MISD SHAC Minutes – February 26, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM in the Marfa Independent School District Central Office Conference Room by Beth Davenport, School Nurse and Designated Staff Liaison. Those in attendance:

Maria Williams, Educator

Crawford Marginot, Parent

Brenda Bentley, Parent

Cynthia Hernandez, MISD Food Services Director

Allison Scott, High School Counselor

Beth Davenport, RN, MISDSchool Nurse

Liana Sawyer, MISD Elementary Principal

Teloa Swinnea, MISD Superintendent

Graydon Hicks, MISD JH/HS Principal

Carolina Catano, Parent, DSHS representative

Clarence Russeau, FamilyCrisis Center

Richard Hibbitts, MISD Health Teacher

Steve Urban, MISD Athletic Director

Those present were welcomed and thanked for attending the meeting. Refreshments were served courtesy of Mrs. Swinnea. A copy of the minutes from the previous meeting was provided for review. Coach Urban reviewed the upcoming Fitnessgram testing for the committee. Beth Davenport announced that Toothtime Community Outreach would be on site at MISD the week of March 23, 2009, to provide dental services.

The first order of business was to select a SHAC sponsored project for the 2009-2010 school year. The project should promote student and community health and fitness while embracing all students and the local Marfa community. A brainstorming session took place with several ideas placed for consideration. Among the ideas suggested:

1. “A Taste of Marfa” – enlisting local restaurateurs to showcase healthy foods and provide a sampling for the Marfa Community.

2. “Biggest Loser Contest” – modeled after the television program to include students, faculty, and the community.

3. “Spring Field Day” – in place at MISD. Include the community and provide activities for seniors.

4. “Art Walk” – students would be able to display and sell their art in the community and proceeds would benefit a predetermined charity.

5. “Health Fair” - opportunity for the community to obtain information regarding best heath practices and available services.

A suggestion to create a calendar for organizational purposes was made. The calendar would allow coinciding planned events with national events, i.e. (events sponsored by the American Heart Assoc., the American Diabetes Assoc and the American Cancer Society). Suggestions to have speakers at the beginning of the school year to promote emotional health and to discuss bullying were made. It was noted that therapists and psychiatrists who meet in Alpine may be able to provide lectures to the local senior community.

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Other suggestions included: a flu clinic during November, School walk for Diabetes, Hoops for Heart, Jump Rope for Heart and Relay for Life.

These events could also create service projects for MISD organizations such as National Honor Society that would connect our students with the local community.

At this time, it was announced that Beth Davenport would be resigning her position as MISD School Nurse and would relinquish her role as School Liaison and facilitator of the SHAC meetings. Crawford Marginot agreed to assume the role of facilitator. Mrs. Marginot suggested that the committee meet next month to maintain momentum and possibly break into small groups to work on the proposed calendar.

The next meeting date will be held Thursday, April 2, 2009, at 6:00 PM in the Central Office Board Room

The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM.