Easy Coin Problems Made Easy

This side applies to both Math 1001 Quantitative Reasoning and Math 2411 Introduction to Statistics.

Every Classical Probability Problem Comes Down to This Fraction: / P(event occurs)= / count how many ways for the event to occur
count how many outcomes in the sample space, total

Count How Many Ways for All Heads / No Tails


Count Outcomes in the Sample Space

Only one way for it to happen! Numerator = 1
All Heads in Two Coin Tosses: only HH
All Heads in Three Coin Tosses: only HHH
All Heads in Four Coin Tosses: only HHHH
All Heads in Five Coin Tosses: only HHHHH
Ten Tosses? only HHHHHHHHHH / There are 2 possibilities for the first toss: H, T
There are 2 possibilities for the second toss: H, T
2 matched with 2 more = 2 ∙ 2 = 4 possibilities
There are 2 possibilities for the third toss: H, T
2 matched with 2 matched with 2 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 = 8
There are 2 possibilities for the fourth toss: H, T
2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 = 16
There are 2 possibilities for the fifth toss: H, T
2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 = 32
Etc., etc. Each toss grows two new tree branches.

How Many Ways for One Head &the rest Tails

How many ways? Same as number of tosses. Why?
If 2 tosses, 2 ways: / HT or TH
If 3 tosses, 3 ways: / HTT or THT or TTH
If 4 tosses, 4 ways: / HTTT or THTT or TTHT or TTTH / The total number of outcomes is
2how many tosses
If 10 tosses, then there are outcomes.
Because the one H can appear in the 1st, in the 2nd, in the 3rd, etc. tosses, up to the number of tosses.
If 10 tosses, 10 ways / HTTTTTTTTT etc. …TTTTTTTTTH

What if it’s a Tails problem? Like “all Tails” or “1 Tail”? ►Same methods, just a different perspective.

What if it’s like “9 coin tosses, 8 tails”? ►Same as “9 tosses, 1 head”.

What if it’s like “2 heads in 9 tosses” or “7 heads in 9 tosses”? ►See other side.

Harder Coin Problems Made Easy

This side is generally needed by Statistics class only.

Every Classical Probability Problem Comes Down to This Fraction: / P(event occurs)= / count how many ways for the event to occur
count how many outcomes in the sample space, total

Count how many ways to Get “r” Heads in “n” Tosses


Count Outcomes in the Sample Space

Think in the word pattern “ things taken at a time” / As described on the front side of these notes:
The total number of outcomes in the sample space is
2how many tosses
The order of the Heads does not matter.
  • HHHTT is 3 heads, and so is THTHH 3 heads, too.
  • Plus several other ways to get 3 heads in 5 tosses.

Therefore it is a COMBINATION.
On the TI-84 Calculator,
  • Type the number of tosses first.
  • Then MATH and go to the, PRB submenu, 3:nCr.
  • Then type the number and press ENTER.
On the TI-30 XS Multiview Calculator,
  • Type the number of tosses first.
  • Press PRB button and pick 2:nCr.
  • Then type the number and press ENTER.

Example: If 10 coin tosses
and we are interested in the event “exactly 6 Heads”,
then the calculation is 10 nCr 6 = 210 outcomes for this event. / Example: If 10 coin tosses,
then there are outcomes
in the sample space.
Example – Putting it all together – the probability of getting exactly 6 heads in 10 coin tosses is:

10_Coin_Toss.docx 10/19/2016 9:11 AM D.R.S.