Music KS3 Assessment Overview

The music assessment system is geared towards equipping pupils with the skills needed to successfully access the KS4 GCSE curriculum whilst also affording numerous performance and composition opportunities designed to enable students to realise their potential and enjoy a rounded experience of music.

Yr7 and 8 students will receive 100 minutes of classroom music each fortnight, whilst yr9 students may opt to continue their study of music and will subsequently receive 150 minutes of classroom music each fortnight. Classroom time will be divided between a study of music theory and analysis, solo and ensemble performance tasks and composition activities.This division of content is in line with the music GCSE requirements, wherein students are graded according to performances (30%), composition (30%) and a listening/theory exam (40%).

In addition to classroom music time, we are able to supplement learning with instrumental lessons and numerous extra-curricular opportunities. Pupils that choose to study an instrument and will be provided with a 25 minute weekly lesson at no cost. In most cases we are also able to provide instruments.

Music KS3 Assessment Overview

  • Students will study 3 units per year
  • Each unit will be graded out of 100

Year 7 / Task / % Weighting / Total
Elements of music / Solo performance / 40 / 100%
Ensemble performance / 40
Music theory test / 20
World music / Solo performance / 50 / 100%
Vocal performance / 20
Written analysis response / 30
Band Project / Composition skills / 35 / 100%
Ensemble performance / 35
Written analysis response / 30
Year 8 / Task / % Weighting / Total
Blues into Jazz / Solo performance / 40 / 100%
Ensemble performance / 40
Music theory test / 20
Popular music / Singing performance / 20 / 100%
Ensemble performance / 50
Written analysis response / 30
Music Technology / Solo composition / 40 / 100%
Use of technology / 40
Written analysis response / 20
Year 9 / Task / % Weighting / Total
Baroque Music / Ensemble performance / 35 / 100%
Solo performance / 35
Written analysis / 30
Song writing / Solo Composition / 35 / 100%
Ensemble performance / 35
Written analysis response / 30
Film Music / Ensemble performance / 35 / 100%
Solo composition / 35
Listening exam / 30