WKCTC Records Management Program


IND=Indefinite V=Vital Record P=Permanent C=Confidential Record

Schedule Date: September 10, 2009

Series Number / Title / Retention (Years) / Disposition
******* / Correspondence / ******** / *****************************
U0100 / Correspondence –Official(Documents the major activities, functions, and programs of the college and important events in its history) V / P / Transfer to College Archive after administrative use has ceased
U0101 / Correspondence – General (It is of a non-policy nature and deals only with general operations which are better documented by other records) / IND / Retain no longer than 2 years
U0103 / Manuals, Operating – (Record Copy) (contains operation manuals, organization charts, emergency manuals, etc.) / P / Retain one copy of each manual permanently. Destroy excess copies when no longer needed
U0108 / Press Releases – (Record Copy) / P / Retain one copy of each release in the College Archive. Destroy excess copies when no longer useful
U0109 / Publications – (Record Copy of college-related functions/activities, including catalogs, commencement programs, etc.) / P / Transfer one copy of each publication to the College Archive. Retain one copy in the creating unit. Destroy excess copies when no longer useful
******* / Minutes and Reports / ******* / *****************************
U0104 / Minutes – (including Board of Trustees, Board of Regents, faculty meetings, other policy making bodies) V / P / Transfer one copy to the College Archive. Retain one copy in the creating unit. Destroy excess copies when no longer useful
U0112 / Reports – Annual or Summary (Unit Assessment plans, Departmental annual reports, etc.) / P / Transfer one copy to the College Archive. Retain one copy in the creating unit. Destroy excess copies when no longer useful
U0113 / Reports – Periodic Activity (Serves as support documents for annual or summary reports) / IND / Destroy when Annual or Summary Reports are accepted, and when no longer useful to the creating unit. NOTE: Retain if annual or summary reports are not created
U0114 / Reports/Special Studies (Contains important facts and statistics about the policies and operations that can aid in long range planning by the college / P / Transfer one copy to the College Archive. Destroy excess copies when no longer needed administratively
******* / Reference & Informational / ******* / *****************************
U0111 / Reference/Informational Materials (Not needed to conduct current business) / IND / Destroy when no longer useful
U0122 / Non-Business Related Correspondence (E-mail) / 0 / Delete all non-business related e-mail as soon as possible
U0124 / Policies & Procedures (includes mission statements, strategic plans, goal and objectives, etc.) / P / Retain one copy in office or origin. Destroy duplicate copies when superseded.
******* / Budget Information / ******* / *****************************
U0208 / Contracts, Leases and Agreements / IND / Destroy record copy 15 years after termination or expiration, or 15 years after terms have been met. Destroy other copies when no longer useful.
U0222 / Work Orders(IT, Graphics, M & O) / IND / Destroy when maintenance approved and completed
U0238 / Budget Workpapers (Used in compiling final operating budget) / 5 / Transfer record copy to Business Office. Retain departmental copies in 5 years or when no longer needed.
U0239 / Fiscal Records Subject to Audit (invoices, vouchers, requisitions, purchase orders, etc.) / 3 / Destroy record copy after audit is completed or retention period has passed, whichever is longer
******* / Personnel / ******* / *****************************
U0648 / Absence Request Form (Office or Unit copy) / 1 / Destroy
U0620 / Personnel File – Departmental copy --Faculty and Staff (Official Master File kept at System Office. Second Master File for Staff kept in HR/Payroll; Second Master File for Faculty kept in Academic Affairs) / IND / Destroy 5 years after termination of employment in Office or Unit
U0643 / Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) / 3 / Destroy scantron cards after 6 months. Summaries/tabulations may be destroyed after 3 years
Time Sheets – Departmental Copy (Record copy in HR/Payroll) / 1 / Destroy
******* / Miscellaneous / ******* / *****************************
U0104 / Minutes *Any committees that relate to the decision making process. Any committee in which recommendations can go forward to a policy-making committee V / P / Transfer a copy to the CA. Retain one copy in creating unit. Destroy excess copies when no longer useful.
U0105 / Minutes – Tapes or Stenographic Notes (from which written minutes are prepared) / IND / Destroy 30 days after the meeting at which minutes are approved. If minutes are disputed, destroy after resolution of dispute
U0107 / Photographic File (Photographs which document college activities) / P / Transfer to College Archive
U0119 / Videotape File (Videotapes which document college activities) / P / Transfer to College Archive
******* / Student Course Records / ******* / *****************************
U0409 / Change of Grade File– (Update documents) / P / Retain in Creating Unit
U0410 / Class Rosters / 1 / Destroy
U0411 / Class Schedules (Faculty) / IND / Destroy when obsolete
U0415 / Course Syllabi / P / Transfer an electronic copy to the Matheson Library at beginning of semester. Duplicate copies may be destroyed when no longer useful.
U0418 / Curriculum and Instruction File (faculty) / IND / Destroy when obsolete
U0431 / Grade Information File (test papers, research papers, other assignments that aren’t returned to the student) / IND / Destroy 1 year after date distributed
U0439 / Pass/Fail Request File / IND / Destroy 1 year after date submitted
U0448 / Student Class Schedules / IND / Destroy 1 year after graduation or last date of attendance
U0449 / Student File – (Active) – (Departmental copy) C / IND / Transfer permanent information to Master Student Record, Series U0401. Destroy remainder 5 years after graduation or last date of attendance
U0450 / Student File – (Inactive) -- (Departmental copy)
C / IND / Transfer permanent information to Master Student Record, Series U0401. Destroy remainder 5 years after graduation or last date of attendance
U0455 / Student Worker Time Sheets (This series does not include work study students, which is series U0466) / 3 / Destroy after audit
U0468 / Personnel Records – Students C / IND / Destroy 5 years after termination of employment
U0470 / Course Proposal File – Approved (Departmental copy) / IND / Destroy 1 year after notification of approval
U0471 / Course Proposal File – Not Approved (Departmental copy) / IND / Destroy 1 year after notification on non-approval