ASIA-PACIFIC(Chuuk, Guam, Philippines)

HomeChurch.FirstBaptistChurch,1000 Pine Ave.Long Beach, Ca. 90813,562-432-8447.

Support:Pacific Baptist Mission.1000 Pine Ave. Long Beach, Ca. 90813. E-mail:.

Field Address:13 Callejon St., Vacunero, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos sur, 2729Philippines.

E-mail: ;;Phone: 09272037311

March-April 2017

Dear Pastor and Church,


If it be the case

Across from Messiah Baptist Church, is one of the prominent schools in the country, known as the Philippine Science High School. Families of well known identities, rich, and of high intellect aimed at to study for professionalism. Parents usually send their children here to aim high for ambition. The parents do everything for their children to pursue ambition.

On February 2, 2017, which is Candlemass day, an innocent girl of 17 years took a chemical out of her science class called "formalin" and mixed it in her juice drink at her dorm in school to commit suicide.

She was taken to the nearby hospital but her body and soul both died. She died but not with ambition: Ambition remains to be the culprit at large passed on to man and seeking for the next victim.

Her identity is concealed with hush-hush silence in respect for the bereaved.

At Messiah Baptist Church we are greatly saddened of this true story. Brother Slagill just preached about the worse scenario of ambition to the faith.

The young girl ended her life, to her final destiny. Did she ever receive a tract or testimony from Messiah Baptist Church. We hope she did and had made a choice in her life to receive the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. If not, she is lost forever in eternity, and can never find her way to God again.

I have my annual doctors appointment scheduled for next month and will be visiting many of our supporting churches. Pray for our health.

Matt Angelo Pacpaco, 19 years old, friend of one of our young college men here witnessed to by Matthew Nolasco, came to church several times this past two months and came by himself all the way from Santa Catilina to our service. He came forward at the invitation time and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as is Saviour.

These past two months we have seen a large number of visitors come. Paul and Vivian came to four straight services but never made a discision the for Christ. They haven't been back since. Please pray for them.

Also, pray for Murna, she came to church with her daughter and we hope che will be back again and be saved.

Thank you for your faithful support.

Dan and Nona Slagill