DBQ Grading Rubric
For each of the following, you are going to write on your piece of paper, Yes or No. (Y or N is fine.) You will also give the overall essay a score from 2 (off-topic, not addressing the thesis) to a 8 (Best Essay ever) Remember, I want you to see how you “grade” essays, 3=C-, and 6 = A. (you can give 3-4, or 4-5)
When completing the “essay Score” take into PRIMARY consideration, I.b., II. a, b, c III. b, c. IV. a, c and V. a, b.
I. Introduction and Thesis
a. Information from time period sets the tone (1st sentence or two should address major topic and time period. Ex. Post Civil War)
b. Thesis should addresses all aspects of the question.
c. Is the THESIS a two or three pronged sentence?
II. Analysis and Synthesis
a. Does majority of paragraphs answer why and how(?)
b. Paper ties analysis back to the MAIN question (aka Synthesis)
c. Paper addresses all aspects of the question / prompt
d. Conclusion is insightful and ends the paper well
III. Organization
a. Paper is well structured and organized
b. Individual paragraphs are well structured and organized (TOPIC sentences give clear direction, and are NOT Facts!)
c. Body paragraphs are well connected to thesis and prompt
d. Paper is easy to read and flows well
IV. Outside Information
a. Information is specific, not general
b. Stays within the timeframe of the prompt
c. Solid amount of detail and explanation
d. Facts were accurate
V. Use of Documents
a. Majority of docs used
b. Majority of docs are interpreted and used correctly
c. Not “stacked” or “laundry listed”
d. Not quoted excessively
e. Properly sited (ex. (Doc.A)
It should not be sited, as … (ex. In Doc. A, it shows…)
VI. Essay Score = (# for a grade you would give this essay) 3 = C-, 3-4 C+, 4 = B-, 4-5 = B+, 5 = A-, 5-6 = A, 6 = A+, etc. (8 is the highest number I would ever expect you to use.)