Sample Midterm Exam Questions MKT 7460 Winter 2008

Sample Multiple-Choice Questions:

1.A popular brand of bed sheets in the 1940s was Indian Head. Its manufacturer claimed its sheets were so well-made that consumers might want to include them in their wills so the sheets could be passed down to their grandchildren. The company was proud of its product quality and perceived its business to be production of the best sheets on the market. What is wrong with the manufacturer’s business focus?

A)It has an external focus.

B)It focuses on the market rather than on the product.

C)It defines the company in terms of its marketing capabilities.

D)It does not consider its competition.

XE)It focuses on the product rather than on its market.

2.Which of the following statements about organizational objectives is true?

A)Organizational objectives should flow straight from the marketing plan.

B)“To be the best in the industry” is a well-crafted organizational objective for a boat manufacturer.

XC)“To increase market share by 50 percent in the next 12 months” is an inappropriate organizational objective for a cereal manufacturer.

D)“To reduce employee pilferage during the next three years” is a useful and well-crafted organizational objective for a wholesale grocery company.

E)Organizational objectives are only necessary for departments that come in direct contact with the customer.

3. In its advertising, Suave hair care products compares hair shampooed and conditioned with Suave products to hair on which more expensive salon products were used. The company hopes someone seeing the ad will realize similar results can be achieved by using Suave, a much less expensive product. If the promotion is targeted to consumers who once used Suave, but abandoned it when they began earning more money, then the hair product is using a _____ strategy.


B)product development

C)market differentiation

XD)market development

E)product differentiation

4.Which of the following statements correctly describes the difference between how organizational buyers make purchases and how final consumers make their purchases?

XA)There is a greater emphasis on personal selling to organizational buyers than to final consumers.

B)Organizational buyers are more geographically dispersed than final consumers.

C)The buyer-seller relationships have fewer permutations in the consumer market than in business-to-business marketing.

D)Organizational buyers make less use of the Internet when buying than do final consumers.

E)The distribution channel for final consumers is shorter than for organizational buyers.

Sample Short-Answer Question

1. What are the key differences between marketing to consumers and marketing to organizational buyers. Describe the organizational buying center and discuss its implications for marketers targeting organizational customers.