We recommend that you discuss your project with us first prior to submitting the application, you can email or call us 0751 445 2783. Please ensure you read the Grant Guidance notes before completing this application form - . Pleaseanswer all questions and provide as much information as possible.
Section 1: Please provide details of your organisationName of organisation
Type / Choose an item. Charity/Community Group/Community Interest Company/Cooperative/Social Enterprise/Other* circle or highlight appropriate one
If Other please specify
Date of formation
Main Contact / First Name: / Surname:
Position in organisation
Full address
(including postcode)
Email address
Telephone / Daytime: / Alternative:
Annual net profit?
(from last set of annual accounts) / £
Section 2: Please tell us about your project
1. / How much are you applying for? Past spend or activities will not be funded – do not spend any money on this project prior to approval and acceptance of a grant offer. / £
2. / What date do you need the funds by? (please do not put ASAP)
3. / Have you applied to Soirbheas for a grant for this, or any other project before? / YES / NO
If you have applied to Soirbheas before, what is the date of your application?
Was your application successful? / YES / NO
4. / Are you aware of any statutory responsibility* relating to the delivery of this project?
*e.g an obligation or responsibility for the local authority to deliver the project or services / YES / NO
If yes, please give details
5. / Has any funding for this project been received or applied for from any other source? / YES / NO
If Yes, please give details:
6. / Tell us about your project: The more information you provide about your project the greater the likelihood of a successful application. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
What is the aim of your project and how have you identified a need for it?
Which of Soirbheas’ objectives (see Grant Funding Guidance) will this project meet and how will it meet them?
Tell us about the people who will benefit from the project, including how many, their age and gender.
What difference will your project make in the community and how will these changes be measured?
7. / When will your project take place?
Past spend or activities will not be funded / Start date: / End date:
Section 3: Finishing your application
1. / Please ensure that you have enclosed the following with your application / Tick
A copy of the organisation’s constitution
A copy of the most recent annual accounts
A project budget (plus evidence of costs, 2 quotes required for items costing £300 or over)
A copy of the organisation’s Child & Vulnerable Adults Policy (if applicable)
2. / Please also provide your bank details (required if the application is successful):
Account Holder
Sort Code
Account Number
Section 4: Declaration
I/Wedeclare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I am authorised to make the application on behalf of the above group.
Signed / Date
Print Name
Please send completed application to email: r by post to C/0 Carol Masheter, Hill Crest, Crask of Aigas, Beauly Inverness-shire IV4 7AD.
NB - All Tier 1 applications will be scored against the same set of criteria.
Version August 2016