Florence High School


Class Syllabus 2016 -2017

Instructor: Rita Callahan Room: 20

Conference Hours / Planning Periods: 2A & 4B; 7:30 – 8:15 am

Phone: 601-845-2205

Morning Duty: Each Tuesday,7:30 – 8:15

Email: Website:

Course Description:This course focuses on the state’s rich literary heritage through the study of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and non-traditional genres of literature. This course will identify major sources and themes of twentieth century and contemporary Mississippi writing and writers.

Class Motto: HigherThinking is Greater Learning!


  1. Students are expected to bring binder with paper and pen or pencil to class each day.
  2. All work done must include name, date,and class block.
  3. Students must participate in all classwork, including oral activities. All students must pay attention and know where we are and what we are working on at all times. Students must listen when the teacher or another student is talking and be recognized before speaking.
  4. If you are absent, make-up work is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. It should be made up immediately upon your return.Make-up tests can be taken before school or after school – NOT during the class period.
  5. Students who wish to Redosummative assignmentsthat have earned a substandard grade must:
  1. Inform the teacher…..b. Report for tutoring at least 2 days prior to being given the Redo.
  1. Respect is essential is this classroom – for yourself, your classmates, the teacher, the property, and the subject we are studying.

Course Materials

Text: Readings and research assigned by instructor

1 – 2 inch 3-Ring Binder with filler paper

Three prong pocket folder

Pen or Pencil



Students must attend at least 80 classes in a course scheduled all year and at least 40 classes in a course scheduled for one semester.


A student is tardy for school if he/she arrives at school after the tardy bell has rung. If a study is tardy, he or she will be subject to the school’s tardy policy. Tardies to school and class will be counted per semester of the school year and all tardy reports will be kept on file in the principal’s office.


Food and snacks are not permitted except on special occasions. Only water and non-carbonated drinks are allowed (with re-closable tops), except on special occasions.


Rules Rewards

  1. Begin working immediately after the bell 1. Praise from the teacher
  2. Respect the teacher and fellow students 2. Trinkets & Treats
  3. Respect school property (books, desks, etc.) 3. Tardy Pass
  4. Respect the learning atmosphere 4. Late assignment Pass
  5. Be recognized before speaking 5. Positive note to Parent / Guardian
  6. Adhere to food and drink policy


  1. Fair warnings 5. Student-Teacher conference
  2. Classroom standing 6. Disciplinary Referral
  3. Parental contact
  4. Morning Detention


Students may be exempt from the FINAL EXAM in May if they meet the following requirements, which are outlined by the RankinCountySchool District.

Seniors: must have an 80 or above average for the year.

9th – 11th: must have a 90 or above average for the year.

Perfect Attendance: a student who has perfect attendance for the year must have a 70 or above average.

*Tardies and early check-outs will be considered in calculating perfect attendance.

****Students with missing assignments at the end of any grading period are not eligible for Exemptions.

Grading Grading Scale

Tests & projects (summative)...... ………... …60% A = 90-100

Daily assignments, quizzes(formative)………………………………40% B = 80-89

Semester and Final Exam - 20% of each semester C = 70-79

Extra help is available before and after school. D = 60-69

F = 0-59

Course Objectives:

  1. To recognize the contribution of Mississippi writers to the historical, political and social aspects of American society as a whole and Mississippi society as well.
  2. To recognize the accomplishments and achievements of Mississippi writers in relation to American and world literature.
  3. To recognize that Mississippi writing is an expression of a particular place that achieves universality.

Quarter 1:

Introduction to traditional and non-traditional genres

Mississippi poetry

Dramatic literature

Work of short story writers

Quarter 2:

Work of novelists

Non-fiction works

Non-traditional genre

*The contents of this syllabus are subject to changes and revisions, written or verbal.

Statement of Acknowledgement and Accountability

As a student of the Spanish I / MS Writers / Journalism / Learning Strategies class, I acknowledge receipt of the class syllabus, which is available to review and read on Mrs. Callahan’s website, and I am responsible for knowing its content. I also acknowledge that I am accountable to the stipulation of this class, as supported by Florence High School and the Rankin County School District.

*Students will sign and date a hard copy of Statement.