
FBYFL Board Meeting Minutes

6:20 pmMeeting calledto order.

Board members

Board Member / Present (Y/N) / Board Member / Present (Y/N)
Lance Howard / Y / Derrick Gray / Y
Kevin Gillum / Y / Traci Laurel / Y
Jackie Allen / Y / Kyle Christensen / Y
Kim Howard / Y / Scott Wilson / Y
Jessica Tomsu / Y / Josh Kerls / Y
Derick Sargent / N / Kara Siver / N

Treasurer Report:

To Date - $16,804

Paid storage unit for 6 months

To keep Domain for the year was $15


Feb 15th practice starts – one day a week

Games start Feb 27th and run through Apr 9th

5th and 6th grade will be competitive for boys and girls

3rd and 4th grade will be fundamentals – first 30 minutes will be learning a new skill

Pictures to be scheduled through Strawbridge

Competitive will be man to man with full court pass with no trap

Bought new equipment for basketball – we spent $883 for basketballs and storage cart.

Basketball pays for itself. We will not use football funds to pay for any basketball

Buy lunch for the referees during games. Touched base with Boardwalk café to see if they could cater it for us.

Kevin will talk to the Italian Ice company to see if they would be interested in attending games for basketball

Concession – water, Gatorade, popcorn and candy

5th and 6th grade tournament – will reach out to the school to see if we can get the following weekend about getting the Junior High Gym.


Attendance of Board Members not coming to scheduled meetings. By-Laws state 3 board meeting in a row may result in removal from the board. Lance will reach out to any board member that has not made meetings to make sure we have the correct contact information.

Fundraising – off season for the board members. Ideas include:

Discount Card

Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough

Breakfast fundraiser with Applebees

By-Laws – will send out to the board members and will vote at the next meeting.

Shop with a coach – Derrick suggested we put something together like this either at the end of the season or before school starts

Sponsorship – will put together next board meeting. Board members to bring ideas and suggestions.

Scott asks if we can get tents with Hornets. Jessica will ask Balfour. Kyle will contact one of the surf clubs to see where they get the ones that they use.

Derrick would like to try to get the Rugby team out to work with the kids during the summer

Field update – Lance had a meeting with Central Administration to discuss the use of the field. Cost of Junior High should remain the same. The high school field, do not have a price for it but we will not have concession. We were asked to resend our facility request for the Junior High field for the fall. This year, we will put in a facility request once we have dates for the home games that we are hosting.

We have separated ourselves from Bill Witt field. We have taken our name off the lease with the city and communicated that with the Padre teams.

Photographers – action shots, Kyle will looked into this

Football Update:

Uniforms – looking at going through Balfour, $90 to include Pants, Jersey, pants and wrist band. Will be talking to her about getting a different jersey to reduce the cost.

Riddell – will continue to recommend them and have them for registration.

Cheer Update:

Jessica would like to have cheer put together a spirit shop. The league would fund it. Lance makes a motion for the spirit shop… Josh seconds the motion. All in favor

Jackie asked that before funds are spent, please talk to her first to make sure the money is in the bank.

Uniforms for cheer – will go through Balfour, $100 full package price $75 for uniform only. Wanted to charge $160.00 for registration.

Nextmeeting scheduled for March 9that 6 pm at Transportation building.

Lance Adjourns meeting at 7:00 PM