Cosby High School

Oct 2nd, 2017

PTSO Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Vicki Cangelosi. A motion to approve September 11th minutes was made by Lydia Kalata and Brooke Mancini seconded the motion. All were in favor and minutes were approved as presented. There were 9 members in attendance.

SCA REPORT- No report

TREASURER’S REPORT- Jen Thompson presented her September report. The current balance in checking account is $25,332.14. The books are in balance and have been reconciled to the Village Bank account.

Highlights include:

·  Income

o  Membership $3637

o  T-shirts $806

o  Invest Now $694

o  Legacy Bricks $300

·  Expenses

o  T-shirt Totes $101.78

o  Teacher BTS Supplies $84.87

o  Back to School Breakfast supplies $182.47

o  Membership forms $30.03

o  Admin $26.92

A motion to approve Treasurer’s September report was made by Darline Wilder and Vicki Cangelosi seconded the motion. All were in favor and the report was approved as presented.

Jen Thompson presented the budget for the 2017/18 school year. There are no additional line items over last year. There is a small increase to the Hospitality budget this year.

Motion to approve the 2017/18 PTSO Budget was made by Vicki Cangelosi and Lydia Kalata seconded the motion. All were in favor and the budget was approved as presented.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vicki Cangelosi thanked everyone who supported Back to School night. Spirit T-shirts were popular and sales were higher than expected.

Vicky introduced Kelly Dyer who has accepted the open position of Hospitality chair. Lydia will ensure that Kelly has the Hospitality binder from Melissa Johnson and the other team will help Kelly get everything off the ground. Lori Eubank will continue to help this team and the first event will be Halloween treats provided for the faculty on October 31st.

V.P. REPORT - Brooke Mancini presented her report.

·  Bricks - Fiona Harwood reported that there have been 12 brick orders to date and an order will be placed with Bricks R Us.

·  Invest Now - $944 has been donated to date

·  Fundraising - $47 was received from the first Spirit night at Chick-Fil-A in September.

o  There will be a Panera Bread fundraiser on Oct 27th and PTSO will receive 20% of Cosby orders. Brooke will provide a digital flyer for anyone to present at Panera.

o  On Oct 30th there will be a spirit night at Panda Express from 2-8pm and Cosby will again receive 20% of all Cosby orders.

o  Kroger rewards - In August the PTSO received $1,176.54 and another $971.83 in September. Brooke will resend the instructions to link Kroger Reward cards to Cosby.

o  Spirit T- shirts sales on Back to School Night - $541

o  Denim drive - jeans were dropped off and Cosby has received an award.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Mrs. Fial presented the report on Mr. Snyder’s behalf.

·  Mr. Snyder sent his apologies but had to attend the Specialty Center Fair.

·  Cosby will be presented with a check for the Denim Drive at the School Board meeting on Oct 10th. School recognitions are done at the beginning of the meeting and anyone attending can leave by 7pm. Mr. Snyder will attend the meeting.

·  Homecoming week Oct 9-14

Review from last month

o  Class fundraising competition all week for hurricane victims - proceeds will be donated to Direct Relief

o  Spirit Week themes are as follows:

§  America Monday

§  Tourist Tuesday

§  Wildlife Wednesday

§  Heroes vs Villains Thursday

§  Class Distinction Friday (White - Fresh, Blue - Soph, Black - Junior, Togas - Senior)

·  Homecoming Dance - requesting volunteers for ticket sales, registration, refreshments and shoe collection. School messenger emails have been sent out requesting volunteers.

·  Earth Science PLC - Recycling awareness - plastic bag/bottle cap collection for a competition in first period classes. Flyers are being printed and bins will be available to collect the plastic bags. The first period class that collects the most bags in pounds by April 13th will receive a donut breakfast.

·  Parent Teacher Conference day Nov 6 from 10am - 6pm (a change from previous years) and Mr. Snyder has asked if the PTSO would be prepared to provide lunch for the faculty. Kelly Dyer’s team wil be responsible for this lunch which is usually a boxed or sub lunch.

·  Lydia mentioned that she had received an email from the Cosby office requesting office cover from 11 am - 1:30pm on Oct 6th so the office staff can attend the staff development meeting. Vicki and Renee Crawford will volunteer their time.

FACULTY REPORT - no report, Mrs. Canipe sent her apologies.


HOSPITALITY - Homecoming Dance - Lydia Kalata reported that the chocolate fountain has been ordered for the dance and she reminded Jen that this needs to be paid for by check on the night and is dependent on the amount of chocolate consumed. Lydia is concerned with the current price of strawberries!

Kelly Dyer’s team will be responsible for the teacher lunch on Nov 6th.

MEMBERSHIP - Darline noted that there are 746 members to date but she has still has memberships to process. Last year there were a total of 814 members. There are a few Faculty members who have not joined but Anne Canipe will ensure there is a 100% join rate.

VOLUNTEERS - Brooke reminded everyone that they will need someone to assist with setting up and managing Homecoming ticket sales next week.

GROUNDS- no report

POST PROM - Vicky and Lisa Gross met with Darline and Tonya. Lisa is still in need of a co-chair. The decision was made to hold the 2018 Post Prom in the school gym instead of at XL Sports.

WEBSITE REPORT - Jen Thompson has updated the credit card on the website.

BOOSTER SHOTS - Booster shots has sent out a volunteer sign up genius for Homecoming to their members.


NEW BUSINESS- Jen Thompson has bought a cash box for PTSO use.

ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 7:48pm

The next meeting will be held on November 13th at 7:00pm in the Forum at Cosby.