
State of Michigan

Department of Civil Service

Classification and Selection Operations Bureau

Classification Division

Position Description

This form is to be completed by the person that occupies the position being described, and reviewed by the supervisor and appointing authority to ensure its accuracy. It is important that each party sign and date the form. If the position is vacant, the supervisor and appointing authority should complete the form.
This form will serve as the official classification document of record for this position. Please take the time to complete this form as accurately as you can since the information in this form is used to determine the proper classification of the position. This page should be filled out by supervisor and/or appointing authority.
2. Name of Incumbent (Last, First, M.I.)
/ 8. Department/Agency
Michigan State Police
3. Employee ID #
/ 9. Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)
State Services Bureau
4. Civil Service Classification of Position
Fingerprint Supervisor 11 / 10. Division
Biometrics and Identification Division
5. Working Title of Position (What the Agency Titles the Position)
Fingerprint Supervisor 11
/ 11. Section
Automated Print Identification Section
6. Name and Classification of Immediate Supervisor
Dana DuBois, Biometrics Manager 14 / 12. Unit
Ten Print Analysis and Identification Unit
7. Name and Classification of Next Higher Level Supervisor
Scott Blanchard, Information Technology Manager 15 / 13. Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work
7150 Harris Dr., Dimondale, MI 48821
2nd shift of 24/7 Operation
14. General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position
Provide supervision over second shift Fingerprint Technicians performing technical tasks associated with providing a verified prior criminal record identification for criminal or applicant fingerprint cards received by mail or electronically. Sustain AFIS data base file maintenance. Render expert court testimony regarding defendants fingerprint identification or the technical process of performing fingerprint identifications. Assist Michigan State Police forensic science personnel and others in performing fingerprint identifications. Train new Fingerprint Technician 7’s.
For Civil Service Use Only

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15. Please describe your assigned duties, percent of time spent performing the duty, and explain what is done to complete the duty.
List duties in order of importance from most important to least important.
Duty 1
General Summary of Duty 1 40% of Time
First-Line Supervisor responsibilities.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Selects and assigns staff, ensuring equal employment opportunity in hiring and promotion.
·  Coordinates activities by scheduling work assignments, setting priorities, and directing the work of subordinate employees.
·  Evaluates and verifies employee performance through the review of completed work assignments and work techniques.
·  Identifies staff development and training needs and ensures that training is obtained.
·  Ensures proper labor relations and conditions of employment are maintained.
·  Maintains records, maintains timesheets, prepares reports, and composes correspondence relative to the work.
·  Determines fingerprint service needs of the work area and coordinates fingerprint activities with detectives, law enforcement agencies, court personnel, and other departments.
·  Exercises control over fingerprint functions, including classification, identification, record keeping activities, and release of fingerprint information and records.
Duty 2
General Summary of Duty 2 20% of Time
Execute technical tasks associated with providing a verified identification of criminal fingerprint cards received by mail.
·  Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Evaluate the quality of fingerprint impressions on the card to be processed to determine which option (automatic feed or manual feed) is required for scanning images to AFIS system.
·  Load selected cards in the automatic feeder; set up the scanner to support the format of selected cards; initiate the job, monitor and reset as necessary the automatic scanner.
·  Scan each selected card having poor quality images manually. Place each individual card on the scanner surface, view the scanned image from the connected terminal; adjust the contrast or move images as required to improve the quality as needed for system processing; send each adjusted record for processing through AFIS.
·  Review the AFIS placement of the image core/axis from which the characteristics of the image are recorded and searched programmatically, and adjust as necessary at the AFIS work station.
·  Review AFIS assigned image pattern description codes and replace or cross reference as necessary at the AFIS workstation.
·  Technically review AFIS selected possible matching candidate(s) that fall outside the system threshold and automatic match. Determine on review if there is a true match between the search print and an existing record. Key enter the match decision to the system for completion of the processing of scanned cards.
Duty 3
General Summary of Duty 3 20% of Time
Execute technical tasks associated with providing a verified identification of non-criminal (applicant) fingerprint cards received.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Verify a prior record located in the name search of the CHR. Call up the AFIS database image for delivery the terminal screen by keyboard entry of the CHR/SID number; technically compare the search print images and the database images to determine if the two records match; if yes, write the CHR/SID number on the search print; if no, forward the search print for an AFIS search.
·  Evaluate each rolled finger image quality to determine if there is a better image for searching in the pat print block; copy and cut pat print image; paste over rolled image as necessary.
·  Sort search print cards to common formats; set up the high speed scanner with the applicable format; initiate and monitor the auto feed AFIS scanner.
·  Take a stack of scanned search prints to the AFIS workstation to finish processing. Call up the scanned image record on the AFIS workstation; enter the technical fingerprint pattern codes and other demographics from the original print to the system record; launch the search process for a match in record in AFIS database.
·  Review AFIS search jobs that are finished. Compare the original print to the prior record candidate the located by the system to determine a match; if a match, note SID number in the original print; if not a match or no possible located by the system, stamp the card as “no record”; return finished cards to Applicant team clerical staff for answering.
Duty 4
General Summary of Duty 4 5% of Time
Sustain AFIS database file maintenance.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Replace poor AFIS database finger images with better search print finger images whenever possible.
·  Resolve the error condition of duplicated AFIS record; research and record for quality control purposes the reason for having the duplicated record on the system; initiate the process to correct the duplicate error on the CHR; consolidate records in the source document file.
·  Research and resolve, each month, records determined to be out of sync with the corresponding CHR.
·  Research and locate, each month, records determined to be on the CHR system but not on AFIS.
·  Perform the manual tenprint delete process whenever CHR is expunged.
·  Enter the appropriate flag indicator whenever CHR is suppressed.
·  Correct demographic data whenever an error in the data is discovered.
Duty 5
General Summary of Duty 5 5%f Time
Execute technical tasks associated with providing a verified identification of criminal fingerprint cards received electronically.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Check the work queues periodically throughout the day to determine if there are records received electronically which need technical review for completion of the identification process for the live scan agency.
·  Review the AFIS placement of the image core/axis from which the characteristics of the image are recorded and searched programmatically, and adjust as necessary at the AFIS work station.
·  Review AFIS assigned image pattern description codes and replace or cross reference as necessary at the AFIS workstation.
·  Technically review AFIS selected possible matching candidate(s) that fall outside the system threshold and automatic match. Determine on review if there is a true match between the search print and an existing record. Key the match decision to system for completion of the processing of the scanned cards.
·  Contact the live scan site if the images received electronically are not clear enough for technical review and request the defendant be reprinted and images resent electronically.
Duty 6
General Summary of Duty 5% Time
Assist Michigan State Police forensic science personnel and others regarding fingerprint identifications.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Receive and respond to telephone, fax, or e-mail requests from local or state forensic crime labs to investigate and possibly replace poor AFIS database images needed for the purpose of performing a technical verification of identity of latent prints taken from crime scenes.
·  Respond to requests from local or state identification bureaus requesting a copy of one or more of the source document fingerprint cards on file with the section and referenced in a defendants criminal history.
·  Respond to requests for a copy of palm print record maintained in the section and referenced in a defendants CHR.
·  Respond to after hours, weekend, or holiday calls received by the Department requesting technical assistance in the identification of suspicious individuals in custody or unidentified dead persons.
·  Fingerprint individuals coming to the Division to be printed on applicant forms for the state, and FBI clearance.
Duty 7
General Summary of Duty 7 3%f Time
Render expert court testimony regarding a defendants fingerprint identification or the technical process of performing fingerprint identifications
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Respond to state, local or federal court subpoena(s) delivered to the section requesting expert court testimony in a specified criminal case regarding prior fingerprint identifications that have complied a criminal history record.
·  Respond to state, local or federal court subpoena(s) delivered to the section requesting staff to be present at court for the purpose of fingerprinting the defendant in the case and in court compare those fingerprints with others complied in a criminal history record assumed to be that of the defendant.
·  Prepare materials from which testimony will be delivered for the specified case.
·  Travel in state or out of state as required for court appearances.
Duty 8
General Summary of Duty 8 2% Time
Instruct in the proper techniques to interept fingerprint images and the proper use of the automated fingerprint identification system.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
·  Working with other senior level Fingerprint Technicians instruct newly hired Fingerprint Technicians to interept fingerprint images and the proper use of the automated fingerprint identification system.
·  Collect data related to improper techniques used in fingerprinting as examples in the training process.
·  Assist in the development of training materials used to instruct in the proper technique of fingerprinting.
16. Describe the types of decisions you make independently in your position and tell who and/or what is affected by those decisions. Use additional sheets, if necessary.
Deciding which pattern code best describes the fingerprint image for searching and recording in the AFIS database. An incorrect pattern code on the database will cause a missed identification in future tenprint or latent print processing.
Decision making regarding day-to-day activities of subordinate Fingerprint Technicians.
17. Describe the types of decisions that require your supervisor's review.
Where there is clarification needed to understand the Team/Section policies/procedures or the Section’s plan or course of action. When to make direct contact with an agency submitting poor fingerprint images and request they attend a training session. When searching an error in identification and deciding the error is or is not directly related to staff mishandling of the record.
Disciplinary action regarding subordinate Fingerprint Technicians.
18. What kind of physical effort do you use to perform your job? What environmental conditions are you physically exposed to on your job? Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each condition. Refer to instructions on page 2.
Although the physical aspects of this position are not an important factor in the evaluation, there is mental stress that should be taken into consideration. This is the inevitable result of having a position where wrong decisions, errors in judgement or carelessness can greatly affect the lives of other human beings. The public is impacted by the decisions made as well as anyone having access to the AFIS, especially Latent print personnel.
19. List the names and classification titles of classified employees whom you immediately supervise or oversee on a full-time, on-going basis (if more than ten, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classifications).
Kyle Fedewa Fingerprint Technician 10
Dee Eastin Fingerprint Technician 10
Steve Kwast Fingerprint Technician 10
Abby Rochon Fingerprint Technician 9
Jessica Woods Fingerprint Technician 10
/ Kimberly Chapman Fingerprint Technician 7
Brian McMahon Fingerprint Technician 9
20. My responsibility for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):
Complete and sign service ratings. Assign work.
Provide formal written counseling. Approve work.
Approve sick and annual leave requests. Review work.
Sign time and attendance report. Provide guidance on work methods.
Orally reprimand. Train employees in the work.
21. I certify that the above answers are my own and are accurate and complete.
Signature / Date

NOTE: Make a copy of this form for your records.

To be filled out by immediate supervisor
22. Do you agree with the responses from the employee for items 1 through 18? If not, which items do you disagree with and why.
The essential duties of this position are to, under general supervision, work within general methods and procedures, and exercise considerable independent judgement in selecting the proper cousre of action. The work requires thorough knowledge of the policies, procdures, and regulations of the fingerprint identification and classification program and knowledge of supervisory techniques and personnel policies and procedures. Also provide accurate fingerprint comparisons of criminal and non criminal fingerprints received daily by the division to criminal fingerprint records already on file; and to create a new criminal record from the fingerprint received that does not match any on file. To update or upgrade database records as necessary. To provide assistance to other agencies attempting to perform a positive identification.
24. Indicate specifically how the job’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed.
25. What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function?
The section is responsible for receiving, compiling and providing access to the fingerprint based criminal history record information system, which is also synchronized with the national crime history record system at the FBI. The section is responsible for the accuracy, timeliness and security of the information on file. Record building of criminal history records and associated fingerprint records are regulated by state statute and national standards for quality of the information. By providing a computerized electronic live scan system, a more timely response can be provided to law enforcement agencies and it also moves closer to generating records in a paperless environment. This position works on the tasks associated with record building on AFIS and the state CHRs, which are interfaced with local criminal justice systems, and the FBI. Staff in this position provides the positive fingerprint comparison for compiling the criminal record or for responding to an applicant search for criminal records.
26. In your opinion, what are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position.
High School graduate or equivalent.
One-year as a Fingerprint Technician 10.
knowledge, skills, and abilities:
A thorough knowledge of fingerprints including taking of, pattern interpretation, placing core/axis, ability to recognize and identify ridge characteristics, ability to identify individuals through fingerprint comparison, ability to operate AFIS equipment. Ability to operate CHR equipment and a basic knowledge of CHR requirements. Ability to communicate with law enforcement personnel, general public, and other officials through daily contact. An ability to communicate effectively with staff and upper management.
Certified as a ten-print operator by the Michigan CJIS Policy Council.
NOTE: Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position.
27. I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.
Supervisor’s Signature Date: 9/30/02
To be filled out by appointing authority
28. Indicate any exceptions or additions to the statements of the employee(s) or supervisor.
29. I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.
Appointing Authority’s Signature Date

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