April 8, 2014

The regular monthly meeting for Jackson County Forestry & Parks Department was held at 8:30am, on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. Those present were: Bill Cornell, Norm Stoker, Merlin Fredrickson, Charles Jensen, Jim Zahasky,Jon Schweitzer and Ashley Stetzer.

Bill Cornell called the regular meeting to order at 8:30am

Motion made by Norman Stoker, seconded byMerlin Fredrickson to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, all members voted in favor.

Motion made byMerlin Fredrickson, seconded by Charles Jensento approve the bills as presented for payment. All members voted in favor.

Forestry Report:

Jim discussed with the Committee changes that have been made with the Knowles Nelson Agreement. The agreement has made changed allowing the County to be eligible for larger funding amounts. Projects will also be done in accordance with a ranking system. Motion to approve the changes to the Knowles Nelson Agreement and sent to Executive and Finance Committee were made by Charles Jensen, seconded by Norman Stoker. All members voted in favor.

A memorial bench to honor past and present committee members was discussed. Jim talked with Jeremy Breheim, the parks manager, about a possible location site by the playground at East Arbutus. Motion was made by Norman Stoker, seconded by Merlin Fredrickson to approve the bench. All members voted in favor.

In 2013 an update was made to the Timberbase Program the Forestry department uses to manage all timber sales. The program needs to be transferred to Ashley’s new computer at a cost of $500.00 to $1,000.00 and needs to be done by Bill Isles. Motion to approve the update and transfer was made by Charles Jensen, seconded by Norman Stoker. All members voted in favor.

Jim presented the Committee with the proposed sales for the 2014 spring bid opening. Motion was made by Norman Stoker, seconded by Merlin Fredrickson to approve the advertisement of the sales. All members voted in favor.

Delaney Forest Products presently has 3 sales that are in past due status with the County. Correspondence has been made on several occasions and partial payments have been made. A first strike warning was placed on Delaney Forest Products effective Friday, April 4, 2014. Motion was made Charles Jensen to freeze trucking on 2 sales that are presently cut but cannot be hauled due to road bands until they are paid up in full. A certified letter will be sent giving them until April 18, 2014 to pay sales in full or a second strike will be granted making all stumpage payments due up front. The motion was seconded by Norman Stoker, all members voted in favor.

Jim informed the Committee that there would be 4 to 5 moss sales that would go up for bid once sales could be set up. Motion was made by Charles Jensen to approve the moss sales. Motion was seconded by Merlin Fredrickson, all members voted in favor.

Jim met with the Personnel Director over employee compensation. Motion was made by Norman stoker to approve the proposed wage increases; the motion was seconded by Merlin Fredrickson. All members voted in favor.

Parks & Trails Report:

Jon presented the Committee with the Parks and Trails report. The removal of hazardous trees and grinding of stumps is coming to a completion. The goal was to have one shower house open by April 12, but it was discovered that the sewer lines between the shower building and the grinder is frozen. Jon and Jeremy did review all parks applications and will be conducting interviews this Saturday, April 12.

Jon has been in the process of creating an ATV/UTV master plan. Currently there is no plan in place and this would be incorporated into the 15 year plan with the Forestry Department. The hope is to use an intern this summer to help with building a ranking criterion for projects, collect data and assist in developing a user survey. Trails are currently set to open on May 15.

The Eastern Elk Management Conference will be held in Virginia this month. Jon is a representative on the statewide Elk Advisory Board and requested permission to attend the conference. Total cost would be $518.00 and would be covered under the conference budget line. Motion was made by Charles Jensen to approve Jon attending the conference, seconded by Norman Stoker, all members voted in favor.

The Parks Department went out for bid on new mower. Motion was made by Merlin Fredrickson to table the bids until next month’s meeting and defer the decision until Jon and Jeremy can look at the 2 mowers in contention and make their decision based on what most meets the needs of the Parks Department. The motion was seconded by Norman Stoker, all members voted in favor.

Bids were sent out for a new Cammond Blade for grooming trails. Motion was made by Merlin Fredrickson to approve the low bid of $3,635.00from Value Implement out of Osseo. Motion was seconded by Norman Stoker, all members voted in favor.

Motion to adjourn made by Merlin Fredrickson seconded by Norman Stoker, all members voted in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30am

Next regular meeting date: May 13, 2014

These minutes will be approved at the Maymeeting