How to Use EBSO Host

Go to Mr. Musser’s English Website:

Select hyperlink to Arizona State Library Resources.

On left menu bar, select: Browse all Resources

On resource page, select: Academic Search Complete

Enter Zip Code 85009

Under search bar, select: Advanced Search

Under “Limit your results” select: Full Text

Enter search criteria and select “Search”

Each “hit” will include a brief abstract (summary). To read the entire abstract, click on the article title.

To read the actual article, click on either “PDF Full Text” or “HTML Full Text”.

The abstract will provide you with most of the information you need for the bibliography (Works Cited) entry and the parenthetical citation.

Online Citation Wizard

Go to Mr. Musser’s English Website:

Select hyperlink to Online Citation Wizard

In grey box titled “ISBN/Web lookup”, ensure “MLA” is selected then click on “Submit”

Choose the appropriate source type from the list on the left. Print sources are listed first. Online sources are listed below the Print sources.

Use the abstract to find necessary information for citation. Note, most citations will either be an online journal article or an online magazine article. If the publication has a volume and / or issue, choose the Online Journal Article option.

Fill in all blanks available.

Select “Make Citation”

Copy and paste both citations (Bibliographic and In-text) to a word document.

In Bibliography (Works Cited Page), list citations alphabetically by first word.

Bibliography Example:

"White House Plan to Reduce Gun Violence." Congressional Digest. 92.3 (March 2013): 8-32. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. <>.

Parenthetical Citation Example:

("Congressional Digest" 8-32)

In-text citations (Parenthetical Citations):

Any time you use information from a source, you MUST cite the source in your essay. This is done through parenthetical citations. The parenthetical citation becomes a part of the sentence using the information from the source. There should be at least 1 parenthetical citation in each body paragraph.


Most gun owners are responsible and law abiding, and they use their guns safely (“Congressional Digest” 8).