claimants, CY04 annual data. Weight: 10%.

A comparison of FY2006 WIA allocations to FY2005 allocations is shown in Table 5.

USDOL Notices of Obligation (NOOs)

The funds for WIA Title I activities were appropriated by Congress in two portions. This has the following effects on the availability of funds to the state, to be issued by USDOL through Notices of Obligation under the Title I grant agreement.

  1. Dislocated Worker:

Congress appropriated funds for the Dislocated Worker program in two portions, with approximately 28.93% of the funds available on July 1, 2005 and the balance to be made available on October 1, 2005. Allotments to States have been prorated based on these amounts. Of the State’s Dislocated Worker allotment of $15,377,608 USDOL will issue a NOO in the amount of $4,449,418 for July 1st and issue the balance of $10,928,190 on October 1, 2005. Allocations to local areas will be issued in the same way, with 28.93% available as of July 1st and the balance made available through grant modifications when the USDOL October NOO is issued to the State. See Table 6.

Overview of WIA Title I Formula Allocations (cont.)

  1. Adult:

Congress also appropriated funds for the Adult program in two portions, with approximately 20.59% available on July 1, 2005 and the balance to be made available on October 1, 2005. Of the State’s allotment of $15,420,508 for Adults, USDOL will issue a NOO in the amount of $3,175,159 for July 1st and will issue the balance of $12,245,349 for October 1, 2005. Allocations to local areas will be issued in the same way, with 20.59% available as of July 1st and the balance made available through grant modifications when the USDOL October NOO is issued to the State. See Table 7.

  1. Youth:

Congress appropriated all funds for the Youth program from the same federal fiscal year. The State’s allotment of $18,460,028 will be issued by USDOL as of July 1, 20051. The USDOL will make up to 25% of the Youth funds available for obligation as early as April 1, 2005 to enable states and local areas to begin planning and start-up activities for summer employment opportunities. Local areas may request up to 25% in advance of the July 1 allocation. See Table 8.

All funds for the Youth program were appropriated by Congress from the same federal fiscal year. The State’s allotment of $12,957,434 has been issued by USDOL as of July 1, 2000. In addition, WIA allows USDOL to make the Youth funds available for obligation as early as April 1, 2000. Under the terms of Massachusetts’ WIA Youth Transition Plan approved by USDOL, workforce investments areas that submitted local Youth Transition plans had 25% of their FY2001 allocation available as of April 1, 2000. See Table 8.

Local Administration Cost Pool

Of the amounts allocated to a local area, not more than 10 % of each allocation may be used for the administrative costs of carrying out local workforce investment activities. Funds made available for administrative costs, however, may be used for the administrative costs of any of the local workforce investment activities, regardless of whether the funds were allocated under the Adult, Dislocated Worker, Section 173(e) or Youth sections of the Act. The funds reserved for local administration costs do not need to be allocated back to the individual funding streams. WIA fiscal reporting requirements issued by USDOL will include four reports for local funds: one each for the Adult, Dislocated Worker, Section 173(e) and Youth 90% program funds and a fifth report on total Local Administration expenditures. The Commonwealth will, therefore, issue five separate contracts for Adult program funds, Dislocated Worker program funds, Section 173(e) program funds, Youth program funds, and combined Local Administration funds. See Tables 9-12.

List of Tables for FY2006 WIA Title I Allocations

  1. State Allotments for FY2006 WIA Title I
  2. Formula Allocation Factors and Shares for Dislocated Worker Activities

2A.Formula Allocation Factors and Shares for Dislocated Worker Activities

  1. Formula Allocation Shares for Adult Activities, with Hold Harmless Adjustment
  2. Formula Allocation Shares for Youth Activities, with Hold-Harmless Adjustment
  3. Comparison of FY2006 Title I Allocations to FY2005 WIA Allocations
  4. Dislocated Worker Allocations by USDOL NOOs

6A.Section 173(e) Allocations by USDOL NOOs

  1. Adult Allocations by USDOL NOOs
  2. Total Awards for Programs and Local Administration (including Youth NOO amounts)
  3. Partial Awards as of July 1, 2005 (Dislocated Worker, Adult & Youth)
  4. Balance of Awards as of October 1, 2005 (Dislocated Worker & Adult)
  5. Total Awards as of October 1, 2005 (Dislocated Worker, Adult)
  6. FY2006 State Allotment Summary by USDOL NOOs




Allotments Published in the March 25, 2005 Federal Register

CATEGORY / Final FY2005
Allotment / FY2006
Allotment / Change / Percent
A. DISLOCATED WORKERS / $25,342,096 / $25,629,346 / $287,250 / 1.1%
1. FORMULA ALLOCATIONS 60% / $15,205,258 / $15,377,608 / $172,350 / 1.1%
a. PROGRAM 90% / $13,684,732 / $13,839,847 / $155,115 / 1.1%
b. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 10% / $1,520,526 / $1,537,761 / $17,235 / 1.1%
2. RAPID RESPONSE 25% / $6,335,524 / $6,407,336 / $71,812 / 1.1%
3. STATEWIDE PROGRAMS 15% / $3,801,314 / $3,844,402 / $43,089 / 1.1%
a. PROGRAM 10% / $2,534,210 / $2,562,935 / $28,725 / 1.1%
b. ADMINISTRATION 5% / $1,267,105 / $1,281,467 / $14,364 / 1.1%
B. ADULT TOTAL / $11,891,996 / $15,420,508 / $3,528,512 / 29.7%
1. FORMULA ALLOCATIONS 85% / $10,108,197 / $13,107,432 / $2,999,235 / 29.7%
a. PROGRAM 90% / $9,097,377 / $11,796,689 / $2,699,312 / 29.7%
b. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 10% / $1,010,820 / $1,310,743 / $299,923 / 29.7%
2. STATEWIDE PROGRAMS 15% / $1,783,799 / $2,313,076 / $529,277 / 29.7%
a. PROGRAM 10% / $1,189,200 / $1,542,052 / $352,852 / 29.7%
b. ADMINISTRATION 5% / $594,599 / $771,024 / $176,425 / 29.7%
C. YOUTH TOTAL / $16,527,910 / $18,460,028 / $1,932,118 / 11.7%
1. FORMULA ALLOCATIONS 85% / $14,048,724 / $15,691,024 / $1,642,300 / 11.7%
a. PROGRAM 90% / $12,643,852 / $14,121,922 / $1,478,070 / 11.7%
b. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 10% / $1,404,872 / $1,569,102 / $164,230 / 11.7%
2. STATEWIDE PROGRAMS 15% / $2,479,186 / $2,769,004 / $289,818 / 11.7%
a. PROGRAM 10% / $1,652,791 / $1,846,003 / $193,212 / 11.7%
b. ADMINISTRATION 5% / $826,395 / $923,001 / $96,606 / 11.7%
D. TITLE I TOTAL (excl. Sec 173(e) funds) / $53,762,002 / $59,509,882 / $5,747,880 / 10.7%
1. LOCAL FORMULA ALLOCATIONS / $39,362,178 / $44,176,064 / $4,813,884 / 12.2%
a. PROGRAM 90% / $35,425,960 / $39,758,458 / $4,332,498 / 12.2%
b. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 10% / $3,936,218 / $4,417,606 / $481,388 / 12.2%
2. RAPID RESPONSE / $6,335,524 / $6,407,336 / $71,812 / 1.1%
3. STATEWIDE PROGRAMS 15% / $8,064,300 / $8,926,482 / $862,183 / 10.7%
a. PROGRAM 10% / $5,376,200 / $5,950,989 / $574,788 / 10.7%
b. ADMINISTRATION 5% / $2,688,100 / $2,975,493 / $287,395 / 10.7%
E. SECTION 173(e) 100% / $3,262,217 / $754,227 / -$2,507,990 / -76.9%
a. PROGRAM 90% / $2,935,995 / $678,804 / -$2,257,191 / -76.9%
b. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION 10% / $326,222 / $75,423 / -$250,799 / -76.9%

Division of Career Services04/19/05


WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREA / A. CY04 Average Monthly UI Claimants / B. CY04 Annual Unemployment Rate / C. CY03 -CY04 Claimants from Mass Layoffs / D. 3 Year Job Loss in Declining Industries / E. CY04 Monthly Long-Term UI Claims (15+Wks) / F. CY04 Annual Total of UI Exhaustees / FY2006 Formula
Count / Pct / Rate / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Share / Amount
Berkshire County / 1,707 / 1.93% / 4.60% / 5.44% / 443 / 1.96% / 2,162 / 1.18% / 539 / 1.75% / 1,548 / 1.80% / 2.71% / $416,734
Boston / 8,269 / 9.34% / 5.50% / 6.50% / 2,460 / 10.90% / 35,309 / 19.19% / 3,057 / 9.94% / 8,816 / 10.22% / 10.15% / $1,560,827
Bristol County / 8,458 / 9.56% / 5.80% / 6.86% / 2,045 / 9.06% / 6,854 / 3.73% / 2,662 / 8.66% / 7,380 / 8.56% / 7.98% / $1,227,133
Brockton / 3,578 / 4.04% / 5.50% / 6.50% / 1,242 / 5.50% / 3,541 / 1.92% / 1,256 / 4.09% / 3,489 / 4.05% / 4.82% / $741,201
Cape Cod & Islands / 3,338 / 3.77% / 4.60% / 5.44% / 544 / 2.41% / 1,259 / 0.68% / 1,015 / 3.30% / 3,010 / 3.49% / 3.46% / $532,065
Central Mass / 7,642 / 8.63% / 5.30% / 6.26% / 1,286 / 5.70% / 10,486 / 5.70% / 2,643 / 8.60% / 7,198 / 8.35% / 6.98% / $1,073,357
Franklin/Hampshire / 1,933 / 2.18% / 4.10% / 4.85% / 512 / 2.27% / 2,171 / 1.18% / 621 / 2.02% / 1,712 / 1.99% / 2.73% / $419,809
Greater Lowell / 3,880 / 4.38% / 5.70% / 6.74% / 1,282 / 5.68% / 11,978 / 6.51% / 1,365 / 4.44% / 3,810 / 4.42% / 5.52% / $848,844
Greater New Bedford / 3,463 / 3.91% / 6.50% / 7.68% / 1,207 / 5.35% / 2,245 / 1.22% / 932 / 3.03% / 2,842 / 3.30% / 4.79% / $736,587
Hampden County / 7,388 / 8.35% / 6.10% / 7.21% / 2,317 / 10.27% / 10,085 / 5.48% / 2,502 / 8.14% / 7,217 / 8.37% / 8.24% / $1,267,115
Lower Merrimack / 7,933 / 8.96% / 6.40% / 7.57% / 1,536 / 6.81% / 12,153 / 6.61% / 2,777 / 9.03% / 8,119 / 9.42% / 7.89% / $1,213,293
Metro North / 8,398 / 9.49% / 4.50% / 5.32% / 1,972 / 8.74% / 33,506 / 18.21% / 3,166 / 10.30% / 8,736 / 10.13% / 9.28% / $1,427,042
Metro South/West / 6,983 / 7.89% / 4.00% / 4.73% / 1,898 / 8.41% / 36,586 / 19.89% / 2,694 / 8.76% / 6,841 / 7.93% / 8.52% / $1,310,172
North Central / 3,861 / 4.36% / 5.80% / 6.86% / 792 / 3.51% / 4,006 / 2.18% / 1,289 / 4.19% / 3,695 / 4.28% / 4.53% / $696,606
North Shore / 5,467 / 6.18% / 5.30% / 6.26% / 1,203 / 5.33% / 5,978 / 3.25% / 2,006 / 6.52% / 5,643 / 6.54% / 5.77% / $887,288
South Coastal / 6,214 / 7.02% / 4.90% / 5.79% / 1,831 / 8.11% / 5,667 / 3.08% / 2,221 / 7.22% / 6,176 / 7.16% / 6.63% / $1,019,535
TOTAL / 88,512 / 100% / 84.6% / 100% / 22,570 / 100% / 183,986 / 100% / 30,745 / 100% / 86,232 / 100% / 100% / $15,377,608

Division of Career Services 04/19/05

The six factors are weighted in the overall formula share as follows: A=20%; B=25%; C=25%; D=10%; E=10%; and F=10%.


WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREA / A. CY04 Average Monthly UI Claimants / B. CY04 Annual Unemployment Rate / C. CY03 -CY04 Claimants from Mass Layoffs / D. 3 Year Job Loss in Declining Industries / E. CY04 Monthly Long-Term UI Claims (15+Wks) / F. CY04 Annual Total of UI Exhaustees / FY2006 Formula
Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Share / Allocation
Berkshire County / 1,707 / 1.93% / 4.60% / 5.44% / 443 / 1.96% / 2,162 / 1.18% / 539 / 1.75% / 1,548 / 1.80% / 2.71% / $20,441
Boston / 8,269 / 9.34% / 5.50% / 6.50% / 2,460 / 10.90% / 35,309 / 19.19% / 3,057 / 9.94% / 8,816 / 10.22% / 10.15% / $76,554
Bristol County / 8,458 / 9.56% / 5.80% / 6.86% / 2,045 / 9.06% / 6,854 / 3.73% / 2,662 / 8.66% / 7,380 / 8.56% / 7.98% / $60,187
Brockton / 3,578 / 4.04% / 5.50% / 6.50% / 1,242 / 5.50% / 3,541 / 1.92% / 1,256 / 4.09% / 3,489 / 4.05% / 4.82% / $36,354
Cape Cod & Islands / 3,338 / 3.77% / 4.60% / 5.44% / 544 / 2.41% / 1,259 / 0.68% / 1,015 / 3.30% / 3,010 / 3.49% / 3.46% / $26,096
Central Mass / 7,642 / 8.63% / 5.30% / 6.26% / 1,286 / 5.70% / 10,486 / 5.70% / 2,643 / 8.60% / 7,198 / 8.35% / 6.98% / $52,645
Franklin/Hampshire / 1,933 / 2.18% / 4.10% / 4.85% / 512 / 2.27% / 2,171 / 1.18% / 621 / 2.02% / 1,712 / 1.99% / 2.73% / $20,591
Greater Lowell / 3,880 / 4.38% / 5.70% / 6.74% / 1,282 / 5.68% / 11,978 / 6.51% / 1,365 / 4.44% / 3,810 / 4.42% / 5.52% / $41,633
Greater New Bedford / 3,463 / 3.91% / 6.50% / 7.68% / 1,207 / 5.35% / 2,245 / 1.22% / 932 / 3.03% / 2,842 / 3.30% / 4.79% / $36,127
Hampden County / 7,388 / 8.35% / 6.10% / 7.21% / 2,317 / 10.27% / 10,085 / 5.48% / 2,502 / 8.14% / 7,217 / 8.37% / 8.24% / $62,148
Lower Merrimack / 7,933 / 8.96% / 6.40% / 7.57% / 1,536 / 6.81% / 12,153 / 6.61% / 2,777 / 9.03% / 8,119 / 9.42% / 7.89% / $59,509
Metro North / 8,398 / 9.49% / 4.50% / 5.32% / 1,972 / 8.74% / 33,506 / 18.21% / 3,166 / 10.30% / 8,736 / 10.13% / 9.28% / $69,992
Metro South/West / 6,983 / 7.89% / 4.00% / 4.73% / 1,898 / 8.41% / 36,586 / 19.89% / 2,694 / 8.76% / 6,841 / 7.93% / 8.52% / $64,260
North Central / 3,861 / 4.36% / 5.80% / 6.86% / 792 / 3.51% / 4,006 / 2.18% / 1,289 / 4.19% / 3,695 / 4.28% / 4.53% / $34,166
North Shore / 5,467 / 6.18% / 5.30% / 6.26% / 1,203 / 5.33% / 5,978 / 3.25% / 2,006 / 6.52% / 5,643 / 6.54% / 5.77% / $43,519
South Coastal / 6,214 / 7.02% / 4.90% / 5.79% / 1,831 / 8.11% / 5,667 / 3.08% / 2,221 / 7.22% / 6,176 / 7.16% / 6.63% / $50,005
TOTAL / 88,512 / 100% / 84.6% / 100% / 22,570 / 100% / 183,986 / 100% / 30,745 / 100% / 86,232 / 100% / 100% / $754,227

Division of Career Services 04/19/05

* The allotment provided for by amendment Section 173(e) of the Workforce Investment Act comes from Title I National Emergency Grant funds. 100% must be allocated locally. The state allotment is based on the difference between the amounts that would have been available under FY99 JTPA Adult allotment versus FY06 WIA Adult allotment. The local allocations are determined by the same formula used for the FY06 Dislocated Worker allocations. Each 173(e) local allocation must be used for Dislocated Workers.


WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREA / A. Disadvantaged Adults / B. Unemployed in ASUs / C. Excess Unemployment / D. Formula (A+B+C)/3 / E. “Hold-Harmless Level” – 90% of Average Adult Share (Last 2 Years) / Final Adjusted
FY2006 Formula
Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Share / FY04 / FY05 / Average / 90%HH / Share / Amount
Berkshire County / 7,318 / 2.05% / 2,308 / 1.61% / 757 / 1.55% / 1.74% / 2.21% / 2.07% / 2.14% / 1.93% / 1.93% / $252,973
Boston / 62,170 / 17.45% / 13,913 / 9.68% / 5,276 / 10.82% / 12.65% / 14.87% / 14.07% / 14.47% / 13.02% / 13.02% / $1,706,588
Bristol County / 17,516 / 4.92% / 12,167 / 8.47% / 3,701 / 7.59% / 6.99% / 7.13% / 6.63% / 6.88% / 6.19% / 6.19% / $811,350
Brockton / 12,857 / 3.61% / 7,059 / 4.91% / 2,046 / 4.20% / 4.24% / 3.00% / 2.68% / 2.84% / 2.56% / 3.56% / $466,625
Cape Cod & Islands / 10,885 / 3.06% / 4,155 / 2.89% / 1,341 / 2.75% / 2.90% / 6.02% / 5.57% / 5.80% / 5.22% / 5.22% / $684,208
Central Mass / 29,512 / 8.29% / 15,931 / 11.09% / 4,899 / 10.05% / 9.81% / 6.56% / 7.78% / 7.17% / 6.45% / 8.24% / $1,080,052
Franklin/Hampshire / 12,640 / 3.55% / 1,487 / 1.03% / 843 / 1.73% / 2.10% / 1.58% / 1.48% / 1.53% / 1.38% / 1.77% / $232,002
Greater Lowell / 14,149 / 3.97% / 9,912 / 6.90% / 2,898 / 5.94% / 5.60% / 6.27% / 4.82% / 5.55% / 4.99% / 4.99% / $654,061
Greater New Bedford / 15,633 / 4.39% / 7,333 / 5.10% / 3,160 / 6.48% / 5.32% / 11.32% / 10.92% / 11.12% / 10.01% / 10.01% / $1,312,054
Hampden County / 34,419 / 9.66% / 13,754 / 9.57% / 5,113 / 10.48% / 9.91% / 11.74% / 11.42% / 11.58% / 10.42% / 10.42% / $1,365,794
Lower Merrimack / 18,672 / 5.24% / 12,990 / 9.04% / 5,804 / 11.90% / 8.73% / 10.82% / 10.13% / 10.48% / 9.43% / 9.43% / $1,236,031
Metro North / 40,919 / 11.49% / 11,745 / 8.17% / 3,253 / 6.67% / 8.78% / 5.67% / 7.01% / 6.34% / 5.71% / 7.38% / $967,328
Metro South/West / 27,669 / 7.77% / 2,526 / 1.76% / 1,131 / 2.32% / 3.95% / 2.72% / 3.65% / 3.19% / 2.87% / 3.32% / $435,167
North Central / 14,018 / 3.94% / 8,227 / 5.73% / 2,981 / 6.11% / 5.26% / 4.04% / 4.10% / 4.07% / 3.66% / 4.42% / $579,349
North Shore / 20,822 / 5.85% / 8,630 / 6.01% / 2,879 / 5.90% / 5.92% / 4.43% / 4.30% / 4.37% / 3.93% / 4.97% / $651,439
South Coastal / 16,988 / 4.77% / 11,556 / 8.04% / 2,684 / 5.50% / 6.11% / 1.62% / 3.37% / 2.50% / 2.25% / 5.13% / $672,411
TOTAL / 356,187 / 100% / 143,693 / 100% / 48,766 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 90.00% / 100% / $13,107,432

Division of Career Services04/19/05

The three formula factors are equally weighted in the overall formula share (D). For the FY2006 Adult allocations, the “hold-harmless” adjustment is included in the calculation of the final share. No area shall be allocated less than 90 % of the average of its allocation percentage for the preceding two fiscal years (E). Amounts necessary for increasing shares for “hold-harmless” areas shall be obtained by ratably reducing the shares of other areas.


WORKFORCE INVESTMENT AREA / A. Disadvantaged Youth / B. Unemployed in ASUs / C. Excess Unemployment / D. Formula (A+B+C)/3 / E. “Hold-Harmless Level” – 90% of Average Youth Share (Last 2 Years) / Final Adjusted
FY2005 Formula
Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Share / FY04 / FY05 / Average / 90%HH / Share / Amount
Berkshire County / 2,450 / 2.27% / 2,308 / 1.61% / 757 / 1.55% / 1.81% / 1.98% / 1.87% / 1.93% / 1.73% / 1.73% / $271,455
Boston / 22,865 / 21.21% / 13,913 / 11.68% / 5,276 / 10.82% / 13.90% / 14.83% / 13.30% / 14.07% / 12.66% / 12.66% / $1,986,484
Bristol County / 3,685 / 3.42% / 12,167 / 8.47% / 3,701 / 7.59% / 6.49% / 7.22% / 6.73% / 6.98% / 6.28% / 6.28% / $985,396
Brockton / 3,700 / 3.43% / 7,059 / 4.91% / 2,046 / 4.20% / 4.18% / 3.04% / 2.83% / 2.94% / 2.64% / 3.68% / $577,430
Cape Cod & Islands / 1,839 / 1.71% / 4,185 / 2.89% / 1,341 / 2.75% / 2.45% / 5.20% / 4.79% / 5.00% / 4.50% / 4.50% / $706,096
Central Mass / 9,399 / 8.72% / 15,931 / 11.09% / 4,899 / 10.05% / 9.95% / 6.69% / 8.48% / 7.59% / 6.83% / 8.77% / $1,376,103
Franklin/Hampshire / 10,157 / 9.42% / 1,487 / 1.03% / 843 / 1.73% / 4.06% / 1.76% / 3.16% / 2.46% / 2.21% / 3.58% / $561,739
Greater Lowell / 3,165 / 2.94% / 9,912 / 6.90% / 2,898 / 5.94% / 5.26% / 6.47% / 4.90% / 5.69% / 5.12% / 5.12% / $803,380
Greater New Bedford / 4,155 / 3.85% / 7,333 / 5.10% / 3,160 / 6.48% / 5.15% / 10.15% / 9.85% / 10.00% / 9.00% / 9.00% / $1,412,192
Hampden County / 9,662 / 8.96% / 13,754 / 9.57% / 5,113 / 10.48% / 9.67% / 11.18% / 10.92% / 11.05% / 9.95% / 9.95% / $1,561,257
Lower Merrimack / 4,049 / 3.76% / 12,990 / 9.04% / 5,804 / 11.90% / 8.23% / 10.91% / 9.79% / 10.35% / 9.32% / 9.32% / $1,462,403
Metro North / 11,125 / 10.32% / 11,745 / 8.17% / 3,253 / 6.67% / 8.39% / 4.83% / 7.21% / 6.02% / 5.42% / 7.39% / $1,159,567
Metro South/West / 10,379 / 9.63% / 2,526 / 1.76% / 1,131 / 2.32% / 4.57% / 3.81% / 4.42% / 4.12% / 3.70% / 4.03% / $632,348
North Central / 3,030 / 2.81% / 8,227 / 5.73% / 2,981 / 6.11% / 4.88% / 4.06% / 4.10% / 4.08% / 3.67% / 4.30% / $674,714
North Shore / 5,028 / 4.66% / 8,630 / 6.01% / 2,879 / 5.90% / 5.52% / 4.28% / 4.31% / 4.30% / 3.87% / 4.87% / $764,153
South Coastal / 3,104 / 2.88% / 11,556 / 8.04% / 2,684 / 5.50% / 5.48% / 3.59% / 3.34% / 3.47% / 3.12% / 4.82% / $756,307
TOTAL / 107,792 / 100% / 143,693 / 100% / 48,766 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 90% / 100% / $15,691,024

Division of Career Services04/19/05

The three formula factors are equally weighted in the overall formula share (D). For the FY2006 Youth allocations, the “hold-harmless” adjustment is included in the calculation of the final share. No area shall be allocated less than 90 % of the average of its allocation percentage for the preceding two fiscal years. Amounts necessary for increasing shares for “hold-harmless” areas shall be obtained by ratably reducing the shares of other areas. There is no stop-gain provision in Massachusetts


FY2005 / FY2006 / Pct
Chg / FY2005 / FY2006 / Pct Chg / FY2005 / FY2006 / Pct Chg / FY2005 / FY2006 / Pct Chg
Berkshire County / $351,241 / $416,734 / 19% / $209,240 / $252,973 / 21% / $262,711 / $271,455 / 3% / $823,192 / $941,141 / 14%
Boston / $1,547,895 / $1,560,827 / 1% / $1,422,223 / $1,706,588 / 20% / $1,868,480 / $1,986,484 / 6% / $4,838,598 / $5,253,898 / 9%
Bristol County / $1,154,079 / $1,227,133 / 6% / $670,173 / $811,350 / 21% / $945,479 / $985,396 / 4% / $2,769,731 / $3,023,879 / 9%
Brockton / $705,524 / $741,201 / 5% / $270,900 / $466,625 / 72% / $397,579 / $577,430 / 45% / $1,374,003 / $1,785,255 / 30%
Cape Cod & Islands / $483,527 / $532,065 / 10% / $563,027 / $684,208 / 22% / $672,934 / $706,096 / 5% / $1,719,488 / $1,922,369 / 12%
Central Mass / $1,219,462 / $1,073,357 / -12% / $786,418 / $1,080,052 / 37% / $1,191,332 / $1,376,103 / 16% / $3,197,212 / $3,529,512 / 10%
Franklin/Hampshire / $375,572 / $419,809 / 12% / $149,602 / $232,003 / 55% / $443,940 / $561,739 / 27% / $969,114 / $1,213,549 / 25%
Greater Lowell / $954,890 / $848,844 / -11% / $487,215 / $654,061 / 34% / $688,387 / $803,380 / 17% / $2,130,492 / $2,306,285 / 8%
Greater New Bedford / $737,455 / $736,587 / 0% / $1,103,815 / $1,312,054 / 19% / $1,383,799 / $1,412,192 / 2% / $3,225,069 / $3,460,833 / 7%
Hampden County / $1,018,752 / $1,267,115 / 24% / $1,154,356 / $1,365,794 / 18% / $1,534,121 / $1,561,257 / 2% / $3,707,229 / $4,194,166 / 13%
Lower Merrimack / $1,330,460 / $1,213,293 / -9% / $1,023,960 / $1,236,031 / 21% / $1,375,370 / $1,462,403 / 6% / $3,729,790 / $3,911,728 / 5%
Metro North / $1,477,951 / $1,427,042 / -3% / $708,585 / $967,328 / 37% / $1,012,913 / $1,159,567 / 14% / $3,199,449 / $3,553,937 / 11%
Metro South/West / $1,336,542 / $1,310,172 / -2% / $368,949 / $435,167 / 18% / $620,954 / $632,348 / 2% / $2,326,445 / $2,377,688 / 2%
North Central / $729,852 / $696,606 / -5% / $414,436 / $579,348 / 40% / $575,998 / $674,714 / 17% / $1,720,286 / $1,950,669 / 13%
North Shore / $862,138 / $887,288 / 3% / $434,652 / $651,439 / 50% / $605,500 / $764,153 / 26% / $1,902,290 / $2,302,880 / 21%
South Coastal / $919,918 / $1,019,535 / 11% / $340,646 / $672,411 / 97% / $469,227 / $756,307 / 61% / $1,729,791 / $2,448,254 / 42%
TOTAL / $15,205,258 / $15,377,608 / 1% / $10,108,197 / $13,107,432 / 30% / $14,048,724 / $15,691,024 / 12% / $39,362,179 / $44,176,064 / 12%

Division of Career Services04/19/05