8th Grade ELA with Mr. Sundlin in Rm 108

In a 1,000,000 words or less…

Yes, we aregiving you a writing assignment! The reason: it usually takes a great deal of time to get to knowyourson/daughter. We would love to be able to sit down and have an in-depth conference with each of you at the beginning of the year so you could tell us more about your child. Instead you get to hear us talk about class curriculum, etc. So this is an opportunity to let us know what you always wish teachers knew from the get-go about your son/daughter. You are your child’s true teacher with oodles of experiences and information to share!

In a million words or less, tell us what you think we should know about your child.

I will read each and every letter to learn how to best support your child’s education.

Please, take your time completing this, but try to get them back byWednesday,September,3rd. You can email the responses to Mr. Sundlin at:or send the letter in with your child.

Your letter should include anything that you think will help usunderstand your child better as the unique and special person they are. Understanding them better can help us inspire and support them more easily through class discussions, activities, or assignments used in class. You can include strengths /weaknesses, major life events, interests, special talents, family traditions/values anything that makes your child the person they are. The insight and perspective you share will be greatly appreciated because you know your child best. In addition,please include the best way/times to contact you if needed.

Your child is in for a GREAT year! I’mexcited to be a part of the Field community and looking forward to a very exciting and busy year. The key is communication. Please use the 8th grade newsletter, my webpage/calendar, parent portal, and email as a way of keeping on top of what is happening in class and what’s for homework if your child doesn’t share with you. The campus parent portal should be checked regularly for your child’s progress in each class. Please email me with any questions or concerns as they arise. It’s going to be a fantastic year! Thank you so much (in advance) for the effort you put into this “assignment”.


Michael Sundlin

8th Grade English Language Arts