Young Muslim Academy

A Joyful Journey to Islam

Lesson Summary


15th July 2016

  • N.B: Parents please make sure that your children bring their files every Friday as it is needed to save their class work in.

Safa Class: Boys and Girls (4-5 years)


·  The children worked along with their teacher on Surah Al-Ikhlas to be covered in the theme session.

·  Also, the children worked on revision on other Surahs have been taken before.

·  We have completed our Quran curriculum for this year and no more Surahs will be added for this year.

·  In the following sessions we will do a general revision on the all Surahs have been taken so far.

·  Please work with your child on all the Surahs that they have been working on.

·  The Surahs that have been taken so far: الفاتحة (Al-Fatiha), الناس (Al-Nass), الإخلاص (Al-Ikhlas), الفلق (Al-Falaq), الكوثر (Al-Kawthar), النصر (Al-Nassr) and العصر (Al-Asr), Al-Feel (الفيل)Quraish ( قريش), Al-Massad ( المسد).

·  Please use the recommended Quran apps mentioned in the Weekly Tasks for Parents to help your children with Quran.

**Arabic Language Session:

·  Teacher Zina recalled with the children the alphabets.

·  This time the children counted up to number 10 in Arabic with their teacher.

·  A work sheet was given to revise the letter ج and practised the words جمل, جامع ,مسجد

·  Then the children were given a sheet to colour a picture of Masjid and camel.

·  Please revise with your child the alphabets and try to spot them in reading Quran.

·  You can help your child with the Arabic alphabet letters by choosing different examples from Surahs they have taken and memorised or other resources for your kids to practise from.

·  The alphabet letters taken so far are:

أ,ب,ت,ث, ج,ح, ,خ ,د,ذ, ر, ز,س, ش , ض,ص, ط, ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق ك,ل م,,ن, ه, و,ي

**Kalimah Tayyeba: (Islamic Studies)

·  Teacher Batool covered with the children the lesson 18 from the curriculum talking about the meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas.

·  The children learnt about the whole Meaning of Surahs Al-Ikhlas

·  They also learnt about the meaning of faithfulness and how to worship only Allah.

·  They had a presentation, including a video, to watch regarding the theme.

·  Children then recalled the theme by making a worksheet with some words from the Surah.

·  Then the children traced the Surah from the activity book, decorated and took it home to stick it in their bedroom.

**Weekly tasks for parents:

·  Please read Quran with your child everyday for at least 10 minutes.

·  Please make sure that your child practises and listens to all the Surahs they have been given so far.

·  Work with child to learn Surah Al-Ikhlas with all its meanings.

·  Please recall with your child all the alphabets and make sure that your child spends time writing and practising the Arabic alphabet letters and try to highlight them when they read Qur’an for practise.

·  Work with them on learning and understanding the Surah Al-Ikhlas.

·  For more information and for revision for your children, I recommend referring to the Al-Nabulsi’ encyclopaedia of Islamic Science. This website is available in many different languages which makes it really helpful.

·  For those students whose tongue is not Arabic, I recommend that you download the app Ayat (آيات) or the app ’’The Quran House’’ if you want your children to enhance their Quran reading with Tajweed.

·  You could use many websites for your child to practise Surahs such as:

·  For the alphabet song, click the link below:

·  Please try to read a bedtime story to your kids from Syrah or the Islamic History as a way to improve their Islamic behaviour and manners by finding Islamic role models.

For more information about our new curriculum please visit the following website:

Marwa Class: Boys and Girls (6-7 years)


·  The children carried on working on Surah Al-Doha.

·  We completed our Quran curriculum for this academic year and no more Surahs will be added for this year.

·  So please work with your child on the Surahs that have been given in this year.

·  The children need to revise all the Surahs that have been taken so far:

(Al-Maoon), القدر (Al-Qadr), الفيل (Al-Feel), Al-zalzalah( الزلزلة) القارعة (Al-Qareah), الماعون (Al-Maoon) Al-Teen( التين), Al-Massad ( المسد), Surat Quraish ( قريش), Al-Doha ( الضحى) .

·  Please use the recommended Quran Apps that are mentioned in the Weekly Tasks for Parents to help your children learn Quran.

**Arabic Language Session:

·  Teacher Zina worked with the children on the alphabets with Harakat

·  Please revise with your child the alphabets and try to spot them in reading Quran.

·  Ask them to use and recognize the Harakat while they reading Quran or any Arabic text.

·  You can help your child with the Arabic alphabet letters by choosing different examples from Surahs they have taken and memorised or other resources for your kids to practise from.

·  The alphabet letters taken so far are:

أ,ب,ت,ث, ج,ح, ,خ ,د,ذ, ر, ز,س, ش , ض,ص, ط, ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق ك,ل م,,ن, ه, و,ي

**Kalimah Tayyeba: (Islamic Studies)

·  Teacher Batool covered with the children the lesson 18 from the curriculum talking about the meaning of Surah Al-Ikhlas.

·  The children learnt about the whole Meaning of Surahs Al-Ikhlas

·  They also learnt about the meaning of faithfulness and how to worship only Allah.

·  They had a presentation, including a video, to watch regarding the theme.

·  Children then recalled the theme by making a worksheet with some words from the Surah.

·  Then the children traced the Surah from the activity book, decorated and took it home to stick it in their bedroom.

**Weekly tasks for parents:

·  Please read Quran with your child everyday for at least 10 minutes.

·  Please make sure that your child practises and listens to all the Surahs they have been given so far.

·  Work with child to learn Surah Al-Ikhlas with all its meanings.

·  Please recall with your child all the alphabets and make sure that your child spends time writing and practising the Arabic alphabet letters and try to highlight them when they read Qur’an for practise.

·  Work with them on learning and understanding the Surah Al-Ikhlas.

·  For more information and for revision for your children, I recommend referring to the Al-Nabulsi’ encyclopaedia of Islamic Science. This website is available in many different languages which makes it really helpful.

·  For those students whose tongue is not Arabic, I recommend that you download the app Ayat (آيات) or the app ’’The Quran House’’ if you want your children to enhance their Quran reading with Tajweed.

·  You could use many websites for your child to practise Surahs such as:

·  For the alphabet song, click the link below:

·  Please try to read a bedtime story to your kids from Syrah or the Islamic History as a way to improve their Islamic behaviour and manners by finding Islamic role models.

For more information about our new curriculum please visit the following website:

Noor Al- Islam: Boys and Girls (8-9) years

The children were moved to the upper class as a jump up day, so for lesson summary refer to the Fetyan Al-Islam class for boys and Ahebaa Allah class for girls

Fetyan Al-Islam: Boys (9-11)


·  Teacher Bilal covered in the first hour with the children on explaining and understanding the first ten Ayahs from Surah Al –Alaq.

·  Then the children wrote the ten Ayahs on a sheet of paper in Arabic.

·  The children worked very hard to memorize the Ayahs however, they still need to work harder at home to learn these Ayahs.

·  Quran reading and memorising is very important so please encourage your child to do so. For this purpose please refer to the Apps mentioned in the Weekly tasks for parents.

**Kalimah Tayyeba: (Islamic Studies)

·  Teacher Bilal then, in the last part of the session carried on covering the lesson 17 from the curriculum which talks about the prophet Ibrahim AS with more events from his life and more characteristics from his personality.

·  For the children from the Noor Al-Islam class please refer to the previous lesson summary to check more about the prophet Ibrahim topic.

·  Then the children worked on an activity from the book regarding the theme.

·  Don’t forget that the children still have to memorise the following Dua’a, Ayah and Hadith.

·  قد أفلح المؤمنون" الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون"

·  "إن هذه الصلاة لا يصلح فيها شيء من كلام الناس"

·  ”إن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء و المنكر”.

·  إنها لا تعمى الأبصار إنما تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور “

·  وجهت وجهي للذي فطر السماوات والأرض حنيفا وما أنا من المشركين إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا من المسلمين

·  أشهد ان لا إله غلا الله و اشهد أن محمداً رسول الله, اللهم اجعلني من التوابين واجعلني من المتطهرين

لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوةُ حسنةٌ لمن كان يرجو الله و اليوم الأخر و ذكر الله كثيراً

“ يا ايها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون “

(اللهم قربني إلى حبك و حب من يحبك و حب كل عمل صالح يقربني إلى حبك)

**Weekly tasks for parents:

·  Please encourage your child to truthfully perform صلاة (Salat), read Quran and to remember Allah.

·  Work with them on learning and memorising the first ten Ayahs from Surat Al-Alaq with Tajweed (see the App below).

·  Please make sure that your children practise and listen to the Surahs taken daily. This will help them get the correct sounds and pronunciations in order to accelerate their memorising.

·  They also have to learn the new Ayahs given off by heart with Tajweed.

·  Learn the Dua’a, Hadith, Ayahs and supplications mentioned above.

·  Read more about the Prophet Ibrahim’s life, his prophecy, wisdom, fighting the disbelievers, breaking idles etc.

·  How to learn lessons from his life and apply them in their daily life.

·  For more information and for revision for your children, I recommend referring to the Al-Nabulsi’ encyclopaedia of Islamic Science. This website is available in many different languages which makes it really helpful.

·  For those students whose tongue is not Arabic, I recommend that you download the app Ayat (آيات) or the app ’’The Quran House’’ if you want your children to enhance their Quran reading with Tajweed.

·  You could use many websites for your child to practise Surahs such as:

·  For the alphabet song, click the link below:

·  Please try to read a bedtime story to your kids from Syrah or the Islamic History as a way to improve their Islamic behaviour and manners by finding Islamic role models.

For more information about our new curriculum please visit the following website:

Ahebaa Allah Class: Girls (10-15)

The girls at the senior class will have a small test in the last session. The girls have been given the pages that they will be tested on.


·  Teacher Asmaa revised with the girls the 11 Ayahs taken from Surah Al-Saff.

·  Teacher Asmaa covered the last 2 Ayahs (until Ayah 13) from Surah Al-Saff and the Surah is now completed.

·  The girls will have to learn up to Ayah 12 and teacher Asmaa will listen to them in the next session.

·  Please refer to the Quran App in the weekly tasks for the parents to help the girls learn the Surah with Tajweed.

**Kalimah Tayyeba: (Islamic Studies)

·  In the second part teacher Asmaa revised with the girls the story of the prophet Ibrahim for those girls were absent in the previous session.

·  Then she carried on with the same topic but focused on the story of his son Prophet Ismail and his mother Hajar.

·  How the prophet Ibrahim left them in the desert of Makah.

·  Also she talked about finding Zam-zam water afterward.

**Weekly tasks for parents:

·  Work with them to learn the meaning and memorise the Ayahs they have been taking so far from the Surah Al-Saff with Tajweed.

·  Girls have to learn up to Ayah 12 from the Surah.

·  The girls have to study for their test next session.

·  Please ask the girls to read more about the Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail.

·  Please make sure that your girls practise and listen to the Ayahs daily. This will help them get the correct sounds and pronunciation in order to accelerate their memorising (see the App below).

·  Please encourage your daughter to truthfully perform صلاة (Salat,) properly and correctly, also observe their actions in Salat and correct them.

·  For more information and for revision for your children, I recommend referring to the Al-Nabulsi’ encyclopaedia of Islamic Science. This website is available in many different languages which makes it really helpful.

·  For those students whose tongue is not Arabic, I recommend that you download the app Ayat (آيات) or the app ’’The Quran House’’ if you want your children to enhance their Quran reading with Tajweed.

·  You could use many websites for your child to practise Surahs such as:

·  For the alphabet song, click the link below:

·  Please try to read a bedtime story to your kids from Syrah or the Islamic History as a way to improve their Islamic behaviour and manners by finding Islamic role models.

For more information about our new curriculum please visit the following website:
