Cultural Activities:

NOTE: These are suggestions for your cultural activities

Site Visit or Interview with someone in field

This activity gives you two options so that you can choose best how to pursue your learning. Choose one option from the following:

1.  Site visit:

·  Visit a site related to your area of interest where Spanish is used

(e.g. Medical clinic, ESL classroom, Travel Agency etc.)

·  Visit should last roughly 45 minutes-1 hour

·  Volunteering is a great option

·  1 page summary of your observations
(Include, where and when you visited, what you heard in Spanish, what went on while you were there, interesting cultural observations and differences)

2.  Interview someone who uses Spanish in your area of interest:

·  Interview someone who is involved in your area of interest
(person should use Spanish regularly while participating in activities in your area of interest, does NOT have to be a native speaker)

·  Between 30 – 45 minutes

·  Suggested questions include:
“What’s a typical day or typical week like in your job?”
“In what situations do you typically use Spanish and/or other languages in your career?”
“What cultural issues are important when interacting with native speakers in this area?”

·  1 page transcript of your interview emphasizing interesting/important points.

The following activities are suggestions for cultural activity:

  1. Find 2 websites in Spanish or English relating to your area of interest. Read each website in its entirety and write a 1 page summary in English or Spanish synthesizing the information that you learned from the various websites. Consider the question – What do you learn about Hispanic cultures from these websites? (Practices, Product, and Perspectives are essential when reporting)
  1. Watch one hour of television programming in Spanish on Univisión or another Spanish-speaking channel. Write a 1 page summary in English or Spanish about what you saw and how it differs from American culture.
  1. Watch a movie from a Spanish-speaking country. This may be a film at the International Cinema or a video that you watch at home. In your 1 page written summary in Spanish or English, include information about the content of the movie, how much you were able understand, your reaction to it.
  1. Attend a cultural event in Spanish sponsored by the local Hispanic community or by BYU, such as a fair, festival, or fireside. In your 1 page written summary in Spanish or English, discuss what you understood and learned about the culture.

The following are suggestions for cultural activities:


Augusto Pinochet

Roberto Clemente

Isaac Albéniz

Andrés Segovia

La Malinche

Tupac Amaru (I o II)

Tecún Umán

José de San Martín

Santa Teresa de Ávila

Félix Carpio Lope de Vega

Óscar Arnulfo Romero

El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

Isabel la Católica

Gonzalo Guerrero

María de Zayas y Sotomayor

Francisco de Goya

Víctor Jara

Álvaro Uribe

Pedro de Alvarado

Enriquillo (de la República Dominicana)

Vargas Llosa

Elena Garro



El Cid

Pablo Neruda

Rigoberta Menchú

Francisco Franco

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Pablo Escobar

Rubén Darío


Diego Maradona

César Chávez



La Alhambra

La mezquita de Córdoba


Las Islas Malvinas



Esquipulas, Guatemala


El día de los Reyes Magos en X región

La quema del Diablo

El Grito

La serenata

Las tunas

El rodeo Chileno

Las posadas


El himno nacional de X país

El baile de X región

La emigración ilegal


El Sendero Luminoso

Martín Fierro

Popol Vuh

Don Quijote

Jesús Malverde

La Santa Muerte

MS 13

Los Zetas

La Virgen de Guadalupe

La Noche Triste