Science 6th – Unit 1 Geology (Week 3) Minerals Student Name: ______

NOTE: You will conference with the teacher after you have completed your Pretest Analysis form and begin working on your choice board.

Graduation Competency MS3: Students will understand and analyze lithospheric materials, tectonic processes, and the human and environmental impacts of natural and human-induced changes to Earth’s surface.
Pre-Test Analysis results (please ATTACH your analysis sheet): ______
DOK Level to begin on for Performance Indicator B: ______Teacher Initials: ______
Performance Indicators that may be skipped entirely: ______Teacher Initials: ______
Note: A placed on the lines next to the learning target indicates that you MUST complete the activities. An X indicates that you are EXEMPT from the activities.
Performance Indicator:
B. Determine the composition and formation of the predominate type of rock in your area and create a story explaining the history of the rock including the geologic profile.
Ultimate ELEMENT TYPE (place an X on one type)
____ (K)nowledge
____ (R)easoning
____ (P)erformance Skill _X _ (P)roduct / DOK 1
Learning Target: ______
K 2 – I can define rocks in terms of minerals.
1.  Small group/whole group instruction.
Learning Target: ______
K 6 -– I can identify mineral properties.
1.  Sepup Activity 15 – “Mineral Properties” – Students will read and collect information on a variety of mineral properties.
2.  Sepup Activity 13 – “Diamond Dilemma” – Students will follow simple procedures to test a variety of mineral properties. / DOK 2
Learning Target: ______
R3 – I can classify minerals based on mineral properties.
Activity (CHOOSE 1 OPTION):
Option 1: Sepup Activity 17 – “The Minerals in Rocks”– Students will test and collect data on minerals found in granite and limestone. Students will compare collected and known data to determine which rock contains which mineral.
Option 2: Gizmo – “Mineral Identification” (ONLINE OPTION) – Students will complete an online lab identifying minerals based on both collected and known data.
Option 3: Mineral Identification WS – Students will complete a worksheet that provides information on mineral samples. Students will compare information given to known data in order to identify the minerals in each example. / DOK 3
Learning Target: ______
R4 – I can design an investigation to identify a mineral.
1.  Sepup Activity 16 – “Mineral Identification” - Students will design an experiment to determine which mineral sample they have been given. / DOK 4
REQUIRED of all students:
Performance Indicator:
G. Create a campaign to raise public awareness and encourage environmental stewardship in your community.
Ultimate ELEMENT TYPE (place an X on one type)
____ (K)nowledge
____ (R)easoning
____ (P)erformance Skill _X__ (P)roduct
(rubric and expectations attached)