El Camino College Inter-Club Council


Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 12:00pm

Cafeteria Stadium Room

I.  Call to Order/Welcome – Walter Mendez

II.  Roll Call – I.C.C. Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in

A.  I.C.C. Cabinet

1.  I.C.C. President- Walter Mendez

2.  I.C.C. Vice President- Ana Safazada

3.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera

4.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Brandon Davis

5.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraiser: Christopher Pham

6.  I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim

7.  I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith

8.  I.C.C. Secretary: Jennifer Lee

9.  I.C.C. Senate Rep: Philip Stokes

B.  Voting Club Representatives

1.  Alpha Gamma Sigma (A.G.S.): Chris Pham, Wendy Jimenez

2.  Anthropology Club: Andrew Meyers

3.  Asian Club: Karen Hung and Alicia Liem

4.  Chorale Club: Adrienne Farley

5.  Circle K Club: Steven Guhr

6.  Contemporary Theater Club: Lorne Stevenson

7.  E.C.C. Society of Music: Monica Bruno

8.  Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A.): Kyle Murray

9.  Gay-Straight Alliance (G.S.A.): Mervin Olaes

10.  History Club: Alexander J. Will

11.  Honors Transfer Club: Danielle Parsons

12.  I.D.E.A.S.: Melissa Anacker

13.  IGNITE: Constance Anguiano

14.  Iota Kappa Chi (Nurses): Julia Farfan

15.  Persian Culture Society: Yasamin Komeilizadeh

16.  Political Science Club: Pedrom Adeli

17.  Pre-Health Achievement Club: Clarissa Jones

18.  Psychology Club: Mimi Chavez

19.  Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Jennifer Lee

20.  SGI: Sonya Ueno

21.  Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (S.H.P.E.): Victor Tafolla

22.  Sociology Club: Mina Shafiee, Jose Cholico

23.  Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim

24.  Vision 218: Stacey Yamada

C.  I.C.C. Adviser – Janice Watanabe

D.  Guests

1.  Monica Burke (Sociology Club)

2.  Matthew Hornbeck

III.  Approval of I.C.C. Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of March 18, 2009 made by Tailor Made. Second by: GSA. Motion passed.

IV.  Announcements and Introductions

A.  Club Announcements

1. AGS Chris Pham, Wendy Jimenez

- Meetings: Every other Tues in Soc Sci 106

- Events: 4/4 Car Wash, t-shirt fundraiser

2. Anthropology Club: Andrew Meyers

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in ARTB 334

- Events: Anthro Chat “True Religion” Thurs 4/9/09, 1-2pm

3. Asian Club: Karen, Alicia

- Meetings: 2nd, 4th Friday of each month in Act. Center East Lounge 1:30pm

4. CKI: Steven Guhr

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in MUS 202

- Events: Co- sponsor All Nations Pow Wow 4/4-5

5. Concert Choir Club: Meshelle Lee

- Meetings: Mon,Wed, Fri 11am-1:20pm in MUS 134

- Events: Concert 4/29

6. Contemporary Theater Club: Kimberly Cewan

- Meetings: Every other Thurs, 1-1:50pm in MUS 6

7. ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in MUS 202

8. FDLA: Kyle Murray

- Meetings: In Process 1-2pm in PE 27

9. GSA: Mervin Olaes

- Meetings: Tues 1-2pm in ARTB 317

- Events: LBGLP Pride Event in Long Beach 5/16-17, planning Jamba Juice

10. History Club: Alexander J. Will

- Meetings: Every other Thurs, 1pm in SOC 207

11. HTC: Danielle Parsons

- Meetings: 2nd & 4th 1-1:50pm in NAT SCI 206

- Events: Thai Town 5k Run/Walk To End Polio on 4/5 with Rotaract

12. IDEAS: Melissa Anacker

- Meetings: Mon 1:15-2:15pm in ART 106

- Events: 5/22 ECC Student Show, 5/1-3 Advancement of Ceramic Art

13. IGNITE: Constance Anguiano, Julia Farfan

- Meetings: 11:30am on South Library Lawn

14. Persian Club Society: Yasamin Komeilizadeh, Pedrom Adeli

- Meetings: ART 103

15. Psychology Club: Mimi Chavez

- Meetings: Every other Tues 1pm in ARTB 334

16. Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Jennifer Lee,

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in Act. Center East Lounge

- Events: Skid-Row Hygiene Outreach with District, Thai Town 5k with HTC

17. SGI: Sonya Ueno

- Meetings: Wed 11:45am in CHEM 101

18. SHPE: Victor Tafolla

- Meetings: Tues 1pm in Math 108

19. Sociology Club: Mina Shafiee, Jose Cholico

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in ARTB 317

- Events: Pacific Sociological Assoc. 4/8-11, Ruby’s night fundraiser 4/8-9,
planning Sea Lab field trip

20. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim

- Meetings: Thurs 1-2pm in TechArt 317

- Events: Vintage Sale 4/9 noon-2pm in Act. Center East Lounge (Cash only)
21. Vision 218: Stacey Yamada

- Meetings: Thurs 12:30pm in ARTB 218

V.  Reports

A.  Officer Reports

1.  Finance: Brandon Davis

2.  ASO Senate: Philip Stokes

a) Student Government Candidate Petitions for Upcoming ASO Senate Election

b) CPK “Philanthropizza” 4/1-2 by Galleria, Academic Achievement Recognition (by invitation)

3. Review Board: Michelle Rahim

a) Persian Culture Society officially reactivated.

B.  Bloodmobile - Brandon Davis, Jennifer Lee and Michelle Rahim

1.  338 units collected- ECC all time high

2.  A3M Bone Marrow Registration Drive: 78 donors

VI.  Business Items

A.  Approval of Cabinet Appointment- Walter Mendez

1.  Commissioner of Fundraising

Motion to approve Christopher Pham as I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraising was made by: IDEAS, Second by: Contemporary Theater Club. Motion passed.

B.  Approval of Finance Committee Recommendations – Brandon Davis

1.  Sociology Club Budget Request- Approval of up to $100 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 to pay for partial expenses for members of ECC Sociology Club to attend Pacific Sociological Assoc. Annual Mtg., 4/8-11, 2009 in San Diego.

2.  AGS Budget Request- Approval of up to $300 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 to pay for partial expenses for members / advisor of AGS to attend AGS So. Cal. Conference 4/24-26, 2009 in Ontario, Cali.

3.  GSA Budget Request - Approval of up to $125 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 to pay for partial expenses for GSA booth space at Long Beach Gay & Lesbian Pride Festival.

4.  IDEAS Art Club Budget Request- Approval of up to $125 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 to pay for partial hotel expenses for members of IDEAS to attend Cali. Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art from 5/1-3, 2009 at UCD.

Motion to approve the club budget requests as recommended by the I.C.C. Finance Committee for Sociology Club, A.G.S., G.S.A. and I.D.E.A.S. made by G.S.A., Second by: A.G.S. Motion passed.

5.  I.C.C. Recognition Banquet Budget-Approval of $3,880 from I.C.C. Banquet Account #836507 for 2009 I.C.C. Recognition expenses (Shade Hotel Location, décor, food, awards, invitations, programs, & DJ. Budget included on back of agenda.)

Motion to approve I.C.C. Banquet Budget as presented made by: Tailor Made Second by: Contemporary Theater Club. Motion passed.

6.  I.C.C. Spring Games- Approval of up to $200 from I.C.C. New Club Support Account #836508 for Spring Games expenses/ trophies.

Motion to approve expenses for I.C.C. Spring Games made by Pre-Health Club Second by: Rotaract. Motion passed.

VII.  Information Items

A.  Spring Games – Lucy Rivera, Walter Mendez and Brandon Davis

1.  Ideas- Jeopardy, Twister, Hula Hoop competition

2.  4/24/2009 on Library Lawn at noon

B.  I.C.C. Recognition Banquet- Walter Mendez

1.  Awards/ recognition given to reps/clubs on 5/29/2009 from 1-3pm at Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach.

2.  Criteria for invitation to be determined. RSVP Spots Limited.

VIII.  Future I.C.C. Meetings

A.  I.C.C. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, April 6th at 1 pm in the I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due by Friday, April 3rd (see I.C.C. Club Budget Request Procedures).

B.  General Meeting – Wednesday, April 8th at 12pm in the Cafeteria Stadium Room

IX.  Open Discussion- International Food Festival- Looking for cultural event ideas.

X.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by IGNITE. Second by Anthropology Club. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:35pm

Minutes recorded by Jennifer Lee

Verified by:


Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser

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